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Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:14 pm
by Chad

I agree diet is huge. My percentages only focused on the exercise part of the equation, because that seems to be where the conversation was focused. Plus, the whole "I ran today, so I'm in shape" thing has always been a pet peeve of mine.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:34 pm
by sshawnn
@Spartan Warrior
" Fitness really is a lifestyle, not just an hour a day in the gym." = truth!
This is my day 3 update. Sunday after making the proclamation late in the afternoon I did nothing.
Monday ran for about 20 minutes, walked briskly 40 minutes.
Tuesday ran about 25 minutes, got carried away with walking to see a new harbor along the river and walked about an hour.
I am supposed to crew for a sailboat race tonight and that would be 2-3 hours of fairly strenuous exercise as there will only be 2 of us tonight. If the wind is light and we don't get out I will run/walk again after work like Monday and Tuesday.
You guys are right about weights but I am still slanted towards cardio for the short term.
Feel free to bust my chops publicly or privately if my ways are in your opinion in error or I don't post.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:49 pm
by Chad

AGREEMENT! It's always there somewhere. A base is critical to almost every sport. Of course, it always helps to be able to explode off that base now and then.

"Sunday after making the proclamation late in the afternoon I did nothing."
I did the exact same thing the day I posted. Since then I have done whole body kettlebell workouts. This is my starting point until I'm not so sore I can barely get out of bed. Probably 2 weeks of this and then I add in some more exercises.

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:05 am
Played 18 holes of disc golf today. Translates to about 2 hours of hiking, bending over to get the discs about 50 times, throwing them about 70 times, and some good natured competition with 2 friends. 90 degrees out brought forth the sweat. All at no cost.

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 10:11 am
by riparian
Today I did the couch 2 5k program. Tomorrow simplefit (.org, awesomeness), then repeat.
Chad, you can totally add intensity to push ups by moving your hands, doing handstand push ups, and one armed hand stand push ups. I don't even go to the gym or use weights and I bet I can do more handstand push ups than most gym rats.

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 3:42 pm
by jennypenny
I did the lifing, but didn't do as much running as I'd like. Diet was ok. We had a graduation here, so I attended a few parties. I avoided alcohol but indulged in sweets a couple of times.
I managed to wean myself off of coffee this week. I'm very pleased about that. I suffer from GERD so I should avoid coffee. Ego turned me on to and I have several different teas that I try and fit into my day now. Replacing coffee with tea helps that goal too.
What is disc golf?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:18 pm
by sshawnn
Posting every three days is a bit much, but if I will if something changes or worthwhile info can be shared.......
I have been doing quite well with nearly an hour of dedicated exercise every day. I do best forming the habit of exercising when waking. I think this will continue into my routine as I am no longer a working stiff.
Swimming is one of those antifragile activities that I wish to continue to death for the health benefit and to accompany many of the activities I am doing and want to do. I swam laps twice this week doing about a mile each time. @Riparian I'm using the couch to 10k app to ease back into running, good stuff.
@jp, good to hear you check in, was close to calling you out. I have had on/off relationship with coffee but have been off for over 6 months. It does reduce GERD and definitely aids my all day mood. Will check out nutrition

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:55 am
by George the original one
Fishing. 0.5 mile hike downhill, 600' elevation drop from trailhead to river, 2 miles downriver (no trails) and back.
Woodcutting. 1/2 cord cut & split.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:34 am
by riparian
I did 19 rounds of 2 pull ups/3 pull ups/5 squats in 20 minutes today. Also some water hauling and hatchet work and a short walk.

The day before I ran. Good thing c25k is so easy cause it's about a million degrees here.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:46 am
by Chad

I know you can do different types of push-ups. My problem with those is that they end up working different smaller muscle groups, which is a lot of the reason they are more difficult. Regular push-ups work pecs/chest more, handstand push-ups work shoulders more, one-handed push-ups work supporting/balancing muscles more, etc. All good, but even with the variations we end up plateauing because there aren't enough variations to add stress for gains.
Someone who does push-ups should be able to beat someone who uses weights in a push-up contest. Just like someone who uses weights should be able to lift more than someone who does push-ups.
The old Herschel Walker myth of him mainly using push-ups and sit-ups to be in shape for the NFL was BS. Push-ups are fine, but not the end-all-be-all of upper body exercises. There really isn't an end-all-be-all upper body exercise like there is for the lower body (squats).

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:47 pm
by Chad
I agree that a match/game of something is much more fun. But, I like being able to measure my fitness improvement. You can do it with weights, reps, times, distances, etc., but it's much more difficult to do with fighting, basketball, etc. as the intensity will vary per match/game.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:15 am
by riparian
Chad, I don't lift weights, and I bet I can lift more than you. Additionally, working all those "extra" muscles means my strength applies in the real world.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:35 am
by Chad
We are talking smack now on here? If I offended you I apologize.
Weights work fine in the "real" world, as long as the work was done on free weights (lots of personal experience). Of course, non-traditional exercises like kettlebells and push-up variations are still very valuable, but they, as with weights, can not fulfill every fitness need.

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:58 pm
by jennypenny
I only missed one day this week so I'm pretty happy with that. DH said when I was running this morning I had that "look" in my eye again, so that's good.
My diet was better, but not perfect (no cake this week at least). It's easier to eat healthy during the summer, and our garden and the CSA are providing plenty of food. We tried Pepperidge Farm Carb-Style (low carb) bread. It was pretty good toasted.
DH is setting up a heavy bad and speed bag in the garage next to the weights. That will help me vary the workouts a bit. My other goal is to start swimming laps at the swim club when I take my kids over. Need to get a pair of goggles for that.
Short rant: My gym just bought two trams that will circle the parking lot and pick people up and drive them to the front entrance. WTF?? If you're going in to exercise anyway, why wouldn't you just walk to the entrance? Ugh, Stepford drives me crazy sometimes.

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:44 pm
by freebooks
Like the obese people who circle the parking lot for the closest place possible. They should have reverse-handicap stickers and be forced to park as far away from the store as possible to help with their health problems ;-)

Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:59 am
by jennypenny
This week was ok. It was very busy, but I still managed to get my workouts in. I did give in and have coffee a couple of times. Lost 5 lbs. so far (I put on 15 over the winter), so that's good.

Do any of you use racing or other events for motivation? I'm of two minds. I do much better with some races on the calendar and a training schedule. OTOH, if I could learn to motivate myself I wouldn't have to spend the money on racing. Races are pretty expensive these days.

@freebooks--I don't mind at all if people who have mobility issues of any kind use the tram. That's not who's using it though.

Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:09 pm
Su Hour on the bike
M Hour walk
T Hour and a half of volleyball
W Hour walk
R Hour walk
F Two hours disc golf
S Half hour walk and an hour mowing

Would have liked to done an hour on the bike on Thursday, but the rain was too much. The hour walks are on my lunch break at work.

Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:05 pm
by riparian
Chad, I'm sorry if it seemed like I was talking "smack" or if I offended you.

Today I did 5 rounds of 3 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 16 squats in 13 minutes.

I've fallen off the running due to a problem bear.

Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:32 pm
by George the original one
@riparian - LOL, you do have the darndest difficulties!

Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:17 pm
by Chad
No offense taken even if you were talking smack.

No running due to a bear? A real bear? Probably best excuse I have heard.