EDC porn

Fixing and making things, what tools to get and what skills to learn, ...
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Re: EDC porn

Post by Kalevipoeg »

I've had a Leatherman Juice XE6 in my pocket for 15 years, securely fastened to my pants with a lanyard. The first one lasted about 10 years before the blades became worn down from sharpening, the file dulled and the pliers too loose to cut wire. I ordered a second one a few weeks before a piece of metal inside the old one snapped in two (possibly because I occasionally used the multitool as a hammer), so I got it replaced under warranty. Now I'm set for the next 20 years :D

The only "downside" to carrying it is that I pretty much only wear cargo pants to have enough room for keys, wallet, smartphone and the multitool without having to empty my pockets every time I sit down - something I notice my jeans wearing friends doing constantly with their smartphones and keys...

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Re: EDC porn

Post by Seneca »

If I get lost hiking I want to be with Jenny. Great idea with cash/ID behind the Magpul case.

I got a Glock G42 last weekend. Despite the reviews, I'm really liking it. The numbers don't tell the whole story for how much easier it is to carry than a regular sub-Compact Glock. You guys that concealed carry compact Glocks (with regular wardrobe) have my respect, that's a lot of gun to stow.

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Re: EDC porn

Post by Dragline »

This conversation makes me feel naked. Although I do keep some of this stuff in the car, in a bike pack and with my backpacking stuff, the only tool I have in my pocket is a Sears 4-way screwdriver:

https://www.google.com/search?q=sears+4 ... 44&bih=734

And more and more these days, some fold-up reading glasses that look kind of like this: http://www.ebay.com/bhp/magnivision-reading-glasses

I suppose I could start fires with them in a pinch, at least on a sunny day.

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Re: EDC porn

Post by jennypenny »

Seneca wrote:If I get lost hiking I want to be with Jenny.
My gear might be really useful, but the mental anguish of being stuck in the woods with me might offset any benefit. :lol: I might have to look at smaller Glocks. I've worked out the carry issue with the 19 (it's no longer in my bag), but it's probably not the best choice for EDC.

@Kalevipoeg--Have you tried a belt or concealed pouch for when you don't have room in your pockets?

@dragline--I'm a little surprised at your nakedness. Aren't you with the scouts?

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Re: EDC porn

Post by Kalevipoeg »

Have you tried a belt or concealed pouch for when you don't have room in your pockets?
I've tried belt pouches: a bit uncomfortable (especially when sitting, lying on the couch etc) and unsightly. I keep my keys in one hip pocket, the Leatherman in the other and the phone in one cargo pocket, the wallet in the other. Nothing in the back pockets. I used to EDC a measuring tape, flashlight, flash drive, micro sharpie and a lighter as well for years but have scaled down a bit. A smartphone can substitute for most of that stuff in a pinch - even a lighter if the battery is charged and you stick a piece of metal (the awl on my Leatherman, for example) through it...

It would be cool to have an ankle pouch though when cargo pants are not an option. Although under some circumstances it might be really suspicious to have a significant bump and a perhaps bit of metal/back leather visible on your ankle...

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Re: EDC porn

Post by workathome »

This is my favorite way to carry, but it doesn't work well with holding a baby:

http://cdn1.bigcommerce.com/n-63unu/uxo ... 80.jpg?c=1

http://raven-concealment-systems1.mybig ... -full-kit/

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Re: EDC porn

Post by jennypenny »

I want this iPhone case (except I couldn't get through airport security with it). http://www.amazon.com/IN1-Multi-Tool-Ut ... 556&sr=1-2


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Re: EDC porn

Post by EMJ »

[quote="jennypenny"]I want this iPhone case (except I couldn't get through airport security with it). http://www.amazon.com/IN1-Multi-Tool-Ut ... 556&sr=1-2

The description says "fully TSA Compliant".

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Re: EDC porn

Post by Dragline »

That's my main problem with carrying much stuff -- buildings with metal detectors.

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Re: EDC porn

Post by stand@desk »

My EDC is a bit less exciting than most I'd confidently say..

I have a flat minimalist wallet carrying some $60 and very few plastic cards, never more than I need, a spare car key taped in securely in case I lock my other keys in the car, all of which I keep in my back pants pocket only if I have a button to close the pocket, otherwise it goes in my front pants pocket; my two flash drives of data and touch-up make-up stick and lip balm, comb and cloth glasses wiper and whistle in a zipped up change purse-like bag that folds over and fits in my pocket; and keys go in the other pocket.

If I am carrying my smart phone on my which is not too often, it's on a clip on my right hip.

If I am going out I always run the "keys, cell phone, wallet" mantra over and over to make sure I have them all on me.

I don't know how people can lose these things..these are vitals and must haves and you should always know where they are. If you lose them it's time to pack it in.

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Re: EDC porn

Post by jennypenny »

EMJ wrote: The description says "fully TSA Compliant".
I guess I would worry that the particular TSA agent I was working with wouldn't agree with that.

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Re: EDC porn

Post by Riggerjack »

Wow, i feel so unprepared!

EDC: wallet, cell phone, card key if going to work.

maybe it's a factor of how set my routine is, but i never felt the need for any of the other stuff. mind you, at work i have 2 multitools, and a few nice screw drivers and flashlights. the car has an MRE, a few flashlights, and a few tools.

firearms, or even possession of ammo on company property is a firing offense, even if it's in your private vehicle. that was bothersome, but not overly so. until we recently placed a bid on a house within walking distance of work. the area around my workplace is much nicer to drive thru than walk thru. it made me think in terms of non firearm self defense for the first time in years. i have the kind of build that doesn't attract that kind of attention, but my wife is a different story. if we went that direction, i think i'd just get a walking stick and get her a tazer.

As to flashlights, costco has been carrying LED flashlight multipacks in 3 packs for $15-20 range that are excellent! i carried the minimags for years, these are far better! 250-500 lumens, AAA powered, sturdy aluminum bodies. i highly recommend them.

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Re: EDC porn

Post by jennypenny »

I've developed a bit of EDC OCD, especially wrt altoid tins. I'll have some more pics about that soon, but I wanted to share a project someone I know did recently. It's a morse code transmitter for a 10-meter band that runs on a 9V battery. Very cool.



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Re: EDC porn

Post by vexed87 »

I have to admit, you are all making me feel rather unprepared. I'm not sure what I should be preparing for, that's part of the problem I guess! I admit, I prefer to travel as light as possible, but travel to work makes this difficult.

My EDC consist of Samsung Galaxy S4, backpack, high-vis waterproof cover, high-vis packable rain coat, dry bag containing whatever clothing is required for the day, a small amount of cash usually £20 in notes plus usually enough change to get me home on the bus if my bike has a mechanical failure, however I carry all the tools I need to fix most issues I can think of;

hand pump (with tape wrapped around stem) & co2 canisters
2x inner tunes (one 700c and one 26") as I ride two different bikes depending on destination/weather
2x Tyre levers
Alan/Hex Keys (all sizes required for bike)
Chain tool & spare links
Spoke key
Zip ties of varying sizes
x2 "Get me home" emergency lights, front and rear.
x2 front Cateye Volt 300 lumen bike lights which double up as pretty good torches.

I have been thinking about adding some first aid supplies to my backpack, and having witnessed a pretty nasty accident the other day whilst cycling home, I think I better get a move on!

I have never considered carrying a knife. I'm not a pacifist, we just don't have that (gun/weapon) culture in the UK. Obviously though, I appreciate knives have other uses...

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Re: EDC porn

Post by jennypenny »

The latest version of the tin. The sleeve is a meter of duct tape. The silver and green thing is what I use as a firestarter.


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Re: EDC porn

Post by Miss Lonelyhearts »

Do you think the Altoid tin is durable for the long term? Is that part of the purpose of the duct tape? And what is the black thing above the fire starter?

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Re: EDC porn

Post by jennypenny »

I've carried my other tin for a couple of years with no problem. I added the duct tape sleeve so (1) I could carry duct tape, and (2) I could easily attach the tin to my key ring. I tried putting holes in the tin itself and attaching the D ring that way, but it took longer to take it off if I wanted. The holes also made it much harder to use the tin for cooking or holding water.

The black thing is a resqme.

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Re: EDC porn

Post by Ego »

Leatherman Wave salon. The scissors are better than the pro hair cutting scissors we have at home.


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Re: EDC porn

Post by Sclass »

Nice. You are dedicated. I use mine to cut my nose hair. They're kind of tiny so it helps.

I'm more of a swiss army guy but I do appreciate the quality of my Wave. Check out this cool built in jewelry drawer in my crash pad. I guess this was a lady's bedroom.


For hair cutting scissors I like Seki Edge sold by hidatool.com. Amazing cut. Same with their nail clippers.

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Re: EDC porn

Post by Dave »

I used to be into being ultra (overly) prepared for everything in terms of my EDC. This was exacerbated because I am an Eagle Scout and proudly lived by the motto "Be Prepared".

Then I came to realize that, for me, having such an intricate EDC system was really just another form of consumption. How often was I actually using any of these items, and how many of the times that I did use them did I create an imaginary need (eg. using a knife to open a box I can open with my hands)? The answer was that I rarely if ever needed anything but my keys (if I was leaving my apartment), my wallet (if I was buying something or needed ID), and my phone (if I had a need to communicate during the duration of my outing). A few examples of things I have no real need for:

1. Flashlight - Really, I can function sufficiently in most tasks with just moonlight/starlight/nearby lighting. Otherwise, I can just defer whatever it is I need to do until it's day.
2. Knife - See above. You can use your hands, a pen, scissors, etc.
3. Gun - This one involves more of your personal philosophy, but I would say that many encounters that one might be quick to draw a weapon are escalated substantially with a deadly weapon, and handing over my keys and wallet is not really such a big deal.
4. Advil - Advil is not life saving. Tough it up for a few hours and just wait.
5. Screwdrivers - Really? If you have a job that requires tools, you have tools. If you don't, why do you need such a tool with you? Many buildings, residential or commercial, are going to have some tools either from the homeowner or maintenance staff. If the need is so great, use that channel.
6. Rope - Get creative and use your belt, shoelaces, etc. if you really need something.

It is essentially a matter of reframing the problem. Of course, the above apply to my lifestyle. There are plenty of lifestyles where such items may be useful, such as if you worked in a remote rural area. In my case though, I agree with the philosophy of trying to use less tools and still accomplishing the same things. Having a 10-purpose multi-tool sort of takes away from that. More important to me is that most "problems" do not warrant carrying something around with me to use: I can either just deal with the situation, wait it out, or find an alternative solution.
Last edited by Dave on Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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