Henk's journey thru life

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by Hankaroundtheworld »

Hi, some updates in my "diary". Still going thru the emotions to say goodbye to Corporate Life, wow, those chains to the Cubicle are very persistent :-) but I am more and more starting to accept the move to ERE. Currently still fighting as well about the bonus, etc... Anyway, wanted to say that this upcoming ERE has made me read books like mad, like "4hours work week" and similar, "investment" books, psychology books, "DIY books", etc.. almost all at the same time (love those eBooks on Ipad). I will get to fiction books again once ERE is on track, but for now, I feel like a sponge, absorbing knowledge.

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by DutchGirl »

That's pretty cool :-) . Here's another one, by the way. It's "Your money or your life", but in Dutch and adapted to the Dutch situation; and it's free. http://www.vanspaarbankveranderen.nl/si ... -leven.pdf

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by Hankaroundtheworld »

He Dutchgirl, thanks, yes, "money or your life" is also on my list (have started), but this Dutch version is also nice to read. Wish I had read this 10-20 years ago ;-) but it is never too late to change for the better. Today I had a good meeting with somebody that has made the move 5 years ago what I am now trying to do. He has not really stopped working, but decided to stop Corporate life and start something himself with a friend, and he said, it has changed his life completely. He feels free, he does not work for anybody than himself, and if he does not like a client, he just say goodbye, and he is also focused on quality of work and life, and not work for the sake of money. He also can afford long breaks (mini-retirements), all and all, something I want, and we will meet again next week, to dig a bit deeper and potentially even work together. Such a meeting gives energy, and it shows I am on the right path. Of course, this path is different for everyone, but more and more, it shows that it brings energy for everyone that has escaped the Cubicle.

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by DutchGirl »

For me the "Your money or your life" book really made me realize that I'm exchanging my time for money. And that therefore, that money should be used in a way which honors the fact that I had to use my precious time to get that money. You now have enough money (at least in my opinion), so why exchange your time for even more money, if that's not the most fun/interesting/valuable thing to do with your time?

In the Dutch book there are also sentences like "you can use half a tea bag to get a cup of tea, the tea still tastes great and that'll save you money!" - I don't think that is very useful information for you :-) .

Also, this discussion on reddit is maybe interesting for you: http://www.reddit.com/r/financialindepe ... is_enough/

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by Hankaroundtheworld »

Yes, true, I do hear you... for my lifestyle (and my wife), we should indeed have enough, so true, why change more life-energy (time) for money, and start using your time for other goals.... I will think it over a bit more, I am half there. You know, this "being productive" is so well programmed in me, that even though I am rationally agreeing with you, there is this hidden voice telling me, I can do so much more in my professional life.... and talking with my friend today, did give me energy. At least, I am 100% convinced to leave the Cubicle, that move is now prepared.

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by DutchGirl »

I was raised Catholic, but even so you get that "go forth and be useful" message ingrained in you, even though it's supposed to be a calvinistic approach to life.

I don't think it's easy to change how you think about it :-) . I am curious how you will shape your life now that you're financially independent.

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by Hankaroundtheworld »

Currently in the Netherlands (for a change), meeting a friend (44) that is FI just by luck of inheriting a lake and property in the Netherlands.... and just 2 new kids in family as well ..... and he seems not happy (as he got out of a job some Months ago - and I believe he does not want to be a full-time father all the time ....). I told him about this forum and some good books, and how lucky he was to have this situation, create a plan what you like to do (vision/mission) and start building/creating something. He is facing what so many people face, they do not know what they really like, their passion, etc... so hopefully he will start using this forum and the advice from me and some books. My advice in a nutshell, if you do not know your passion, focus on what you are good at, and try to create something yourself (not work for a big company). I believe his real problem is that he likes to be the playboy instead of family-man, mmmm, that is a difficult route to take with 2 kids produced.

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by Hankaroundtheworld »

Some updates: I have discussed with my Company that I want to stop (my planned ERE start in May 2014), and they offered instead a 2 year expat contract in a new Country ..... So, here is the dilemma, if I accept this, my net-worth will probably grow with around 250k Euro in 2 years (200k Euro by extra savings, and the rest 50k from rental income that I will not use for 2 years). The flip-side is that I delay ERE with 2 years.... .For my mind, this is a difficult dilemma. Why exchange more time (life energy) for Money when it is not really needed, but then my mind plays tricks, like (a) may be the extra money is nice for a house at the ocean in a nice Country, (b) may be a stock market crash will happen in coming 2 years, so I build up an extra buffer, (c) a new country is a new adventure, why not try ....and (d) many more ideas why i should perhaps do this

From experience, I know what will happen, the 1st year in a new Country, everything is exciting, okay, you have to work, but the new environment makes up for it (new people, new actions, ..), the 2nd year I will start to doubt, I start to lose interest again in the work and start day-dreaming of starting ERE ....

Perhaps I should do one year, take the 125k Euro extra net-worth, and then go ...

I guess, it is clear how difficult it is for me to accept that ERE is around the corner. It is probably a mix of uncertainty what future will bring.....

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by rube »

Or suggest 3 or 4 days instead of 5 (or whatever is fulltime). You have a strong negotion position.

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by Hankaroundtheworld »

Thanks Rube, this is not easy in my Industry, and also these Expat contracts are not easy to get (anymore), that is probably one of the mind tricks, I keep on thinking "lets milk this job another 2 years and then go, because I will not have this opportunity in years to come". At the same time, I realize that human beings keep on pushing that limit of "what is enough" all the time, and that is a trap.

This all might seem whining, some might say, be happy for the chance, and in general, I am a happy person, and I know there is a limit of Corporate life BS that I am willing to accept (before it starts reducing life quality too much), and I know I am near that limit that I want to step out.

My wife says that I am "balancer", I keep on balancing ideas in my head, weighing everything all the time.... and that does not help in making decisions :-)

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by rube »

Ok, I understand.
Perhaps you can go then for 1 year as you suggest. If you like it, even though it might not THE best thing in the world, it is another 'adventure', and well paid.
Then you quit after the 1st year. I don't know what the contract is, but there is always a way out (can't handle stress any longer etc.).

If you don't like it, but do it only for the money, then don't do it.

Having said that, I would have dificulty to decide also if I were in your shoes :-)

Oh, and try to get the most out of it! Better payment or perks. As I said, you have a very strong negotion position. They already know you wanted to leave, still they offer you another project. It means they make money out of you.

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by Hankaroundtheworld »

Leaving Holland again. Having met some of the younger generation over here (15-25 years of age), I noticed:
* The younger generation hardly wants to work (small jobs) to pay for their consumer needs or study
* The needs however are tremendous increased from when I was that young. Kids are even disappointed (actual story) that they were getting an iPhone 4 instead of iPhone 5 .... crazy world
* Nowadays students in the Netherlands end up with a debt, in my days, this was unheard of. I had 2 jobs during study to pay for it, ending with no debt, and it also gave the pleasure to pay for it myself

I wonder, if this is the case, how they will discover ERE methods.... how to make them aware?

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by DutchGirl »

... Maybe you can start a blog? Mix cool travel stories and working-abroad stories with stories on how you saved money, invested, and are now ready to retire early, if you want to...

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by henrik »

I'd say it depends on the country you are offered and whether you want to go there. You seem to be in a position to make these decisions based on other factors than money now:)

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by Hankaroundtheworld »

It is indeed funny, the moment I said "I want to leave", the job offers start to increase. Today, I was getting another offer. There must be some secret force to test me if I am really convinced to start ERE period :-) I am going to take time to compare Quality of Life with these offers, and hopefully I will have the wisdom to make the right decision. Thanks all for your comments, it does help.

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by rube »

Sounds great. We'll read here what decisions you'll make and how you like it!

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by mxlr650 »

Hankaroundtheworld wrote:I am going to take time to compare Quality of Life with these offers, and hopefully I will have the wisdom to make the right decision.
Here are some aspects to consider before deciding next steps:

Not sure when you started thinking about ERE – if you had been thinking for a while and had a set date, then it would be difficult to push the dates out and work at a job instead; OTOH if ERE is your recent foray, it might make sense to formulate/crystallize your ERE plan while on this new job so you have clarity on at-least your first few ERE years.

Marginal utility of 200k EUR -- if it greatly improves your ERE quality then go for it, else the new job may be something you might not enjoy fully knowing you are already FI

If you were planning to travel during ERE, then you should take this job since it essentially allows you to do travels near the new country while getting paid.

If you do decide to take this job, make an effort to learn how ignore corporate BS – your main priority should be making good money while having little responsibilities, and ensuring your job is stable for next couple years.

Good luck!!

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by Hankaroundtheworld »

Thanks mxlr650, that triggers some thoughts:

(a) ERE plan
In all honesty, a real ERE plan I have never made. Only recently (last 6 Months) I have started reading many books around it, and I somehow regret that I should have done sooner :-)
However, in a less-structured way, it has been on my mind for around 6-7 years, the moment I was looking with my wife for a B&B opportunity in a nice Country (and then reduce Corporate Life gradually). In the end, this idea never came to real fruit, probably because I was not comfortable with my Net-worth position.
The last 2 years, I have started to track my Net-worth position better, and creating excel-based calculations on how much I could live with that amount. At least, without reading about FI and ERE, i was preparing for the financial base for it. At least that part of ERE (reaching FI). Regarding the "mindset" part of ERE, this has not yet come to a full embracing. True, i have started to look more at Quality of Life, also exploring to start for myself instead of being part of big Corporate environment, etc... but it has not yet created enough root in my life (hence the struggling you see in my Journal).

(b) Next steps:
More people have now suggested that I should first create a good plan, either for starting something myself (and only work a few Months per year) or just a broader ERE plan (okay, the extreme part is getting less with the years). I probably should give it a year, accept this new Contract for now (at least new Country adventure), and start creating a good ERE plan in parallel, and then live up to it.
I already discussed with my wife, she agrees, and she said, if I have enough of the Company in one year time, I can still decide to stop and use the ERE plan moving forward.

The coming weeks I will make the decision

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by Hankaroundtheworld »

There are those days that you feel more aware of your life and that you appreciate it more. In those days, i feel content with what has life brought so far, like a good relationship with my wife, being healthy, having good relationship with brothers/sisters & friends, having made the decision to see the world - expat style - , realizing that ERE/ERM is possible now, knowing that there still so much to explore in life (I am very curious in general), or just simple reading a good book with a glass of wine. In those days, I do not look at the bad developments in the world and what human beings are capable of in the wrong way. Today is such a day that everything seems right. OMG, I sound like I am one of those happy religious people :-) but that is certainly not the case.

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Re: Henk's journey thru life

Post by robby152 »

Lol, way to go Hank! Seeing all of these people 'arriving' at the goal of ERE keeps me motivated and excited. The most encouraging thing is that it seems that you aren't relying on some sort of external stimulation to do things like 'explore in life' and all that that brings, but have an internal motivation to, well, live. I think so many people are missing that single ingredient, which is what keeps them from dreaming about something bigger and more free.

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