Political correctness run amok

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by Ego »

cmonkey wrote:
Dragline wrote:I would guess that there is a strong correlation between the occupants of Yellowland and how much TV news they consume.
It affects indirectly by simply being around yellowlanders who consume too much news, even if you don't consume any personally. Its weird but I can always sense when something "big" has happened because I come into work and everyone is jerky and on edge.
Perhaps this is the exact opposite of what Dr. Cole mentioned when jp contacted him (from the epigenetics thread).

Absolutely - no physical interaction is necessary, as long as these relationships help you feel safe, secure, and cared for. Or to put it another way, the contact you have with people "in your head" seems to be a major driver of the gene expression effects we see. If that contact is good and supportive, more favorable gene expression dynamics are seen.
Encourage connections with those who reinforce attributes I desire and discourage connections with those who do the opposite. But there is also a connection with the entire hive which I cannot really control. Coming back to the US, where fear is a commodity, I definitely find myself more anxious than I do in places where dangers are more real.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by GandK »

The more I read about this kind of thing happening, the more I feel that freedom of speech itself is under attack. I'd probably be amused and would dismiss it all as "sound and fury, signifying nothing" except that these young people will soon be entering the workplace and voting in elections. How long until it's actually a crime for a white person to do yoga? Expecting to be informed any time now that it's "cultural appropriation" for me to take my kid to Tae Kwon Do because we are not Korean.

Waiting impatiently for the Thermidorian reaction to this...

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by jennypenny »

Eric Schmidt on How to Build a Better Web

I can't believe we're openly talking about censorship of the internet. I don't care if Schmidt describes it like some polite robo-conscience that will simply suggest the use of less offensive language. It's censorship.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by OldPro »

Late to this thread.

My own favourite experience of pc run amok is one I have run across several times on various internet forums I participate in. I often express strong opinions about some things and will sometimes use the phrase, 'I call a spade a spade.' As you might imagine, that can get some of the pc crowd quite upset.

The amusing thing is that what it actually demonstrates is their own ignorance and their own xenophobic thinking. In their minds, they immediately connect it to racism. But what the phrase actually refers to is a spade vs. a shovel. So what it means is you don't call a spade a shovel when it is a spade, not a shovel. Simple really.

For them to connect it to racism however, THEY must connect it in their minds. The connection is not in what I wrote, it is in how they perceived it. Their perception, not mine. So if you think about it, they are demonstrating that they think in terms of race, not me.

The first time someone called me out on it, I can honestly say the thought of it being confused with race had never even entered my mind. To me it meant spade vs. shovel and always had. http://www.sowanddipity.com/wp-content/ ... de_new.jpg

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by cmonkey »

You are witnessing is a small part of the Age of Decadence as defined by Sir John Bagot Glubb. PC definitely falls under the mark of increased defensiveness and can even be seen in the light of (negative) frivolity as its almost turned into a silly game of tattletale/he said-she said for adults where everyone is just looking for something to jump on. Entertaining when you see someone get in trouble for something you are against.

These topics always irk me until I come back to the realization that everything makes sense given our current position on the arc of empire.
As numerous points of interest have arisen
in the course of this essay, I close with a brief
summary, to refresh the reader’s mind.
(a) We do not learn from history because
our studies are brief and prejudiced.
(b) In a surprising manner, 250 years
emerges as the average length of national greatness.
(c) This average has not varied for 3,000
years. Does it represent ten generations?
(d) The stages of the rise and fall of great
nations seem to be:
The Age of Pioneers (outburst)
The Age of Conquests
The Age of Commerce
The Age of Affluence
The Age of Intellect
The Age of Decadence.
(e) Decadence is marked by:
An influx of foreigners
The Welfare State
A weakening of religion.
(f) Decadence is due to:
Too long a period of wealth and power
Love of money
The loss of a sense of duty.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by Ego »

I've got to admit, sometimes I find myself rolling my eyes when I hear people complaining about inequality. But today I saw this and found it quite shocking. I had no idea the gap was so incredibly wide.

http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/20 ... n-america/


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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by Toska2 »

I wish that graph broke it down by age.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by BRUTE »

hint: large percentage of all black males are in jail at any given time, and all of those who make it out, have a permanent record making it hard to find a job. not sure how anyone could surprised at the outcome.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by Ego »

BRUTE wrote:not sure how anyone could surprised at the outcome.
Ignorance. That's how.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by jennypenny »

I wonder what that chart would look like if they removed the 1% from the averages. I'm sure the median net worth for whites would still be higher, but it would be interesting to see how much closer they would be if it was only comparing regular folks. Oprah notwithstanding, most of the 1% are white in the US.

When comparing net worth instead of other measures like income though, home ownership is probably the biggest factor.

Where you live, and particularly where you are born, is the biggest factor in everything.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by Ego »

That's the thing that surprised me. It is median, not mean. Removing the 1% would do very little to change the chart as the number of 1%ers is few. Right? Am I missing something?

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by jennypenny »

Ah, you're right. Sorry. I was averaging in my head.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by BRUTE »

brute doesn't believe that being born out of wedlock causes problems in children. children being born out of wedlock and troubled kids are symptoms of the same problem: putting large portions of all black males into prison. they can not work to support their children. they can not raise their children. the mothers have to work too much, and subsequently also can't raise the children during most of the day. the children get raised by a vacuum.

brute doesn't have the statistics at hand, but he remembers reading that black americans were catching up to whites fast after segregation ended, but that since the start of the drug war, they've fallen way behind and are not gaining, but falling further back.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

One large factor in wealth creation is inheritance. White baby boomers have inherited a lot of money from their parents and black baby boomers, not so much. Also, due to evil practices in the real estate industry, if a black family made it into the middle-class and then purchased a home, their presence in the neighborhood would then automatically lower the value of the real estate. Also, affluent, educated black men, although often very involved both financially and emotionally in the lives of their children, are less likely to legally marry their mothers (for same reason many of the male participants on this forum fear legal marriage) and they are more likely to marry or father children with white women, and I would guess that mixed race households were excluded from this study.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by jacob »

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/1210939 ... raced.html

Keeping the world safe from bad spellers...

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by jennypenny »

I got called into the office once because DD insisted that Godzilla told Noah to build the ark. You know, cause he always causes tsunamis when he shows up. At least they only called the church police on me.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Modern Arabic requires that vowel sounds be inferred from context, so natural error to an "ah" between two consonants, and since the "r" is rolled and guttural, "terraced" might very well be pronounced like "terrorist" by a native Arabic speaker who had only read the word. Also, it's not like children are highly reliable reporters. A 6 year old with very little English called me over and pointed to the front of her school uniform and said what sounded like "Me, blood." and freaked me out for a moment until I determined that she had covered herself with the contents of a school lunch container of pancake syrup.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

ffj said: Racism against blacks does exist, to be sure, but I am curious how racism discourages more black families from becoming married? I think that may be part of your point?
Well, I think it has something to do with the complex interplay between racism and sexism. The notion that "women entered the workplace" in the latter decades of the 20th century was laughable to some people because their women never had the affluence to afford to leave the workplace or the field in the first place. The last, but most vocal/erudite, group of women to enter the workplace were upper-middle-class white women. Another population with high rate of out-of-wedlock birth is Sweden at 52%. Sweden, obviously, has a quite affluent population with a high standard of living. So, what does the black population in the U.S and the Swedish population have in common as cause of high rate of out-of-wedlock births? The simple answer is that women make as much, or possibly more, money than men in both of these socio-economic groups. Men derive more happiness from marriage on average than women, so when women have no financial incentive to marry, they often choose not to do so. This can also be seen to be true in the behavior of women past childbearing age, especially if they are old enough to collect social security, in our culture. There is no amount of money that would entice me into sharing house space with some grumpy old man.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by EMJ »

7Wannabe5 show us where you found Swedish women earning more than men.
So, what does the black population in the U.S and the Swedish population have in common as cause of high rate of out-of-wedlock births? The simple answer is that women make as much, or possibly more, money than men in both of these socio-economic groups.
No category of women in Statistics Sweden shows women ahead of men by income: http://www.scb.se/en_/Finding-statistic ... ry/385257/

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by jacob »

@EMJ - Give it a couple of decades or so to materialize. I know that in Denmark, there has been a majority of women in college [overall] since about a decade by now. On the flip-side, they haven't been in the currently higher-paying STEM fields (yet?!), so there's that.
