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Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 9:15 am
by JamesR ... ol-noodle/

At first I wondered if it would be perceived as slightly passive aggressive, but safety is far more important.

It also makes it easier on the drivers as well, you'd be helping drivers visually and everybody will be happier for it.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 9:23 am
by vexed87
Hah, cheaper than a safety pizza, but not as cool.

The noodle seems like it might work great on open roads, but not great for filtering through tight urban spots and gaps in stopped traffic.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 9:39 am
by Gilberto de Piento
There was a thread on here a long time ago about how wearing no helmet and a blonde wig makes cars move over. It was based on a study.

I find that pulling a kid trailer also helps. Many cars move over, slow down, and let me go first at intersections. It is heavy and annoying though.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 6:11 pm
by Sclass
A great trick. Thanks for sharing. She should glue a pebble to the end.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 7:44 pm
by C40
Bicycle safety trick #1 - Ride where there aren't cars.
Bicycle safety trick #2 - Ride where cars won't/can't run into you.
Bicycle safety trick #3 - Ride where the speed differential between cars and bicycle is low.

That first picture on the blog post.... it looks like the rider is on the INTERSTATE.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 11:32 pm
by unemployable
C40 wrote:
Thu May 23, 2019 7:44 pm
it looks like the rider is on the INTERSTATE.
That is allowed by Federal law if it is the only route between two towns.

But I agree in general. I biked everywhere for seven of the 14 years I lived in Chicago. My hierarchy was: bike paths, then dedicated bike lanes on roads, then low-traffic roads, then high-traffic roads. Riding a bicycle is hardly the only place in life where "exercising your rights" must be balanced against "not being a complete dickhead" and "not wanting to end up in the hospital".

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 5:52 am
by slsdly
My city has a bike share program. When I want to cycle to or from work, I walk an extra 1.5 km, but I can pick up a bike at the start of a dedicated bike path and ride nearly all the way home that way. It would be awesome to shave off that first mile, but not dying is better.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 7:38 am
by jacob
My first thought was that it would attract the occasional "lets try to skim the pool noodle"-idiot driver. My second thought was that I should add some 50 grit sandpaper to the tip to at least leave them with a memory. My third thought was that this would probably be illegal. Fourth thought was that I better be the fastest rider on the road lest I hold up cyclists behind me. Then I decided not to.

Whether the noodle works really depends on where you're cycling. On long roads with an occasional car passing by, yes. But a better trick is to see them coming and fake incompetence ... swerve a bit so they give you extra space. In the city. I wouldn't even think of it. On the interstate? Prepare to be stopped by the first cop who passes you.

Somehow this seems no different than flying a plastic bag on a string behind your car to deter tailgaters. Seems like a good idea in theory, however, in practice :?

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 8:26 am
by fiby41
Moscow has both dedicated bike paths and bike sharing.

Moreover the bike paths are on the side of foothpaths away from cars. Pedestrians have right of the way.

I've seen bipeds, electric bikes, tricycles, electric skateboards besides bicycles on these lanes.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 8:33 am
by jacob
What could be done is something like this: ... cykel.html (mounts to rear rack or seat stay)

It's a bit dorky, but perhaps not as dorky as a pool noodle.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 10:06 am
by Jean
Dorkyness makes drivers angry and bike friendly policies happening slower. I just ride my bike thé same way i would drive a car, only exception being using thé bike lane when there is one.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 10:31 am
by Lemon
Give. How narrow most places I cycle through can be this is a no go. Totally not viable for city cycling. Keeping visible and defensive cycling are my preferred techniques. But then I have been in 2 car caused incidents in 3 years so...Although in both I would say the main culprit was really poor cycle lane design that really didn’t help car users out.

Getting more and more people cycling and better infrastructure is probably the way to go. Some of it is so bad I will road cycle instead of use it.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 4:18 am
by JamesR
jacob wrote:
Fri May 24, 2019 7:38 am
But a better trick is to see them coming and fake incompetence ... swerve a bit so they give you extra space
This is surprisingly effective. Can't count the number of times cars behind me slowed down when I swerved due to potholes etc.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 9:22 am
by tonyedgecombe
Gilberto de Piento wrote:
Thu May 23, 2019 9:39 am
I find that pulling a kid trailer also helps ... It is heavy and annoying though.
This guy doesn't think so.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 1:21 am
by JamesR
tonyedgecombe wrote:
Sat May 25, 2019 9:22 am
This guy doesn't think so.
:lol: :lol: :lol: That's responsible parenting alright.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 1:53 am
by Seppia
Sounds applicable only where the roads are very wide.
Try doing that in our country roads in Italy and you’d probably get killed... by angry motorists whose path you’re blocking :lol:

I would generally apply these rules as a first:
C40 wrote:
Thu May 23, 2019 7:44 pm
Bicycle safety trick #1 - Ride where there aren't cars.
Bicycle safety trick #2 - Ride where cars won't/can't run into you.
Bicycle safety trick #3 - Ride where the speed differential between cars and bicycle is low.

That first picture on the blog post.... it looks like the rider is on the INTERSTATE.
Being very visible and buying myself some exit space would be the other things I do

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 8:13 am
This is an interesting option:

The facebook page has some better pictures of the concept:

It's essentially the same idea as that pool thingy without the danger/illegality of strapping something like that to your bike. It basically makes you appear like a wider vehicle than you are.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 10:21 am
by vexed87
Noal wrote:
Fri May 31, 2019 8:13 am
This is an interesting option:
My gut tells me this is gimmicky and flawed, if a motorist is going to leave more space because they think you are riding further out, then equally while undertaking you (rather than overtaking) they might be more likely to plow right into you. My panniers have reflective strips and stick out a similar distance both ways, and let me assure you, it makes no difference to the frequency of being cut off or experiencing close overtakes. In reality it's quite likely these methods don't really make cyclists safer, they just offer the illusion of safety to the carrier. Ironically, there is evidence that the illusion of safety might make the cyclist take more risks (helmets are a big one here). Sadly for nations that enshrine personal motor transport as the pinnacle of mobility, the real issue is speed differential that drives conflict between the two modes of transport. Segregating vulnerable road users makes cyclists safer, not fancy gizmos.

Most gadget's claims of reducing close overtakes are not backed in evidence, but have a strong psychological effect on the rider. However given that inactive lifestyles are more likely to kill us early than a wayward motorist, if these things helps give people the confidence to get in the saddle and into an active lifestyle they are not all bad. Frugally minded folk might be better saving their money and focusing on assertive road positioning, taking the lane when it's not safe for motorists to overtake, forcing motorists to slow and be patient. This takes guts and frustrates some motorists, it's why you see lots of n00bs riding in the gutter, hoping to pacify abusive motorists.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 1:26 pm
by tonyedgecombe
The one road I ride on with a large speed differential isn’t that bad, I’ve had no close calls. Of course if something hits me at speed I probably won’t survive. Most of the close calls are around town at busy junctions or around lots of parked cars.

I have noticed putting my pannier on the far side seems to make drivers give me more room so I’m inclined to think the light might work.

Having said all that the biggest risk is drivers who don’t see you at all.

Re: Awesome bicycle safety trick!

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 4:02 pm
I think I'm less sceptical than you, vexxed. I certainly wouldn't use them in isolation, though - a standard central light would be required as well. In that scenario, I can't see it making a motorist more likely to undertake you.

On cycling safety generally, I do agree. I would consider myself an experienced cyclist (regularly ride on urban and rural roads for both commuting and recreational purposes, and have taken part in races on roads in the past) and believe being assertive is the best approach. I believe more people are likely to go for a close pass in a hurry than those who rear end a cyclist in the middle of the lane out of spite, no matter how angry they get. So while it is counter-intuitive for less experienced folks, that's the way to go. I say counter-intuitive, because any newspaper or online comments section on anything about cycle safety will have endless comments about how they need to ride in the gutter so that the cars can all squeeze past into oncoming traffic.