Citi Bike for NYC Commute?

All the different ways of solving the shelter problem. To be static or mobile? Roots, legs, or wheels?
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Re: Citi Bike for NYC Commute?

Post by Smashter »

I've officially left NYC and won't be back anytime soon. Here are my final Citi bike stats according to my dashboard.

Number of trips: 156
Total usage time: 81 hours, 15 minutes, 42 seconds
Distance traveled: 605.9 miles
Gas saved (estimated): 25.1 gallons
CO2 reduced (estimated): 492.1 lbs

Here's hoping I get just as much use out of Chicago's Divvy bike system.

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Re: Citi Bike for NYC Commute?

Post by vexed87 »

How long have you been using the scheme?

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Re: Citi Bike for NYC Commute?

Post by Smashter »

I used it for about 10 months.


Re: Citi Bike for NYC Commute?

Post by Jason »

Hopefully you are not young and caucasian. ... -on-bikes/

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Re: Citi Bike for NYC Commute?

Post by vexed87 »

Stupid article. The reason bike culture is dominated by young males is because they are more inclined to be aggressive (brave) enough to mix with motor traffic. Better infra is nessecary to enable those who are put off mixing with motors to adopt cycling, such has already been achieved in Copenhagen/Amsterdam.

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Re: Citi Bike for NYC Commute?

Post by Smashter »

Ha, what a sanctimonious ass that author is. There were absolutely some overly aggressive riders who followed 0 traffic laws, but it's not like pedestrians don't generally act the same way. It's NYC!

It's funny that he mentions pedestrians being afraid of bikers. While that might be the case for some, it was the inverse for me. I had many near accidents caused by oblivious dummies stepping in front of me while looking at their phone. I would say, on the whole, I was more worried about dumb pedestrians while riding through Manhattan than bad drivers.

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Re: Citi Bike for NYC Commute?

Post by vexed87 »

Smashter wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:25 pm
Ha, what a sanctimonious ass that author is. There were absolutely some overly aggressive riders who followed 0 traffic laws, but it's not like pedestrians don't generally act the same way. It's NYC!

It's funny that he mentions pedestrians being afraid of bikers. While that might be the case for some, it was the inverse for me. I had many near accidents caused by oblivious dummies stepping in front of me while looking at their phone. I would say, on the whole, I was more worried about dumb pedestrians while riding through Manhattan than bad drivers.
Equally, the chances of a ped being killed by an idiot rule breaking cyclist is far lower than the idiot rule breaker behind the wheel of a car. It's just physics. Most traffic rules are in place because of the harm an errant driver can commit, which is really not same as rogue cyclist. The potential for harm is much lower.

The only people I've met who had strong feelings against cyclist rule breakers simply had a chip on their shoulder. 95% of people I meet have no problem with cyclists using the roads, that's not to say that most non-cyclist don't fall victim to the minority group association bias, (all cyclists are red light jumpers, because they once witnessed a guy doing it) but are generally accepting of correction once their irrational view points are pointed out.

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Re: Citi Bike for NYC Commute?

Post by chasebrooklyn1985 »

I recently got serious with Citibike after being so fed up with the subway's price to quality ratio: more crowded, longer waits, less service, more stress, drama, more homeless, fare increases, etc...

So I decided that I'd try to boycott ride the subway at all and see how long I could make it on Citibike alone... and what a joy it's been! Remarkably more easy and less stressful. I've only been on the subway 3 times in the past 3 months. That's a total of $18 versus $390 for 3 months worth of unlimited rides ($130 per month) All three times were for long distance trips like out to the beach or up to the Bronx to visit family.

Citibike was running a promotion a few months ago so I got an annual membership for $135. I think the OP got his for $160 over 2 years ago. So prices have gone down.

Also, they have a new fleet of bike, Version 3. Slow gradual improvements, but much welcomed.

I gave up on riding bikes in NYC several years ago after my 7th bike in as many years was stolen. Basically, every summer my bike would get stolen, even with a massive $80 Cryptonite lock! The last one was stolen in broad daylight at 2:00pm on a Tuesday afternoon when I ran into Whole Foods to buy a sandwich and drink. I came out, and it was gone. I gave up on ever buying a nice bike again.

I love to convenience of Citibike though. I don't have to worry about storing the bike, carrying it up and down stairs, maintenance, or any of the problems with owning a bike. Yeah, they're not as agile as the single speed street bikes I used to right, but the convenience and accessibility outweigh bike ownership.

The best part is that I don't have to deal with the multitude of stress and price from taking the Subway everyday.

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Re: Citi Bike for NYC Commute?

Post by Smashter »

@chasebrookyn nice! I loved it for all those same reasons. I didn't realize the bike theft problem was that bad in NYC, sounds like it's reaching San Francisco levels of awfulness in that regard.

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