Introducing Malex

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Introducing Malex

Post by Malexburp »

Greetings fellow aspiring early retirees. I go by Malex, burp or Mburp, not to be confused with the one hit wonder, Hanson's MMMBop. Aside from this strange pseudonym, I consider myself a moderate mid 30s aspiring early retiree.

I'm game, but my wife and son probably wouldn't like living in a converted Ford Econoline or RV. So we make due with a modest brick ranch located in a large city in one of the great lakes states. The ranch will be paid in full sometime in late 2018.

Being 6'7" and nearly 200 lbs my body requires meat potatoes and other relatively expensive metabolic fuel. My size notwithstanding, never could stomach lentil soup. Grocery bill is kept under $400/month via patronage to Aldi and an expired food store, checking calendar to avoid first of the month.

Through a combination of going to University at the lowest cost in state school and getting graduate education for free (very lucky) we are debt free besides remaining mortgage balance. I commute 20 min one way in a late 90s Detroit built cruiser that is worth less than the gas I put in it annually. Wife stays at home, while I have low stress gvt job in IT/business with good pay for the market, great benefits and a ridiculous amount of PTO. Essentially I have worked less than 40 hours every week this year.

We are currently stockpiling cash to pay off mortgage and save over 50% of our take-home pay. Retirement assets (index funds) around 170k, but I think the market is overvalued. Have experience in dividend growth investing and will likely pursue this strategy after mortgage payoff.

Hobbies include cars - fixing, maintaining and trolling Craigslist for my next cheap ride. Modest Home Improvement projects - I installed a toilet and it didn't leak when I flushed it :). And General Life hacking, make my own yogurt and borax based laundry detergent. Tried starting a blog a couple years ago but it was a hot mess.

Looking forward to interacting with like-minded folks. I hazard a guess there's lots of intj up in here.


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Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:57 am

Re: Introducing Malex

Post by Farm_or »


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Location: Germany

Re: Introducing Malex

Post by wolf »

Welcome Malex to the ERE Forum!

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