cmonkey's journal

Where are you and where are you going?
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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by CS »

Glad to help. Hope the conversation went well today!


Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by Jason »

I'm not familiar with gardening discussion decorum, so forgive me if I am out of line, but that is one impressive pile of shit you made for yourself there.

Nice flowers as well.

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by cmonkey »

Jason wrote:
Sat Jul 08, 2017 4:02 pm
I'm not familiar with gardening discussion decorum, so forgive me if I am out of line, but that is one impressive pile of shit you made for yourself there.

Nice flowers as well.

So an update on the job situation. I had my technical interview this morning and it went very well. Scheduled for 30 minutes we chatted for about an hour. We had a good conversation about why I'm wanting to quit and the type of work I'm looking for. My friend told me an hour after I got off the phone they are working quickly to get me an interview with the company I'd be doing work with. They also want me for their own internal work. The offer hasn't come in yet but it sounds like its coming. I was told to expect an update by EOD tomorrow.

I'm going to wait until I've sent in the offer to give my notice at my current position, but was wondering if anyone has any advice for this? Do I tell my supervisor what day will be my last? Probably need to do it in person? Do I print out a statement and hand it to him?

Just thinking/planning ahead.

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by vexed87 »

Congrats! Do it in person, but put it in writing and hand it over as you do. As for timing, don't do it until you have an offer in writing from the new gig because anything could happen. You are potentially left without a job, particularly if your current employer doesn't let you retract your notice of departure!

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by cmonkey »

@vexed Thanks. :)

Not too much of an update yet other than I got a follow up today stating it took longer to follow up with the team. They are working on figuring out what project I'd be a good fit for. Also asked for my preferred compensation range and employment structure (i.e. tax withholding). I decided to price myself as valuable.

I've been doing my best for the last few weeks to hold off excitement when things go right, but I kinda think they wouldn't ask for this if they weren't preparing an offer.

Is it time to start getting excited yet?! :P

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by Allagash »

I enjoyed binge reading through your blog, you really have you head screwed on right for a young guy! When I was that age it was still booze, women and rock & roll:) lol

It's amazing how low you keep your entertainment recreation costs. No travel, skiing, golf, concerts, restaurants, etc...

Your gas costs are very low too. Not easy to keep that below $100/mo for two people, especially with rural living. Grocery costs very low as well for two people.

Is health care paid by work? I don't see that as a line item on your monthly expense list.

Amazing you can go without a cell phone in this day and age.

What do you have total into your house purchase price + renovation? I'm curious what do you think the renovation would have cost total if you hired it all out?

A big advantage you have with housing costs over many is that you live in a low cost part of the U.S. + you have the skills to do all you renovation yourself.

I'm early retired/self employed and what really kills my monthly overhead is rent and health insurance costs. I live in a expensive part of the U.S. I also like to travel and do more recreation/entertainment that you. I need to work on solving my rent issue and getting my cell phone costs down among other things. Your story is motivating have the iron like self-discipline to live like a monk or the Amish!

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by Dragline »

cmonkey wrote:
Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:40 am

I've been doing my best for the last few weeks to hold off excitement when things go right, but I kinda think they wouldn't ask for this if they weren't preparing an offer.

Is it time to start getting excited yet?! :P
Sounds like you're getting close . . . ;)

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by cmonkey »

Another update on the job situation. I got an 'unofficial' update from my friend that they definitely want to hire me but due to my higher compensation requirements, my project options are limited to high paying clients and so it might take some time to get me on. It's more a question of "when" as opposed to "if". They are careful with their budget and don't want an employee costing more than they bring in, which is understandable.

If I wanted on "now" I'd have to accept 55-70K annually which is half of what I'll get if I'm a little patient.

They might know more next week for the one client. If that doesn't pan out, it might be up to 6 months for others, but once the job comes in, I'm bascially hired.

I've decided to start applying to other companies starting Oct 1 if I haven't heard anything because I'm basically decided I'm done here. The reason for waiting that long is that I definitely wanna work with these guys and want to give em a chance.

In the mean time I just have to suck it up and start doing some of the shit my boss wants me to do. Or just quit now and wait to be hired on. If the chance of being hired rises to 99% in 6 months....what's to lose? :shock: ;)


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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by vexed87 »

Definitely keep searching, no point holding out for one job offer while the other drains the soul. Who know's what opportunities you might be missing while your waiting for this new job to materialise...

That said, a long holiday would be nice ;) :roll: :D

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by cmonkey »

Damn It Feels Good....To Control My Fear

Today is another one of those pivotal days where my fear of the unknown is taking a backseat to my own self-respect and self-love. I still haven't gotten an offer from the new company, but it's probably coming this month. They got pegged with a bunch more work coming, the kind that would "get me hired". They just need to ink the deals. What to do in the mean time? I have basically checked out already, knowing that I am definitely going to leave even if this doesn't work out.

Work has steadily gotten worse over the past month. Team cohesiveness is almost gone at this point. The couple guys I work with are constantly bitching and complaining about everything from work to politics. There is very little "real" work to do now, particularly as projects enter quiet time. It's super boring. Every one of us hate our boss but no one really wants to talk about it. For the first time since I started working I have started dreading getting up in the morning. When I get to my building, I question why I'm even here anymore.

What marks today different though is that our contractors are being laid off effective today, replaced with cheaper contractors. We never really "got along" with them but they are still part of our team and so it's a blow of sorts. Sort of like saying goodbye to those extended family member that you love but don't really wanna be around for very long. You'll miss them...but not really.

I've never witnessed a layoff first hand and so it's making me sick. Sick enough to make me write this and wonder whether I should just send in my resignation today. Today's events have pushed almost all the fear out of me because I know that I'll be fine no matter what course I take. I need to do what's best for myself, particularly cutting out a part of my life that is causing more harm than good.

Or maybe just be a gangster until that offer comes in.... I don't think anything would happen if I just don't show up anymore.

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

It is kind of a sickening situation to be in. I was once at the highest level of management to be made privy to the information that a whole class of employees were being let go or offered significantly worse positions. Some of the people in the room seemed to actually relish being "in the know" about the upcoming personal catastrophes of others. Corporate hierarchies sometimes suck as low and hard as middle school lunch social structure.

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by Fish »

cmonkey wrote:I've never witnessed a layoff first hand and so it's making me sick. Sick enough to make me write this and wonder whether I should just send in my resignation today.
I think it helps to view the employer-employee relationship as a mutually beneficial and terminable business agreement. It's not a marriage; "till death do us part" does not apply here. Nor does one party's reliance on the other justify continuing the relationship against the objections of the other. Humans and businesses can and should be expected to be capricious.

Don't do anything rash. I have witnessed firings and layoffs of individuals, and it elicited a similar response in me. However, getting emotional about it does nothing to help the situation. Even if you're already mentally checked out, no sense in leaving a potential severance on the table.

Also, wanted to let you know that the potential new job seems a bit fragile if only a subset of their contracts can allow you to be compensated at your desired rate. Best of luck and hopefully everything works out!

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by cmonkey »

@7wb5, Yea corporations certainly have a grade school feel to them. All the clueless get all the attention while all the losers (smart ones) get swirlies, or in this case shoved into shitty work piles.

It gets even better! I was later informed today that 100% of support work is going to the new contractors as a part of the move. This includes weekend work and on-call support which has always been US folks. On top of that, the boss is going to be approaching people about traveling to India to train the new contractors. Yea NTY!

However, I got a timely update on the job today that they are putting the last few pieces in place and I should be getting the offer pretty soon.

Fish wrote:
Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:21 pm
Also, wanted to let you know that the potential new job seems a bit fragile if only a subset of their contracts can allow you to be compensated at your desired rate. Best of luck and hopefully everything works out!
It's not fragile, they are very conservative. All pay is covered by income streams from clients who sign on to work deals lasting anywhere from 4 months to over a year. Before the deals run out, more work is negotiated. There is almost no let up in work because the sales people are targeting cutting edge, high growth sectors in tech. They've been doing it for over 10 years I guess and they have only ever had to let one person go back in 2008. So for my higher pay, there are specific clients to get work through. They could still pay me with their other income streams, but want the backstop of high payers.

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by cmonkey »

These Are Not The Thoughts You're Looking For

Some listening if you're so inclined. Hey it's pretty good!

I figure a few of you are wondering what's going on in cmonkey land, particularly with the job. Well it's been a LONG two months, but as of today I am offered! My last day at my current job is Wednesday, so two days. If you're even slightly intuitive, you'll realize I turned in my notice without having an offer. So risky, cmonkey! ;)

The truth is I knew it was just a matter of time and I waited until I had my "big" interview with the client I'll be doing the work for. The interview was on August 29th and I turned in my notice on the 30th. It went amazingly well and the guy said at the end of the interview "we have a match here" and "we'll be in touch". 1 hour later my buddy told me they were going to hire me and just needed to settle on the rate.

Truthfully the last two months have been exceptionally difficult for me. If you had asked me if I was worried or stressed I would have told you "absolutely not" but my subconscious would tell you otherwise and it was letting me know in the form of a super sensitive digestive track and just feeling generally run down. I also have a deep seated problem with catastrophic thinking and have been struggling with it a lot. Everything from some indigestion to that mole on my arm that I've never really looked at have been freaking me out. I know it's the anxiety from the life change doing it because I can control it when I try. I'm getting better at mind control but it's clearly something I need to embrace fully as a part of this new job.

Routine Change Ahead

I am taking this new job change as a chance to start establishing some good habits and routines as well. I actually took a "mini-run" at it by working from home for 4 weeks straight in August and it was wonderful. Waking naturally WITHOUT an alarm clock, around 7 AM. Go for a brisk walk in the cool morning air and then spend an hour or so in the garden. Start work around 8 or 830 and have coffee and a good breakfast. Work until afternoon and do some cardio for 20 minutes. Go back outside after work at like 4-5 and then have dinner. Relax in the evening with whatever strikes me as interesting. Rinse and repeat tomorrow. :)

I can feel excitement and happiness creeping back into my life again. Change is good so embrace it!

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by saving-10-years »

Congratulations. Sounds like a good change ahead and more time at home to appreciate your garden and all. Best of luck.

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by wolf »

Your routine change sounds promising. I like "waking up without an alarm" because I also have experienced the positive aspects of it. Take care!

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by cmonkey »

Thanks For All The Fish

Thanks guys. :)

So this is the last journal post of a whole bunch I've already made from my little part of corporate cubicle farm. Can't say I'm sentimental!

I thought I would leave myself a little reminder of what I'm leaving behind and a glimpse into my own personal work life so far for anyone who enjoys pictures more than words.

So long, long boring commute!!


So long, beautiful downtown Moline walk from the bus stop!! (I will miss this :( )


So long, endless cubicle farm!!


So long, cramped, non-private cubicle!!


Moving on to better things, I have the following now to look forward to.

- 24 hours a day in an environment that is entirely my own to make how I wish.
- Not having to leave my spouse at home alone all day (she works from home).
- Once I have children, getting to be with them each and every day until they annoy the hell out of me and I send them outside. :P
- Every early morning in my garden, where I belong.
- Joining the 6 figure club.
- No more COMMUTE! EVER!
- No more office politics and bitchy coworkers!
- No more 're-orgs' and 'cubicle farm shuffles' because 'we management, so we can'. I've been through 3 in the last 4 years.

Certainly the most important thing though is NO MORE ALARM CLOCKS!!

Now that I am making a lot more money and am no longer part of Corporate America, I am changing up a few things so I don't start paying more in taxes. I'm already maxing out my HSA and my 401K this year and in the future. I configured my last 2 months of paychecks directly into them and did manage to max them, so this is good because my new job doesn't have 401K until January. I also opened up a traditional IRA for myself and DW so as to knock another 11K off of our taxable income starting this year and going forward. This really has no bearing on our time to retire because I'll be rolling my 401K into the IRA anyway.

Also now that I've gotten my financial future solidified, I'll be resuming my monthly updates again Oct 1. Suffice to say, expenses have been where expected and we are definitely in the "12K annual expenses club" going forward.

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

+1 chilling cubicle farm-photos made me think of this:
A poem by Chögyam Trungpa.

Timely Rain

In the jungles of flaming ego,
May there be cool iceburg of bodhicitta.

On the racetrack of bureaucracy,
May there be the walk of the elephant.

May the sumptuous castle of arrogance
Be destroyed by vajra confidence.

In the garden of gentle sanity,
May you be bombarded by coconuts of wakefulness.
Yay, you are free! Go play in garden.

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by FBeyer »

It's not often I can say this wholeheartedly: I feel good on your behalf dude-whom-I've-never-met-in-person. I really do.

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Re: cmonkey's journal

Post by cmonkey »

Thanks all. :)

I am now a week post-corporate and feel I'm still decompressing a bit but am feeling pretty great. Today is my official start date with the new guys and I'm pretty excited. It was supposed to be Monday but my computer was delayed in shipping so they just pushed it to today. The joys of a small company.

Oh, and that computer is a brand new MacBook Pro 15 by the way. Having not touched a Mac product in over a decade, lets just say I'm am fully impressed at the quality. This is fun!!

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