Hello from Sweden

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Hello from Sweden

Post by lordmetroid »

Hello all,

I got my first real job four years ago at the age of 28 as a production artist for a friend's company. Before that I had enjoyed life as unemployed or a student with some stray summer jobs. I have never liked the idea of a regular job, and ever since I started working full time I have loathed being an employee; waking up on command, taking orders and having no time of one's own. At work, at times when I was particularly unhappy, I sporadically surfed the Internet searching for like minded people and this Christmas I happen to get hooked up with the communities and network of websites who promotes the Extremely Early Retirement philosophy. I have now embarked on this adventure myself to achieve financial independence as soon as I possible can.

I have always lived an extremely frugal lifestyle compared to everyone else I know, saving as much as I possible could just for savings sake. A couple of years ago I also started to subscribe to the minimalist philosophy which has really allowed me to accumulate capital, most of it has been going to building my own house which I moved into this January and now I am investing as much as I can.

I am currently 32 years old and based on the amount I can save out of the paycheck from my regular job I would be financial independent in about 8 years on an existential base level. 12 years if I want to accumulate enough to allow for yearly travels which I would very much enjoy to do.

However, I am way too impatient to wait that long just grinding and loathing my existence as an employee. Instead, my plan is to pursue my hobby as a solo-entrepreneur and getting my own business up and running. With the extra income from my own enterprise I am hoping to become financially independent at the ripe age of 35, a mere 3 years from now. At which time I will quit my regular job and leisurely continue to engage in my hobby full time.

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Re: Hello from Sweden

Post by eidolon »

Welcome! I'm in almost exactly the same place of being 31, knowing that the math adds up to FI at age 42, but not being able to wait that long in a career I'm dissatisfied with. Like you, I'm hoping to get enough side projects going to bring in income that will allow me to quit my day job at age 35.

It's funny how quickly I went from, "Wow, I'll be able to retire at 42, this is great!" to feeling, "Ugh, there is no way I'm staying in this career that long." I tell myself that defining my goal of free in 2018 helps make it happen... we'll see how it goes!

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Re: Hello from Sweden

Post by 1Vikinggirl »

Hej och välkommen,
You have a very realistic plan and with your starting point there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to reach your goals. And remember, there are many ways of working and living before FI, some could be less awful.
Especially since the Swedish social system is (by international comparison) marvellous and gives such peace of mind. Do keep your eye on the money though, make all you can for the next few years.
Good luck!

Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:52 am
Location: Sweden

Re: Hello from Sweden

Post by Cloudberry »

I am in the same position, quite young and not financially ready to retire for good but with good savings after working for 4 years in Stockholm... so I recently quit working at the age of 29! But I'm sure you'll hold on for longer :)
Sweden is a really good place to save!

Good luck :)

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