Sock Knitting

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Sock Knitting

Post by mathiverse »

How long did you knit before tackling a sock project? Any tips for knitting socks? Thoughts on using circular needles versus double pointed needles? All other thoughts and comments are welcome.

I'm in the middle of making a scarf which seems to be a common first project. I want to make a good scarf since I could use one given the weather recently! I plan to tackle a sock next. I have about a year before I will want to replace my current socks. I'm hoping to make all my replacement socks rather than purchasing new ones. I gathered sock yarn and needles from freecycle, so I have all of the supplies I need.

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Re: Sock Knitting

Post by AnalyticalEngine »

I used to knit a bunch of socks but I stopped because it was aggravating tendonitis. I'd suggest double pointed needles over circular needles. Double pointed have the advantage that you can take stitches off on both ends, which is helpful for when you need to work the heel or cast off the sock at the end. You can make a basic sock pretty easy as long as you can knit and pearl with consistent stitch tension.

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Re: Sock Knitting

Post by ebast »

I would like to chime in to second the advantages AnalyticalEngine offers for double pointed needles.. and recommend circular needles.

If you're on the move. My industrious sock-knitting days were paired with rather long commutes and travel and I set out to make my time waiting for mass transit productive by accomplishing some knitting. It turns out, with a little care and a twist--and before a commuter train comes to a complete stop--a circular needle with sock in progress can be stuffed into a voluminous pocket and be reasonably secure against losing any stitches.

Public knitting. It may depend a bit on sociological profiles, assumptions, and wishes present whether knitting camouflages you into the background or attracts interest and inquiries... but people would come up to me and I'd hear about family members, NFL players, etc who also knit. Good for the fingers, they seemed to think.

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Re: Sock Knitting

Post by ertyu »

It's good as physiotherapy, for regaining fine motor skills

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Re: Sock Knitting

Post by Walwen »

As a man who knits at work in front of dozens of mostly old men, I've yet to get anything more than an odd glance. The most common reaction is people saying "I wish I could do that" as well as asking what I'm crocheting. (I never bother correcting them.) 1

Did you ever finish the scarf or start the socks?
I'm in the middle of knitting a blanket and it's taking me for-ev-er.

Knitted socks simply aren't the same as machine knit/machine loomed socks. I wear holes in good quality hiking boot socks on the regular- I don't think the average sock yarn would last half as long. Depends on quality of course: if you want to wear handknit socks on the regular.... you need to handwash them. You also need to knit tightly with a small gauge i.e. dense, small stitches. You also need a high quality yarn with nylon in it for durability. To be economic about it, you'd be best off looking for a good discount on a bulk-sized multipack or cone of an ideal sock yarn. (Or get it for free and don't worry about the other factors as much.)

If you're going to knit a ton of socks, you should also invest in or make a sock block. I'm of the opinion that blocking adds integrity to knits- not to mention professionalism.

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Re: Sock Knitting

Post by mathiverse »

I did not knit any socks or finish the scarf yet. I lost interest in the whole project. It has been lying around in the meantime.

Interesting to hear that you found machine knit socks last longer. If I ever get around to knitting some socks, it will be interesting to see if the socks fail quickly enough that it's not worth the work to hand knit my day to day supply.

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Re: Sock Knitting

Post by ertyu »

Counterpoint: on the other hand, hand-knit socks, especially if woolen, make excellent indoor footwarmers in winter. I'm thinking of my grandparents and their apartment where they only heated one room during the winter and all else was left to god's mercy. Indoors in the winter, while sedentary, my grandparents used to wear a bottom layer of store-bought socks, a second layer of hand-knit woolen socks, and then their house slippers. The socks ended up alright because when one is retired and one's main exertion is puttering around the house or walking a block and back for groceries, the socks don't get too much wear.

If you're active daily, ymmv.

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