Able was I ERE's go log

Where are you and where are you going?
Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Post by Able was I ERE »

December 2012
529 Housing (excluding principal pay down)

206 Utilities

385 Transportation

242 Food

260 Health

75 Student loan

0 Hobbies

288 Misc


1985 total
Lowest expense month all year. Considering the season, the misc category could seem rather low. We exchanged few gifts, preferring to spend time with friends and family instead.
Unusual expenses:

- Misc: Gifts
79% savings rate (70% YTD)

8.8 years post-ERE expenses saved
In a few days, I'll do a year-end review and a forward-looking post for next year.

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Post by Able was I ERE »

2012 year

7.2k Housing (excluding principal pay down)

4.0k Utilities

5.6k Transportation

4.0k Food

1.3k Hobbies

3.9k Health

0.9k Student Loan

6.5k Misc


33.4k Total

Much of the misc was travel. If this level of spending continues, I may break into separate category for better tracking.

73% savings rate (includes irregular income never counted in monthly totals)

+1.2 years increase of post-ERE expenses (savings and gains)

65k mortgage pay down
2013 plan

On the expense side, I'm planning for a slight increase, but hoping I can turn it into a slight decrease. (Unless I outsource a few upcoming house projects, in which case, all bets are off.)
On the income side, my wife is reducing her freelance work, and I am considering becoming less-than-full-time at my current full-time job (if I can negotiate it successfully). Together, this could decrease our income by a not-insignificant amount.
On the non-financial side, two years ago, I created a list of 20 things I'd like to do in within five years. Since then, I've done exactly one of them. Now I have three years to complete the remaining 19. Some are increased fitness (run a 5k race faster than I've ever run before), some are time-consuming (learn a new language), and some are just whimsical (wear a funny hat all day). Currently, I have two long-term items in progress that should get completed this year or early next. This year, I intend to complete a few of the whimsical items, as well as attempt a smattering of the more difficult items.

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Post by Able was I ERE »

Q1 2013
March was the highest cash-spending month I've ever had, and I still managed to save 15% of my income. Looking ahead at expected expenses the rest of the year, I think I'll be happy with 50%-60% saved.
Unusual expenses:

- Transportation: Car engine replacement (after 270k miles)

- Housing: Tear down dangerous retaining wall by house. Replacement is yet to come, and may require significant money.

- Hobbies: Spanish class

2.5k Housing (not paying down principal until 2014)

1.5k Utilities

6.1k Transportation (!?!)

1.2k Food

0.8k Hobbies

0.8k Health

0.2k Student Loan

1.2k Misc


12.2k Total

50% savings rate (yep, only 50%)

9.3 years post-ERE expenses saved

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Q2 2013
Took off from work for 3 straight weeks (including 2 unpaid), which provided plenty of time for thought and reflection about life. I'm of two minds for a path forward:
  • Live in the future: reach FI in the next 6-10 years (depending on my SWR of comfort) by continuing to work full time, or
  • Live in the now: spend more time with my family by switching to part time (80%), reaching FI in 10-15 years.
Through out my life, I always tended towards living in the future. Now, however, I'm leaning toward living in the now. Over the past few weeks I have watched a child start to ride a bicycle; a child take his first strokes of swimming; and a child learn to smile.

With three young children, there will be no second chances---I'll only ever have one chance to teach them new things, one chance to see they learn new things, one chance to make a difference in their lives now. Gaining an extra day per week to spend with them now, in exchange for the possibility of working 4-5 years extra in the future? It's looking like a very enticing option...

Spending dropped back to closer to normal levels, although next quarter will have some large expenditures due to home maintenance (already underway).

Unusual expenses:
- 2 weeks unpaid leave (i.e. loss of usual income during unpaid leave)

1.7k Housing (not paying down principal until 2014)
1.5k Utilities
1.9k Transportation (!?!)
1.1k Food
0.2k Hobbies
0.8k Health
0.2k Student Loan
0.8k Misc
8.2k Total

65% savings rate (57% YTD)
9.7 years post-ERE expenses saved

Posts: 180
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Location: NL

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by McTrex »

Ha! Finally understand your nickname...been wondering about it since Surio's post...not sure what that says about me :)

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Still contemplating living in the now versus living in the future. No changes yet.

Lowest savings % quarter this year due to home maintenance and more car repairs.

Unusual expenses:
  • Siding replacement on part of house
  • Field stone for retaining wall (did most of work myself, with a little help from my friends)
  • More car repairs
7.0k Housing
0.7k Utilities
3.1k Transportation
0.7k Food
0.1k Hobbies
0.8k Health
0.2k Student Loan
0.6k Misc
13.2k Total

53% savings rate (56% YTD)
10.6 years post-ERE expenses saved

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Very excited to have negotiated a reduction in hours at work. Now I'll be working only 4 days a week. This will allow me to spend more time with my kids now, at the expense of increasing the time to FI.

Highest savings % quarter this year due to lack of major expenses.

Unusual expenses:
  • Stocked up on bulk groceries, along with CSA membership
1.9k Housing
0.7k Utilities
1.5k Transportation
1.2k Food
0.1k Hobbies
1.0k Health
0.2k Student Loan
0.9k Misc
7.6k Total

73% savings rate (60% YTD)
11.4 years post-ERE expenses saved

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

scriptbunny wrote:Just looked through your journal and I've been finding it incredibly inspirational! May I ask, how did you find a place at such low cost (for Boston at least)? Do you plan on moving when your kids get older? Are you happy with the school district you're in?
Thank you for reading. Glad to provide inspiration.

My housing is "cheap" due to aggressively paying off the mortgage on a small suburban single family home. It's now down to $50k (from the original ~$300k). The "housing" costs include taxes, mortgage interest, and up keep. An equivalent place would rent for ~$2k.

Happy with the school district, although I haven't sent any kids to school yet. Most schools in Boston suburbs provide a very good education. We are considering moving before the kids reach school age, but not due to inadequacy of the school district or neighborhood. Feel free to PM me if you want more exact details.

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
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Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Continuing to love the reduced hours. It allows a more relaxed pace that includes more time with family. We're starting teaching the kids to swim with the extra time. To enable this, we've joined the local YMCA. I struggled with this, since I'd rather have fewer monthly obligations. However, we decided it was worth the expense in order to teach the kids a valuable life skill.

Starting to learn about single-stock investing, with the intention of doing active trading later this year.

Lower income, but still managed to save a sizeable percentage of income (by American standards, not by ERE standards). Hoping to get back above 50% savings next quarter.

Unusual expenses:
  • Major repair and replaced major wear parts of car (280k miles)
  • Winter is coming....or rather it came harshly to New England this year, resulting in a larger than normal heating oil expense
  • New recurring expense of YMCA membership for swimming
1.6k Housing
1.9k Utilities
5.7k Trans
1.5k Food
0.0k Hobbies
1.0k Health
0.2k Loan
0.3k Misc
12.3k Total

46% savings rate (46% YTD)
11.9 years post-ERE expenses saved

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Kept busy, with little time left for updates. Preparing for a cross-country road trip.

Unusual expenses:
  • None
Expenses - Q2 2014
1.8k Housing
0.6k Utilities
1.8k Trans
1.2k Food
0.0k Hobbies
1.0k Health
0.2k Loan
1.5k Misc
8.0k Total

65% savings rate (55% YTD)
12.3 years post-ERE expenses saved
Last edited by Able was I ERE on Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Took a 2.5 month road trip across country and back. An amazing trip, with lovely visits to family and friends; beautiful national, state and local parks. Taking an extended period off from work allowed me to 1) preview what an ERE life could look like, and 2) further change my mindset on "stuff" -- traveling with five people in a five passenger car showed me how little stuff is actually necessary for survival / happiness.

Reduced income due to unpaid leave from work (used all my vacation and worked a few weeks remotely, including stopping at a work-related conference, but still needed over a month worth of unpaid leave). Slightly increasing expenses due to trip. Which all adds up to a lower savings rate. Sad about the lower savings rate. Would I do it again? You betcha!

Hoping to finish out the year at a 50% total savings rate.

Unusual expenses
  • Food. Even though we shopped mostly at grocery stores, being on the road meant increased costs.
  • A/C repair for auto. (Might not have done it, except we were 3k miles from home; with lots of daytime driving ahead.)
  • Misc. travel expenses: campground fees, the occasional meal out
1.6k Home
0.7k Utilities
3.0k Trans
2.8k Food
0.1k Hobbies
1.0k Health
0.2k Loan
2.9k Misc
12.3k total

28% savings rate, with reduced income (48% YTD)
12.3 years post-ERE expenses saved (exactly the same as last quarter, thanks to what Mr. Market taketh away)

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Started purging my house of "stuff". Although we've acquired less than the average bear, we still have plenty to get rid of. Anyone want a musty love seat that's been sitting unused in our basement for years?

Considering a trans-Atlantic move for cultural/language learning reasons. My job is now location independent, so where I live is only restricted by personal preferences and visas. This would definitely slow my ERE progress, due to European taxes being an estimated 100% higher (but with free health care), and only 50% higher if you include health insurance costs. Currently researching the tax laws of the country and the US tax laws for citizens abroad. Some of the foreign taxes could be recaptured later if I move back to the US while still working, but would require occasional working trips abroad (in order to generate "foreign-sourced" income for applying against tax credit carryover). Cross-border tax planning is incredible complex and filled with ambiguous rules and potential pitfalls.

Back to "full" time work. Using all my vacation during the summer meant working through the holidays, something I've rarely done in the past.

Managed to comfortable exceed my goal of a 50% savings rate. W00t!

Unusual expenses
  • Utilities. Fill up oil tank for start of winter.
  • Coolant hose repair for auto.
1.7k Home
1.4k Utilities
0.9k Trans
1.9k Food
0.0k Hobbies
1.1k Health
0.2k Loan
0.7k Misc
8.0k Total

65% savings rate (52% YTD)
13 years post-ERE expenses saved

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

2014 Year

6.5k Home (excluding principal pay-down)
4.6k Utilities
11.2k Trans
7.4k Food
0.1k Hobbies
3.7k Health
0.9k Loan
5.4k Misc
39.9k Total

Massive spending on transportation due to 1) expensive car repair and 2) cross-country road-trip.

  • 61% savings rate (includes irregular income never counted in monthly totals)
  • +1.6 years increase of post-ERE expenses (savings and gains)
  • 10k mortgage pay down
2015 plan
On the expense side, all bets are off, due to potential large move, which would include selling or renting out house.

On the income side, moving would also eliminate my wife's freelance work, but this is a small percentage of our total income. My income would be unaffected (taxes aside).

On the non-financial side, four years ago, I created a list of 20 things I'd like to do in within five years. Two years ago, I'd only done one of them. Today, I've done: six. In the next year, I'm definitely not going to do 14 of these things. Time to prioritize and eliminate those that I'm not going to do.

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Urged on by the decision to make trans-Atlantic move in mid-summer, our purging of stuff is going on full swing, We're trying to 1) avoid moving as much stuff as possible, and 2) avoid throwing away as much as possible. Thus, we're "storing" stuff on Craigslist.

W00t! All my loans are gone! Mortgage and student loans are both now paid off. Now time to decide whether to sell or rent out our house.

Retirement account set to full speed ahead. All IRAs are maxed out already, my 401k in currently set to max out just before making the trans-Atlantic move.

Unusual expenses
  • Trans-Atlantic move expenses, including one-way tickets, passports, etc
1.5k Home
1.8k Utilities
3.1k Trans
1.4k Food
0.0k Hobbies
0.8k Health
0.2k Loan
1.3k Misc
10.1k Total

55% savings rate (55% YTD)
13.4 years post-ERE expenses saved

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Stuff purged, mostly. Sold on Craigslist, gave away to friends, Freecycled, Craigslist free. I was amazed at some things that were sold (rusty patio table, corkboard), what couldn't be given away (fully-functioning waterbed) and what could only be sold on Ebay but couldn't be given away locally (baby hiking backpack). Next update may be in a different currency.

Just barely missed maxing out 401k before moving due to miscalculating size of final paycheck (no, you didn't get the full year's vacation day count if you leave midyear). Renting out our house, so some major fixing up expenses will show up next quarter.

Unusual expenses

1.4k Home
0.7k Utilities
0.7k Trans
1.3k Food
0.0k Hobbies
0.7k Health
0.0k Loan
0.8k Misc
5.7k Total

75% savings rate (65% YTD)
13.8 years post-ERE expenses saved

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Successfully moved overseas. Sticking with USD currency updates for the rest of the year then switching to EUR. Renting out our former home, but keeping those expenses separate.

Unusual expenses
  • 1.7k Car repairs before selling
  • 0.5k Year-long public transport passes
  • A large part of misc is food, but haven't found a good way to categorize expenses here yet.
3.6k Home
0.6k Utilities
3.3k Trans
0.7k Food
0k Hobbies
0.2k Health
0k Loan
3.5k Misc
11.9k Total

No savings rate, because no income was received during this quarter.
12.5 years post-ERE expenses saved (market losses!)

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

This whole report is nothing but an estimate because 1) expenses not tracked accurately and 2) after-tax income is unknown.

Unusual expenses
  • No utility costs (included in rent)
  • No transportation costs (due to lack of car ownership)
4.5k Home
0k Utilities
0k Trans
3k Food
0k Hobbies
1.2k Health
0k Loan
1k Misc
9.7k Total

25% estimated savings rate (45% YTD).
13.1 years post-ERE expenses saved.

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Spending is only estimates, since I'm not keeping track of exact categories nor exact spending. We've been spending a lot more on food and concert/opera tickets. But, the €3.50 standing room only opera tickets are not a budget buster yet. More transit spending than last year, but I'm including international flight tickets and the occasional car rental (including ZipCar).

Unusual expenses
  • Flight tickets for trip back to states (in Trans)
  • Misc includes many concert and opera tickets and kindergarten expenses
Expenses (6 months)
8.7k Home
0k Utilities
3k Trans
6k Food
0k Hobbies
2k Health
0k Loan
3k Misc
22.7k Total (6 months)

45% estimated post-tax savings rate (upcoming foreign taxes)
14.9 years post-ERE expenses saved.

Able was I ERE
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by Able was I ERE »

Spending abroad (end of "year" update)
Just compiled a much better estimate of my spending over the past year with real data. I've changed the categories to better reflect spending. I've removed the "Loan" and "Utilities" categories and added "Kids".

Expenses (13 months)
20.1k Home
12.7k Food
3.9k Trans
4.4k Kids
3.2k Misc
2.2k Health
46.6k total

48% estimated post-tax savings rate (pending 2016 taxes and social / health insurance contributions)
15.5 years post-ERE expenses saved.

Posts: 192
Joined: Mon Sep 30, 2013 2:32 pm

Re: Able was I ERE's go log

Post by 5to9 »

If you don't mind sharing, I'd love to hear a little about how the kids are adjusting to the big move. Is the new country also a new language? I'm in a fairly similar position, and this is something I have always thought about.
Last edited by 5to9 on Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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