N = 1, Warrior Diet Fun

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Re: N = 1, Warrior Diet Fun

Post by reepicheep »

The weekend did not go well. It was a lot of fun though.

Let's just say that I owe more burpees than it may be physically possible to do. I'm knocking them out 15-20 at a time (the kind where you go all the way down, not the kind where you just stop in the front leaning rest). And I'm adding a week at the end, so I'll go into early August. That'll probably go really well to be used to eating this way, because I'm leaving for my work trip shortly thereafter and the food situation (frequency, quality) there may be less than ideal for me.

Monday and Tuesday went a whole lot better than the weekend, even though I screwed up the cycle a bit. I didn't eat until after 3, had a salad, nuts, and a plum yesterday and then didn't eat again until after 9 PM. And I really wasn't hungry, at all.

It is awfully hard to ignore the goodies that people bring to the office--yesterday there was coconut cake--but that's not so much the warrior diet as just my long-standing addiction to sugar in general.

I should try the coffee with coconut oil (instead of milk) thing. I really hate the taste of black coffee, but maybe I can work up to it. Is it smoother with the coconut oil?

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Re: N = 1, Warrior Diet Fun

Post by DSKla »

If you're going to put coconut oil or grassfed butter in your coffee, you will likely want to use a blender or one of those little stick blenders. It probably won't mix well if you just pour it in. The oil should take the edge off of black coffee, but I doubt it will be as smooth as milk. Especially since you don't want to out a TON of coconut oil. Not unless you have a bathroom nearby.

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Re: N = 1, Warrior Diet Fun

Post by enigmaT120 »

reepicheep wrote: It is awfully hard to ignore the goodies that people bring to the office--yesterday there was coconut cake--but that's not so much the warrior diet as just my long-standing addiction to sugar in general.
I've started calling donuts protein bars, but I am not sure my body is convinced. Luckily they don't show up often enough to really make any difference.

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Re: N = 1, Warrior Diet Fun

Post by reepicheep »

For those wondering what happened:

An ER visit and two different medications that require me to take them with food, twice a day, put the kabosh on this project.

The ER visit was entirely unrelated to my dietary experiments, which while they were ongoing seemed to be working ok for me. I did find this diet tough to do socially, particularly when spending the night at other people's houses, which happens once or twice a month usually.

I'll probably try again after my work trip ends.

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Re: N = 1, Warrior Diet Fun

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Sorry to hear about your medical problems. I agree with your take on the diet. It was effective to the extent I could do it, but difficult to integrate with my social life, and due to my own long-term habits, it proved expensive for me to not given any consideration to food until the evening. I usually like to do most of my cooking in the morning after I eat my breakfast and then just serve dinner later, so I can check off all my daily housework as done, and relax or focus on other things in the afternoon, but it is difficult for me to cook early in the day if I am trying to avoid eating early in the day. However, doing this diet more like a 2 or 3 days on, 5 or 4 days off interim fasting plan does work much better for me socially and housework-habit-wise, because then I can allow for thoroughly enjoying myself being treated on a lunch date on Friday, baking up some getting-mushy fruit into some muffins for brunch with my kids on Sunday, and only eating garden cucumbers and dill with sour cream and a piece of expensive fish on Monday, etc. etc. etc. Maybe it's just my personality type, but I find any sort of rigid rules to be the opposite of conducive to overall improvement of quality of lifestyle and/or frugality.

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Re: N = 1, Warrior Diet Fun

Post by Dave »

@reepicheep - Would you explain how you find this diet tough to do socially? I ask because I found the opposite to be true: the "restrictive" part of the WD is inaction as opposed to action. What I mean by that is to comply with WD you (greatly simplified) need to not eat during the day. That can be done anywhere and anytime. On the other hand, a diet requiring 6 meals per day or specific food types requires specific action to maintain, which can make diet compliance during social events challenging if the people you are with do not eat with the same frequency as you, or are not going somewhere with your food of choice.

Also, I think Jacob implied this above, but WD is not a diet that requires 100% compliance, unlike a diet like Atkins. It's okay if you eat breakfast or lunch socially on occasion. I do this regularly when around friends and family. I do not consider this failing the diet.

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Re: N = 1, Warrior Diet Fun

Post by banker22 »

Going to try this...starting tomorrow. I have a vacation in exactly 4 weeks and have been eating like a pig recently... Hoping to make some long term changes. Am also going for warrior + paleo with occasional alcohol (have a weeding next weekend)...and am expecting a rough first week transition! Will update with weight and waist tomorrow. Please help to keep me accountable!

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