Who loves what they do for a living?

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Re: Who loves what they do for a living?

Post by Lemur »


My father has been a night-shift guard for over 30 years. It pays extremely well if you get a license to carry and pass a simple shooting test. He loves it. He has only had one incident in 30 years...basically checks vehicles occasionally for danger in a parking lot..sits at a booth to check IDS. He is otherwise just sitting there watching movies on his ipad while looking at the security camera footage every now and then.

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Re: Who loves what they do for a living?

Post by stanley81ng »

i am selling things in online marketplace in Singapore.

i do the packing the goods ourselves and the courier will come and pick up the goods and do the delivery.

the work is good because i feel i have more control over my life and i can spend more time with my kids and wife.

i don't need to report to anyone and nobody will ask me to do any stupid things (like in my prevoius job).

money is still coming in in these pandemic as more people is buying online and do not forsee any big changes in the next few years.

overall, life is good for me and i am very grateful :)

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Re: Who loves what they do for a living?

Post by alras »

I am running my own digital marketing agency with 3 employees and to be honest it's a big rollercoaster.

At days it's the most fun and challeging job I can think of, but at other days the work feels like a grind, and when customers are unhappy it's a big personal hit.

A thing that is unvaluable to me - which is also why I accept having a lower income than I would have if I just got hired in a bigger agency - is my flexibility. One of my "FIRE" projects is renovating my own house with my GF. We bought a washed up house and tore everything out and started to rebuild it. And may I add that none of us have any experience in the field. The house is coming together really nicely tho and we are saving a ton of money while adding lots of value to the house. We are sharing the project on Instagram and we are writing our thougts and calculations down on our blog, where we also examine if we could have hit FIRE earlier by just renting a home.

A project like that would never have been possible for me, if I had been in a normal full time job, and I think of that on days where running my own company is not fun.

[Moderator: As long as you're not using this site for your own SEO. Edited accordingly.]

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Re: Who loves what they do for a living?

Post by shaz »

I very much like a lot of what I do for a living. I have a nice arrangement where probably 80% of the time I make my own choices about what I do. I work for a non-profit that I believe does good in the world. I make a lot less money than I would in a similar role in a corporation or government but I am OK with that trade.

I like developing new products and programs and learning new skills. I have generally been good at convincing my employers to let me dump off things that bore me and move onto something new that interests me. If that doesn't work, I move on to a new employer. I got to write my own job description for my current job so if I don't like it, I only have myself to blame. Nonetheless, I am required to do some things that I don't like (giving presentations, sitting through Board meetings, reminding employees to stop doing stupid things that could give everyone covid).

I work from home most days. I don't like driving to the office (I live too far to bicycle, oops) but I do like that I use the (amazing world-class) gym on the days I go to the office and that I usually get to visit with people I like. I worked from home 100% for 7 years and after about 5 years that was too much isolation (some weeks I did not see another human). So days at the office are a love-hate thing for me.

Even on days I work from home I get the chance to interact with interesting people in the community we serve. On the negative side, sometimes interactions with my co-workers can be stressful. That happens less the older I get because I get better at ignoring other people's crap (not my monkeys, not my circus).

The biggest negative to my job is that it keeps me from doing other things that I want to do. On the positive side, it gives me something to focus on when bad things are happening in my life.

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