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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:25 am
by Tyler9000
Hankaroundtheworld wrote:How strange the human mind works, now that I have set the ER(M) deadline to mid-2015, and I even have "bought" myself a new lifestyle in Hungary, those last Months at work seem to go slower and it drags even more energy of me.... I was hoping I would enjoy those last Months of work, knowing that not much matters anymore, so you can treat everything in a lite mode, but .... it becomes painfully clear that I have taken the work life far too seriously, focusing too much on the earning/money and not the joy of working (of that what you like), and with the end in sight, it suddenly all feels like a burden.
I totally relate. My best advice is to take the opportunity to pour your attention into something at work that challenges you. That will help the weeks fly by. If all you do is look at the bank account and count down to the endpoint, everything else will seem like a burden. That's simply not a healthy mental state to maintain.

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:05 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
Thanks Tyler9000, I have decided to be a speaker at a big event in my Industry, and that for sure takes my mind away and it is even a nice "farewell" to bring a story to a big audience. Also, my wife and I will be planning to visit Hungary a few times as preparation for mid-2015, that helps as well :-)

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:21 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
Just a recording (so I can read it back in a year's time after ERM): lately been really depressed, a new feeling for me, and main reasons are the local situation (we are currently in "ebola" area for work -- not that we have it, but our movements are limited -- basically staying at home during weekends, etc..), partially it has to do with a too long situation of my own decision-making around work, I have dragged on the working situation for too long, telling myself "milk the cow now that it is still possible", but i think I am been fooling myself, I basically do not like the work that I am doing anymore, no satisfaction anymore. Anyway, I hit myself for whining about it.... so I will continue till mid-2015 as planned, and do the trips I have in mind, so time will fly somehow. I also see this as a learning moment, you are basically facing yourself with your worries, fears and decisions I have made. The rational mind is saying "be happy, you got everything, and a new ERM period is around the corner", but the challenge is to influence my feelings, basically my body is showing signals and I can try to ignore this with my rational mind, but I cannot fool my body :-)

alright, enough ramblings for today, tomorrow will look better, I know !

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:21 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
Everything back on track ! The mood swings are now in positive domain :-)

Just reading the news of the socialst Political Party in Netherlands, SP, that likes to increase wealth-tax. I feel sorry for the people in the Netherlands paying tax ... there is a growing group of non-workers and declining group of people that earn and pay tax... and government is trying everything to squeeze more out of this last group, and no surprise, more and more people have enough of this increased tax burden, and want to escape, read ... going abroad, there are enough countries that like to embrace good knowledge workers, pay good money and charge low tax, and you have a chance to build up your own pension (instead of being forced in the Netherlands to use Company pension plan, that nowadays is not guaranteed anymore, and too costly)

Of course, Tax is necessary, but it has gone out of balance in the Netherlands, and now that the world is more open, people that have the right education/experience will make a move. If you combine this with ERE/ERM, it creates even more freedom to make this transition to other countries.

I am afraid that Europe will remain in trouble for another 10-20 years, at least low growth and higher tax burden to pay for pensions and growing non-working population....

Perhaps a bit egocentric, but I am happy to have found that escape route ...

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:12 am
by RealPerson
Yeah, this push to squeeze the producers and give to non-producers is happening in the US as well. You only need 51% of the population on some form of handout, so they can vote to tax the 49%. Detroit demonstrates how well that works out.

Increased global competition has evaporated those high paying blue collar jobs that used to support an entire middle class. Companies started realizing that Chinese workers will do the same work for a fraction of the cost, so....That situation is not likely to reverse any time soon, at least until wages in China and India have risen to near Western levels. That may take a while.

I like your geographic arbitrage. Of course, if this becomes too prevalent, govenments will start taxing their citizens worldwide (as the US does) or come up with some other scheme. I you denounce your US citizenship and leave, you may pay an exit tax on your assets. I believe that California taxes your investment income even when you leave the state, as long as the money was saved from California-generated revenue. No doubt these schemes will serve as a model if geographic arbitrage becomes too common.

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:24 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
Hi RealPerson,

Yes, this growing unbalance is happening everywhere in the "old" western world, but I still think that USA is relative okay. I have worked there, and I was happy with the low tax in the south of USA :-) I think the problem in USA is that the truly rich people can escape Tax too much, which is really low (at least compared to Europe).

You are right about the disappearing middle class, and this time, I think it is a structural problem, as there is no real replacement for it. We should really start to build up a different society, and ideas like a "base salary" for everyone, are appearing, so that everyone can decide and has the freedom how to deliver value in a society.... risky approach perhaps and it requires a mature society, but studies revealed that people will take their responsibility, and start adding value (or work extra - to get more than the base salary).

In the meantime, as long as those new structures are not yet in place, people that can afford, will try to find an escape route. I hit myself being a bit egocentric in this, I rather add value in an environment in which we build up a new society, but I do not see too many possibilities yet. But where ever I base myself, I will try to find initiatives (or create them) to do something positive in the local community. I personally like to create a green energy initiative for a local community, get everyone on Solar energy for instance, and if that works out, use that increased local community sense to create more initiatives.

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:44 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
Hi, small update, end of year is getting close, and that means closer to ERM date of mid-2015... Financially speaking, it all looks fine, rental is going okay, stock market is going well (fingers crossed, I think it is artificially high because of low inflation, low interest and money printing allround the world). When I hit ERM, I suspect to have at least 4000 USD / Month (for 2 persons) to live on (incl. everything, medical, etc...), and this is the conservative calculation (assuming a lower stock market growth the coming years). As I am still planning to be based in Hungary (for the coming years), this budget should be more than sufficient, and allows some travel budget as well.

My mind is more peaceful, and reading a lot. Just finished "This changes everything" from Naomi K., a debate on Capitalism versus Climate, but in fact, it is about how we are all trapped in the current system of endless growth based on carbon, and it is hard to escape this, so Climate will continue to be impacted ... the only hope I see is "technology-fix", because human beings will not change their habits anytime soon, and world population is still growing ....

Anyway, I am looking forward to ERM / peace of mind to focus on other things in life !

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 6:19 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
This will be final note for 2014. I am about to go for a break. Looking forward to 2015, the year that I am going to cross the line of ERM. Preparation is slowly starting, and we already have met a lot of people that live in Hungary, so it almost feels that we have started our new life.
I hope you all have a great Christmas and NewYear's celebration!
See you in 2015, Henk

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:30 am
by DutchGirl
Hi Henk,

Have a great couple of holidays, and see you in 2015. I hope it will be a fantastic year for you (and your family).

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:01 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
Hello everyone, happy new year and hopefully a great 2015 for all. Of course, the year started a bit wrong with the events in France....hopefully this will not be an indication for more trouble ahead, but I am not hopeful this is over yet ....

Personally I am looking ahead to start ERM this year, expected in August. I will notify my Employer in February, latest in March, and honestly, it still makes me a bit nervous although I am 100% committed to make the move. Cutting the golden chain remains a strange feeling, especially as you get used to the nice paycheck every Month, and then it suddenly stops .... But, this feeling is not a show-stopper, I am committed, and I will start ERM this year, and thankfully, I am getting excited to start this new life!

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:58 am
by DutchGirl
You still have a few months left to get used to the idea. And yes, it's scary. But really, it's your life, and you've got enough of a parachute to take that jump and see what life can be like outside of the golden cage.

I lost a colleague of mine a week ago now. He was 55 years old, and on Sunday morning his wife woke up and found him dead next to her. No previous signs of trouble that I know of. He was an amazing guy, he was a great colleague, he knew so much about our particular work, he was always ready to help me out if I needed help, he was somewhat like a mentor to me. The company is going to miss him, but my heart aches even more for his wife and his two adult sons, who are now suddenly having to make do without their husband and dad. I sincerely hope that he liked his life, and also that he liked working right until the last few weeks of his life (last time I met him at work was the day before Christmas). But for him I wish he also had enjoyed some retirement, some freedom from work, and some freedom to explore his other interests. Of course I would also have wished for a longer life for him, so that he could grow old with his wife and be a father to his children for much longer.

Life is short, Henk, and sometimes it's just unfair how terribly short it is. Go on and enjoy it for as long as it lasts, and maybe your future life includes some kind of work or work projects anyway, but maybe it doesn't and life is great without it.

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 4:28 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
Thanks @DutchGirl and also sorry for your colleague. I also have seen many examples of nice people (including my parents) that have died early in life, and it is always a reminder how unfair life can be. I agree, this step of ERM will be good, and I checked reactions of people when I was in the Netherlands during my break. Most people were positive (perhaps a bit jealous sometimes), and many were very curious why I am able (financially speaking) to stop regular work at 49 this year :-) Some were warning that I should keep myself busy otherwise I will get "old" quickly, haha, they should read this ERE book (which I always recommend). But in general, almost to defend myself (but more to avoid too many questions), I told everyone that I will go on a sabbatical year to find new routes in life, and that I still might have to work in future again (at least part-time). Perhaps that might be true, but only if I really want, there is no need for a golden chain anymore (unless the world financial system collapses).

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:17 pm
by Hankaroundtheworld
Started with renovation of our new farmhouse in Hungary, well remotely, we only see pictures getting thru of the Contractor about the progress, and it is great to see our new future to get into shape. The last months at work are okay, still making trips (usual mode of operation), and it feels kind of relaxed to meet Customers, talk about the business, while you know you will not be there anymore to see Projects getting delivered once sold :-)
Money-wise everything looks great for starting ER(M), let's hope the markets keep it cool this year, but what can you do, just have to accept life as it is, and be diversified in investments. More interestingly is what I will do with my free time, besides "working" in my small vineyard by next year, I have started "programming" again, that is my "technical" heart, just re-connecting to the fun I had with it when I was younger, and that is 25 years ago. I am thinking to take on some "home automation" projects (programming in Python and control those smart meters and systems nowadays for your home). Making trips will also remain, but it will be different, for instance, looking forward to "slow" travel for 4 Months thru Italy, etc... that feeling that you do not have to go back to work, and if you like where you are on your trip, you just stay a bit longer before you move to a new location, great!

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:11 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
Not sure how other people deal with the flow of information everyday, especially the "negative" news, like with ISIS, or what is happening in Russia, or the potential next crisis in Banking system, our climate impact by humans, you name it .... Of course, all of this news is somewhat colored by whoever is creating this, and you need to filter, balance or blur it a bit ... However, I am more and more thinking to cut myself of the "news", at least on daily basis, may be only see a summary per Month, and for the rest focus on what is important in your own small life around you (the zone that you can influence, outside your personal zone it is anyway impossible to influence and it will only frustrate you).

Anyway, I just took on a online course in Astronomy (via Coursera), and that takes me beyond Earth, very relaxing to see all these Humble space pictures of far-away Galaxies :-) Perhaps a good escape, and also a good course, by the way

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:51 am
by leeholsen
Hankaroundtheworld wrote:Not sure how other people deal with the flow of information everyday, especially the "negative" news, like with ISIS, or what is happening in Russia, or the potential next crisis in Banking system, our climate impact by humans, you name it .... Of course, all of this news is somewhat colored by whoever is creating this, and you need to filter, balance or blur it a bit ... However, I am more and more thinking to cut myself of the "news", at least on daily basis, may be only see a summary per Month, and for the rest focus on what is important in your own small life around you (the zone that you can influence, outside your personal zone it is anyway impossible to influence and it will only frustrate you).

Anyway, I just took on a online course in Astronomy (via Coursera), and that takes me beyond Earth, very relaxing to see all these Humble space pictures of far-away Galaxies :-) Perhaps a good escape, and also a good course, by the way

I second your 1st paragraph. After spending many years following 2008 financial crisis getting news that the world's going to fall to pieces, I finally had enough starting last year; it just gets too depressing on a regular basis. my only concern(because its about the only thing that will affect me or I can affect) is my financial situation; which is why I've departed from going ere and decided to just be a minimalist. I figure there's a good chance the world will have to resolve its debt issues in my lifetime and if that means they start seizing assets, i'll be okay considering I live below the poverty line now and have a stem degree.

That astronomy course is a good escape and you can literally get lost in science news sites like science daily which is a lot more interesting than the do nothings in elected offices, I have chosen books(reading better than a book a week this year) and local travel as mine.

BTW, did you know the earth has a force field ? ... bove-earth

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:07 pm
by mxlr650
Not sure how other people deal with the flow of information everyday, especially the "negative" news, like with ISIS, or what is happening in Russia, or the potential next crisis in Banking system, our climate impact by humans, you name it .... Of course, all of this news is somewhat colored by whoever is creating this, and you need to filter, balance or blur it a bit ... However, I am more and more thinking to cut myself of the "news", at least on daily basis, may be only see a summary per Month
The Economist is nice since it gives a summary of week's news. Its pretty cheap - like an year subscription for 3k miles. AFAIAC, is no news that is worth following every day.

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:06 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
I figure there's a good chance the world will have to resolve its debt issues in my lifetime and if that means they start seizing assets, i'll be okay considering I live below the poverty line now and have a stem degree.
Interesting viewpoint, and I tend to agree, it might still take 10 years or so, but someday somebody needs to pay the bill of all this debt, and I bet that it is the "common people", not the rich. Currently the world is busy expanding "easy cash" (debt via QE or lower interest rates) even further in every region, it is a like a big race of who can create more cash/debt and inject it in the assets (although mostly not adding value, like in stock market). Nobody knows for sure how this will explode and how long it will take, it is far too complex to predict. Just for fun, I talked with a Russian colleague/friend (in Moscow) how are things perceived from Russia. First of all, he changed his mind abt Putin, half-year ago he was not happy with Putin, but now he thinks, it is better to have a Putin with balls than other leaders....and on financial front, they believe in Russia that USA is about to collapse, he mentioned 700 trillion in Credit Swaps (like with Citi bank) that are about to explode, etc... so he felt safe in Russia with oil/gas reserve, etc.. Funny, everyone creates their own reality from the news, culture and background you come from.
I hope that it is "only" seizing assets when debt situation unfolds, not war....but I do not believe it will be peaceful. There is only a thin layer of false perception of safety, it can easily turn into chaos ... (several cases have proven this, imagine if this happens on global scale when people have no money anymore for food, we were close in 2008 to reach this level of chaos, nobody realizes). So, concluding for now, quickly go to my small haven in Hungary, and hope chaos will be limited over there. In the meantime, you have to live a normal life, haha, good luck to all of us.

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:33 am
by leeholsen
Hankaroundtheworld wrote:
I figure there's a good chance the world will have to resolve its debt issues in my lifetime and if that means they start seizing assets, i'll be okay considering I live below the poverty line now and have a stem degree.

I hope that it is "only" seizing assets when debt situation unfolds, not war....but I do not believe it will be peaceful. There is only a thin layer of false perception of safety, it can easily turn into chaos ... (several cases have proven this, imagine if this happens on global scale when people have no money anymore for food, we were close in 2008 to reach this level of chaos, nobody realizes). So, concluding for now, quickly go to my small haven in Hungary, and hope chaos will be limited over there. In the meantime, you have to live a normal life, haha, good luck to all of us.
yes, many hysterical sites and people are predicting worldwide chaos; I do not; when the countries that are financially irresponsible have to become responsible. I mean in the great depression, most people just went along with the tough times. i'm more worried as a relatively little guy that I do not have the assets to defend myself. the govt seized gold in the depression and its financial problems are much greater today.

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:58 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
@leeholsen I do hope so, but there are some differences with previous depression periods
* First of all, we now have more than 7 billion people, and still growing to 10 billion (+/- by 2050)
* Society is more mixed now because of globalization (already more tension worldwide between communities)
* Strong urbanization (going to 75%) --> this does not allow alternatives for people if money runs out, like farming ...
* News spread more quickly nowadays

Together this means, in my humble opinion, that it is more unstable than it was before (in other depressions). If debt expansion explodes, it will not be a few countries like Greece that needs to restructure, it will be a worldwide problem. You saw what happened in Middle East and North Africa when the price of food staples went up, it resulted in chaos, imagine that there is not enough money anymore to buy food ... Actually in 2008, the world was close to such a scenario, people in financial sector agree to that (anonymously)

I do try to avoid the fear-mongering hysterical sites, as this does not help, but there is some truth in the unstable situation that we are facing, not only from financial stability point of view, also other Earth-wide problems. I also read a lot about positive scenario's and many are focused on "innovate yourself out of troubles", or a belief that Technology will save us. For sure, there is a chance that Technology could further accelerate and solve some of the issues, but will it be quick enough?

There is a growing movement in the Netherlands that is focusing on restructuring society(bottom-up), which is positive, but I have traveled the world (just back from India), and what I see.... i do not think many countries have this luxury of "slowly changing from the inside", there are not enough incentives for people daily trying to survive on a few dollars....

Re: Henk's journey thru life

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 7:42 am
by Hankaroundtheworld
Still around, but less frequently, which is to be expected if ER is around the corner. My wife and I are still very happy with our choice to create a homebase in south of Hungary, the first renovations are done, and we expect to move by end of year, which is also the end of my Corporate life (cubicle life). As many people have discussed on the forums, it does not really mean "no job anymore", but freedom to choose what I want to do, and I will explore, but first I will focus on renovating my vineyard in Hungary and feel free, think and read, enjoy life, make some trips in Europe, and who knows, I might discover a new journey (in creation of something new). We feel blessed (not religious), both healthy, relative young (49) and happy altogether.

I will keep a record of our spending patterns in Hungary and report it back here, because I believe than many people can find a good and affordable life-style over here in Hungary. So, happy to show this as proof, and may be it helps others.