Investing in Self Storage spaces?

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Re: Investing in Self Storage spaces?

Post by ZAFCorrection »

Something related to this, particularly the prepper storage idea, has been on my mind a bit lately. One of the memes in cryptocurrency has been "not your keys. Not your coins." That is, if the crypto exchange or fund has your coins, there is a good chance the coins are going to disappear if said entity has any issues. It makes sense that there isn't much institutional or legal protection since the coins are not widely used by the general public (in the US anyway) and they don't have a long history of use.

I also recently looked into getting a safe deposit box because proper online security these days means having a million and one unmemorizable passwords, and likely also some authentication hardware that can fall into the toilet if you are a butterfingers. Again, the problem of trusting another entity's custody was very apparent, with banks generally not having liability for the security of items left in boxes. Apparently banks have also been trying to get out of the safe deposit box business because it is not profitable relative to their other activities, and they have a history of emptying your box with no notice. In that case, your stuff is likely just gone and the lease contract you signed probably indicates compensation will be effectively zero. This situation exists in an industry that has been around for a long time and otherwise has a history of doing what they say they are going to do (i.e. all other banking services).

Basically, my understanding it is really hard, and arguably impossible, to find an organization that will both hold your stuff and absolutely give it back to you when you want it, or give you proportional compensation if it can't. Most of the public's stored value is tied up in housing (which physically can't be moved) and cash and conventional securities (which the banks seem to do well enough on custodying). I think the problem to solve is being that absolutely trustable counterparty, but I am also not sure how much of a market there is for it in the current economic climate.

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Re: Investing in Self Storage spaces?

Post by alex123711 »

This seems to be the current 'hype' business as I have been seeing a lot of people promoting it on youtube and twitter. 'How I made millions buying some old storage units' usually they talk about how they bought a managed one and turned it into a self storage. Probably a good reason to stay away with all the current hype around it.

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Re: Investing in Self Storage spaces?

Post by PhoneticNachos »

Hard copies of crypto is a popular thing to do, some people make things, like metal engraved o-rings and sink them in the ground inside pvc pipe and protected against corrosion/water.

I made a bunch of laminated papers, and then over the years made redundant copies and lists, a few in books, also a few fake ones too for fun.

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