Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by halfmoon »

This is one of my favorite books. I've bought several paper copies and given them away, so I was delighted to discover that it can be downloaded free from Project Gutenberg:

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by C40 »

Ego posted a link to some video on the YETI Youtube Channel and now I've been going through their videos. They are freaking awesome. Like, every single one.

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Ego »

The always interesting folks from DriveNachoDrive returned from their VW trip around the world, had a baby and bought a famous sailboat on which they are now living.

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Bobby McGee »

Ego wrote:Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing ~ Helen Keller


ERE can help to buy freedom and may provide tools for dealing with outright exposure, but freedom and tools get rusty without use. Here is a thread dedicated to those who are using them to the fullest.

If you believe it to be an adventure then post it. There is no right answer. The adventure can be in your head or on a spaceship to mars.

Well, I gave my resignation letter to my boss on Monday afternoon. She knew it was coming since I told her 6 months ago that I would pull the plug in the spring. I will be there until late March. Then I will start what I call my semi-retirement and maybe full retirement in 5 years. I am 28 years old.

I have always been into adventure. Multi-weeks canoeing trips in Northern Canada, 5 weeks solo kayaking trip on one of the longest river in the world, self-supported cross country ski trip. Each time I was going on a big adventure I got comments about how I was brave and so energetic to do those things. Often too, people would tell me how lucky I would be to do all this. They would be quite envious. " You are living my dream"

I started to tell people around me about the resignation thing and retirement. This is a much more bigger adventure than any other trips I did. The "pulling the plug" adventure. I am much more stressed out now than the night before I left for my solo kayaking trip. I am full of doubts, but I know I am doing the right thing and that everything will work out. This is, in comparison, much safer than any trips I have done. No under current swapping my canoe in icy water, no drunk man harassing me at the edge of the village, no grizzly bear sniffing my tent. My life is in no way in danger.

Yet, it is interesting that most comments I get are about how uncertain the future may be for me, negative comments in general. How this is such a dangerous thing to do. How can I dare leaving such a stable job ? Now that I will have time to do even more adventures, it is not seen as something positive. I am seen as reckless now. This is no dream.

Of course, I didn't divulgate all the details of my financial situation to these persons. I would get even more questions, unpleasant ones I believe. " What ? you really lived on 30% of your income ? " What do you mean, you dress at Sally Ann ? "

I hope this will be one of my biggest adventure I will have to live during my time on this planet.
Amen !

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Ego »

C40 wrote:A 105 year old recently completed a bicyling hour record ride. He's the only person over 105 years old to make an attempt, so he automatically has the record for that age category (105-110?). Before I link to it, you need some context of the "Hour Record"
At the age of 105, the French amateur cyclist and world-record holder Robert Marchand is more aerobically fit than most 50-year-olds — and appears to be getting even fitter as he ages, according to a revelatory new study of his physiology. ... clist.html

High intensity at 105. He takes no medications.

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Ego »

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Ego »

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Eureka »

Bobby McGee wrote:
it is interesting that most comments I get are about how uncertain the future may be for me, negative comments in general. How this is such a dangerous thing to do. How can I dare leaving such a stable job ? Now that I will have time to do even more adventures, it is not seen as something positive. I am seen as reckless now.
First of all a huge congratulation on your resignation. You are doing exactly what I am very close to doing and you describe the reactions so well. Instead of well wishes and trust in that I do this after thorough considerations and that I am looking forward to it like crazy, I hear disbelief - both in that it is going to work out and that I will actually do it.

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Ego »

You don't want to be a cheerleader.
Cheerleaders cheer for other people.
You want people to cheer for you.
The game is on the field.
Life is to participate, not to spectate.

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Ego »

Zero money bike tour. Cycling from above the arctic circle in Finland to Germany on a recycled bicycle with no money while eating road kill and dumpster food, and sleeping in a hand stitched teepee. He paid for the ferry by picking up cans along the roadside and recycling them.

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by luxagraf »

I dislike self promotional stuff and I won't be offended if the moderators want to delete this post, but I thought I'd throw it out there if anyone is interested.

My family and I recently sold pretty much everything we own, including our house, and hit the road in a 1969 RV that I restored. If anyone is interested in following along I'll be posting updates on my site:

A couple things: 1) I don't write about money much, but I am tracking all expenses and will eventually get around to posting some cost info somewhere on the site. 2) We didn't sell everything and move into an RV to save money, so far cost wise it's been cheaper than the house, but not by much (we're on the east coast where free camping is hard to come by) 3) I'd be the last person to call this daring, especially to this crowd.

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Ego »

@Luxagraf, that is a great adventure and is most certainly daring! An absolutely beautiful family and a rolling catastrophe of a vehicle, what more could you ask for from life? I have bookmarked you next to C40's blog.

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by luxagraf »

Ego wrote:
Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:13 am
a rolling catastrophe of a vehicle
hey now. it runs. except when it doesn't.
Ego wrote:
Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:13 am
I have bookmarked you next to C40's blog.
ooo, nice, I did not know c40's had a blog, added that to my feeds, thanks.

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Ego »

luxagraf wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:23 pm
Ego wrote:
Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:13 am
a rolling catastrophe of a vehicle
hey now. it runs. except when it doesn't.

Since writing that I read your conversion posts, especially the 8-track post, and felt bad about my rolling catastrophe comment. And Tools, that was particularly good.

We are not things, Watts was fond of saying, we are happenings. But we are happenings with things. Specifically with tools, many of which help us happen in one way or another. What to make of these tools then?

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

I agree with Ego (and when does that happen?) I hope you have a great adventure with your lovely family!

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Ego »

I enjoyed these well made videos. Wouldn't it be great to have that kind of talent?




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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Kriegsspiel » ... d-age.html

The second video was interesting. He mentions at one point how he thought the 60s were a really great time because the US was so prosperous, you could live well for very cheap if you knew how to do a few things a certain way. It's funny how that works.

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by Smashter »

That was awesome. I cannot believe that dude is 82. He could beat most of my millennial friends in arm wrestling.

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by theanimal »

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Re: Life is a Daring Adventure | The Inspiration Thread

Post by theanimal »

The Desert Life

"Alf Randell is a self-described "dirtbag" who has spent nearly a decade of his life climbing amongst the soaring sandstone cliffs of Indian Creek, Utah. In November, 2011, I spent some time climbing with Alf and documented his life in "The Creek," his love of tall splitter cracks, and his decision to shun city life in favor of a small camper in the middle of the Utah desert."

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