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Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:24 pm
by inchicago
I've heard that alternating between hot and cold is very good for the body. Similar to being in a sauna and jumping in an ice cold pool, but less extreme. I tried the hot/cold shower for a few weeks a few years ago. I did this during the summer so it wasn't as much of a shock. I don't know if I really felt that much of a difference but my hair was much way shinier. I also usually take lukewarm showers because I don't like hot water-it wrinkles and dries out the skin too quickly.

Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:39 am
by vexed87
jacob wrote:...unless you spend hours showering each day.
Personally no, but my dog has an electric shower plumbed in the garage for post walk showers...


I gave it go this monring, initially with cool water, but turned it right down at the end. Not so bad once you get over the involuntary heavy breathing! If I can do it, so can he!

Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:20 am
by henrik
jacob wrote:The financial benefits are practically non-existent unless you spend hours showering each day.
Indeed.. because of the way hot water costs are charged in my building, I can calculate this quite precisely. Based on a two month average, if I had taken cold showers instead of warm ones, I would have saved roughly €0.0075 per shower.

Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:37 pm
by JasonR

Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:58 pm
by fugazi
I've been doing cold showers for about two years now, never missed a day (the magic of not wanting to break a chain). I start with lukewarm water to actually wash myself, then turn it to ice cold. Some days, though, I really have to force myself to do it :) But it's worth the feeling you get after getting out of the shower.

Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:52 pm
by Ego
I really enjoyed this Art of Manliness podcast with Scott Carney the author of What Doesn't Kill Us. ... -exposure/

Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 8:45 pm
by Laura Ingalls
I hate cold water unless I have been in the sauna first.

My superpower is hatred of cold water. I would prefer to stink than take a cold shower. I really don't care what anyone else does. I like hot showers and grateful daily to live in a time and place where it is affordable.

Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:01 am
by 130
I listened to the podcast and have just finished reading his book. Well worth a read.

Like Laura I had a hatred of cold showers for a long time. I live in a warm climate now and have managed to at least do cold showers in summer/autumn(fall).

After reading the book I am interested to see how far I can push into winter with cold showers now.

Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 7:52 am
by Farm_or
JasonR wrote:
Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:37 pm
Ego wrote:Also for the physiological benefits.
Can I just use the sauna instead? And not both. Moderation in all things.
Ego wrote:Maybe as practice for dealing with the really hard things in life that you cannot change.
Perhaps. Does it work? But should I be gambling to reach nirvana? Or cold showering? Can't I just do it on my own, internally? Then again, I don't want to be a robot. I like railing against things. Maybe I don't get Zen?
What piques my interest is when Zen practicers look externally for validation? Am I changing within correctly?

Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:09 pm
by Campitor
I used to go camping in the wilderness in the spring and fall; I avoided summer because of the mosquitoes. One of my favorite things to do was to jump into an ice cold river in the morning in the deepest and calmest spot I could find. It made me feel like every cell was alive. It removed every vestige of grogginess and soreness.

Oddly a cold shower isn't quite the same experience. Total immersion is lot more intense and revitalizing. A shower is more of a annoying tickle of cold.

Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:48 pm
by bryan
JasonR wrote:
Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:37 pm
I guess my issue with "The Zen of X" is that anything can be X.
For real! Where is the thread "The Zen of a Nice Hot Shower" or of saunas or hot springs or hot tubs? ;)

I could see the "super power" being useful if you have to heat your water like @halfmoon or go swimming/dipping in nature.

Re: The Zen of Ice Cold Showers

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:48 am
by FrugalPatat
For about a year (or two) I would always end my hot showers with a minute or 2 of ice cold water. For a shorter period I also tried going full cold shower but I preferred the shock-effect of cold water After the hot water.

Two problems:
1) I shower in the evening. The effect of the cold water (together with the coffee of the day) would sometimes keep me from falling asleep.
2) I would get sick more often

On the flipside it did help to have more energy during the day and to feel more resilient psychologically.

I stopped taking cold showers for the mentioned reasons.