mooretrees journal

Where are you and where are you going?
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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mooretrees »

mountainFrugal wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 12:04 pm
Alright @mooretrees. I have gone 5 times. I assume you are winning in this category. I have skied 123 km this season. Yesterday I skied 21km on 4-8 cm of fresh fallen powder on top of the grooming to try to catch up to you. It was mostly not fun. ha! Watcha got?
I’ve gone 7 times! So win for me. However your mileage KILLS. I will say that sometimes I am skiing with a child, so doing 3 km with him is a big ask still. I’m hoping to go three times this week, and at least one of those times I’ll try and get at least a 10 k in. Glad you started that construction project or you’d be killing me in kilometers AND ski trips😜

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

Closing the gap...6 times... +17.4km. More powder skiing on hard pack. I should be BC skiing! ha!

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

7 (21 km) and 8 times (30.5 km).

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mooretrees »

Up to 9 now! Was super tired from a good lifting session in the morning but still went skiing! Partly because DH kicked us out of the bus to work on the big electrical project and partly because you were catching up!

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mooretrees »

10 trips now. Today was the longest I’ve skied yet, still under five miles. But I’m feeling like my movement is better, more efficient and graceful. I’m still nervous in icy snow going downhill….

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

mooretrees wrote:
Wed Feb 14, 2024 9:34 pm
10 trips now. Today was the longest I’ve skied yet, still under five miles. But I’m feeling like my movement is better, more efficient and graceful. I’m still nervous in icy snow going downhill….
Great! An icy downhill is both fun and terrifying on thin skis without edges. If there are curves make sure to make quick little adjustments alternating each ski so you are less likely to get locked into a corduroy groove. Just keep putting in the time and you will get more comfortable. :) There are so many little tweaks that all vary based on terrain and snow conditions. Endless fun. The first couple seasons when I was learning it was only at the end of the season that I would feel really comfortable (at the start when I was fresh). The past two seasons (7 and 8) are when I really got comfortable and fully commit to the outer edge of each ski even when I am tired. My movement efficiency feels fast and fun.

9 times - 30 km.

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

10 times - 26km :twisted:

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mooretrees »

mountainFrugal wrote:
Wed Feb 28, 2024 3:42 pm
10 times - 26km :twisted:
CRAP! I knew my lead was shaky, but I’m not quitting. Hitting the snow tomorrow, hoping for twice next week if I’m lucky.

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mooretrees »

For the last two months I’ve got in around 21 hrs of deliberate exercise; x-c skiing, hiking, walking and biking and some treadmill comprise my cardio. I’ve dialed back the intensity in favor of consistency, acknowledging that I’m still not adapted aerobically to do much trail running without needing a lot of recovery. I found a weight lifting channel “Lift With Cee” on YouTube. She’s a super fit, over 50 woman who programs full body workouts that I’m digging. I’ve completed one mesocycle so far and am happy with my progress. I’ve done 17 lifting sessions this year, which includes time off because of a concussion and illness. I feel stronger and DH says I look more fit. I’m not focused on weight at all, which feels good. Next up is to be more consistent with upping my protein intake. And increase mobility work as I’ve been inconsistent with it.

I looked into the program my health insurance has to somewhat subsidize a gym membership. It was too restrictive (only one gym that had a shower) and expensive (28/month) to bother with. I’ll continue to lift at the hospital gym, even with it’s limited hours (win for part time work!). I am enjoying making the hospital gym work and don’t feel like I’ll outgrow it anytime soon.

I’m listening and reading more Uphill Athlete content, which is guiding my slow down in intensity. I don’t have a firm plan to start trail running, maybe after another month of good zone 1/2 work? I am happy to go slow and not be limping or too tired all the time. Trying to focus on the long game.

Local Food:
I went to a conference in Ann Arbor at the end of Feb with a friend. It was a local food focused conference; their big idea is the ‘farm stop’ a year round retail farmers market that only features local food. There are several of these popping up all around the US and it was interesting to learn more about them. I’ve been crafting my plan for increasing local food in the areas I think I can impact. I don’t think local food will solve ‘all’ the problems, but we have some engaged farmers and I want to eat more locally. I’ve talked with the hospital kitchen and the sole dietician and both groups were interested. I hope to be an agent that connects people together but doesn’t have to do any work after a bit.

We have a new manager and we all really like him. Work is surprisingly fun these days. I’m grateful for the change as I still want to make money via this job for some time. My schedule is changing a little bit to where I work 4 ten hr shifts and one 8 hr shift for two weeks. It means I get another day off and have longer days.
DH is putting feelers out for jobs, but is being really picky. I’m hesitant to give up the stay at home dad flexibility for more money. We’re making it work with just my income, but not heading to FI in the fast lane. I also am not overly concerned about being FI, I assume I’ll want to work on stuff that will pay me. Also, I keep making money and feeling (mostly) like this job has meaning and that I have enough time off to work on my passion project, exercise and be around my family.

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

mooretrees wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:56 pm
CRAP! I knew my lead was shaky, but I’m not quitting. Hitting the snow tomorrow, hoping for twice next week if I’m lucky.
11 times - 18km - I hope you hit the snow this weekend because increasingly longer days means I can do construction and ski on the weekends.

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

12- 30.4km
13- 26km
14- 35.5km

Look forward to seeing you and the rest of the @mooretrees clan soon!

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by NewBlood »

Hi mooretrees,
How are things going with you? How's the skoolie life? How are your efforts with local food going?

Have you kept up with "lift with Cee"? Do you still like it? I'm looking into it and am thinking about getting some (second hand) dumb bells.
Have you been able to start trail running?

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Re: mooretrees journal

Post by mooretrees »

@NewBlood, thanks for the inquiries. In general life is full and good. In particular, I’ve been focusing significant energy on my son. I pursued a clinical diagnosis for ADHD for him. Meaning, I did the work to see if he would be diagnosed with it. DH was diagnosed as an adult with ADHD and my MIL is likely undiagnosed ADHD. DS fit the pattern for combined inattentive and hyperactivity type.

I’ve found the diagnosis….interesting. We are reading/listening to How To ADHD and seeing an occupational therapist weekly for behavioral support. I’m getting a lot out of the occupational therapy and will continue it as long as it keeps helping. The changes to my parenting style are slow going, but some progress is happening. I’m learning to get his attention with touch instead of talking. Gamifying brushing teeth and getting dressed by timing it to songs. I’ve purchased a clock that has an obvious visual way to see time counting down.

We’ve learned about ‘sensory diets’ and are changing how we look at structuring our days with our son. Movement, deliberate and specific, is extremely important for his brain. Occupational therapy talks about more senses than just the normal five. So far, the new key ones are proprioception and the one for where your head is in space (I think?). Per the research, the ADHD brain needs more input to hit some sensory limit to releases key brain chemicals. So, we need to respect this limit and build our structure and environment to get his needs met. I’m still figuring out how to do this. My go to thoughts are including more sports in a big way to our lives. He is seven now and sports are more useful for his age. I’ve got him in a few sports camps over summer and in private swim lessons. I hope to get him into the swim team In the fall. Wrestling is also on the short list. My nephew will finish his last year of wrestling eligibility at Oregon State this fall. I plan on making one of his home matches and introducing my son to wrestling that way. I’ve been around wrestling for years and I love the culture of it. I’m not excited to be a parent of a sporty kid.

For daily life, I’m still ruminating on short daily bursts of physical activities for him that are realistic in our living situation. A few climbing holds placed near his bed? Little obstacle courses outside?

I’ve been faithful to Lifting with Cee for four months and still loving it. I’m moving on to a new workout program of hers this week. I’m tracking my consistency with lifting and I’m getting better at hitting three workouts a week. I’m still at my hospital gym and not feeling limited by it yet. I am open to joining a gym, but it doesn’t seem necessary yet. I am considering purchasing some bands to add one more workout a week at home. I am seeing muscle growth and some improvements in mobility as well. I’m not seeing body composition changes yet and have decided to focus on food to get the changes I want. I’m not going to diet, but I’m focusing on increasing (potentially tracking) protein amount and making sure I’m adequately hydrated. I will not restrict any particular food, but I’m thinking of relegating sweets to ‘special occasions.’ I have initial body measurements as I don’t have a scale an am not interested in getting a scale. I plan on taking measurements monthly.

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