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Big hello from a lurker in Chicago

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:21 am
by AtticusFinch
Hey fellow savers.
I'm happy to make your aquaintance. I came across Jacob's book about a year ago after telling a friend that I had recently changed my relationship with money after reading Your Money or Your Life. Luckily for me he is a savvy dude and pointed me to ERE as the next steps and I have been going it alone lurking in the forums now and then for inspiration. Finally joining in the talk after rereading ERE this month and finally meeting Jacob IRL, (I had never met a favorite author in the flesh so that was great, Jacob is a super sharp and humble dude.) 

I am mostly looking for tips and support breaking 'out of the cave' if you will. I have recently graduated from University and am in a new relationship which I enjoy, but I find myself being called time and time again to SPEND. I know that having lots of stuff and going into debt wont make me happy, but I just feel drawn towards spending/consuming to express myself more often now that I am no longer a student and am dating in the real world. 

The reality of saving in an ultra spending focused society kind of bites but I have a solid foundation thanks to some positive friendships (big shoutout to TheAnimal, if this were 'consumption addicts anonymous' he would be my sponsor) and thanks to Jacob's visionary work in ERE. When I gifted the book to some interested friends and family, I described it as the most empowering literature on financial and life philosophy out there, the finest dope on the self help streets if you will. So thanks for the inspiration Jacob. (And for the buttered popcorn that DW put out at the meet up... that's the real finest dope on the street...)

About me: I really love woodworking, foreign languages, coffee, and hikes. I live near a forest preserve in the southwest suburbs so if you are in Chicago hit me up and we can go for a weekend hike or you want to work on your spanish over coffee. Anyways I'm happy to be here and that my lurking days are over.

Re: Big hello from a lurker in Chicago

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:54 am
by bradley
Welcome! I understand what you mean about the temptation to spend, spend, spend. I haven't mastered how to suppress that urge yet, but one thing that helps is the questions from Your Money or Your Life: Will this fulfill me (with respect to life hours traded for it)? Is this aligned with my life purpose/values? Will I need this when I'm financially independent?

It's easier to say no to spending if the answer is no to one (or more) of these questions. And if the answer is yes, then the question becomes, what's an alternative that costs less or nothing? The beauty of ERE-thinking is that you become more creative.

Re: Big hello from a lurker in Chicago

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:37 am
by inchicago
Hi Atticus-Some good hobbies there. :) What are your favorite languages to study? I'm learning Danish and am considering Hebrew, at least to read it, because I think it looks so cool. :)

There are several meetup groups that have hikes all over Chicagoland. I belong to a few of those groups myself.

It's actually not that bad with saving in this society. I for one at least sleep good at night knowing I can cover my bills for a decent amount of time if I lost my job or had something major come up. Most people cannot say that. I used to have so much stuff. I actually worried about all that stuff. What is someone broke in? (Or never mind, I paid for an alarm system.) Or where do I put it all? (No problem, I'll put it in the storage bin we pay $130/per month for.) When I look back on all that and realize just how stupid all that was, I don't feel the slightest bit wrong for saving $.

I live in a 2-bedroom condo which makes it difficult to buy a lot. There simply isn't room for two people, a dog, and a bunch of stuff.

Congratulations on your new found knowledge and best wishes for a Happy New Year!