Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

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Western Red Cedar
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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by Western Red Cedar »

2Birds1Stone wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:07 am
over the last 12 months I have taken 5 MILLION steps.
This sounds like the ideal way to celebrate financial independence and your youth. Hopefully you'll be keeping up the same pace in 30 years! You are at least 1.5 million ahead of me based on my rough calculations :D

Also, props on the good sleep hygiene. That, and hearing about your determination to find a gym anywhere on the road from your wife opened my eyes a bit. I'm definitely not waking up at sunrise everyday, but I've been pretty consistent with lifting over the last two months. Partially inspired by your routine and dedication.
Last edited by Western Red Cedar on Thu May 02, 2024 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

April Update

Celebrated 11 months since leaving paid employment yesterday. Things are going better than I could have imagined, and there's definitely truth to what is being discussed in some of the other recent threads that money is like water after a certain point, you just don't need more or think about it much.

Now, I actually ENJOY crunching the numbers on a monthly basis and tracking our consumption/investments/trajectory, but it's more of a hobby than something that feels like it needs to be done.

With a projected WR of 3% for 2024, it would take a very large market crash or very large unexpected expenses to take my mind to a place of worry.

As of May 1;

NW = 50.0 X Trailing Twelve Month Expenses
WR = 2.00%

@WRC, I've failed to find a gym here in Italy the past 9 days. We were so busy in Rome, walked 60 miles in 96 hours and now in these little historical villages so not even a real park to try to get some pullups in =D
Last edited by 2Birds1Stone on Thu May 02, 2024 5:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Western Red Cedar
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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by Western Red Cedar »

I think you can call that a well-deserved deload. I suspect you'll probably have things sorted once you are back in Poland. Maybe in the meantime you'll have to settle for some burpees and dips off of fine, Italian leather sofas.

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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by Frugalchicos »

Hey, great catching up with your journal!

Very nice seeing you are enjoying your life being active, seeing the world, enjoying good food and hitting the gym!!

All the best and good luck in your life of freedom 😃

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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

"The top is in*"


*maybe it is, maybe it isn't but I haven't posted one of these graphs in well over a year.

This graph represents the past 6.5 years of data since starting to track combined finances with my spouse.

Blue line = rolling previous 12 months of combined expenses
Red line = 4% withdrawal rate
Green line = 3% withdrawal rate

Edited To Add: Interesting to note, that this graph is not adjusted for inflation and somehow our spending is below what it was 5-6 years ago. It just goes to show that your personal basket of goods and choices make a much bigger difference than what CPI would have you believe.

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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by delay »

Thanks for your blog post! Interesting that your spending is below 5-6 years ago. I've so far succeeded in keeping my spending constant at 2018 levels.

The red and green lines in your graph are rising quickly. Do I read it correctly if I say your net worth quadrupled since 2018? (From the 3rd horizontal line to the 12th horizontal line.)

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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

Not quite, but it's up ~380% :)

Mind you, these were our highest income and lowest spending years. We are proof that this shit works!

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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by delay »

It's hard to imagine! If your net worth quadruples that usually means you just started saving. It's only possible to quadruple a number that is low compared to your income. You also show a SWR below 4%, so you have a large net worth. So you must have a really high savings rate, like 70 or 80 percent. Proof that ERE works indeed, enjoy!

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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

@delay, I wouldn't say it's that uncommon around here, and in the broader FIsphere.

For the last few years of our careers, our combined income was ~1.5X median household for our area. Our spending was VERY low.....I share savings rate here pretty much since the beginning of time in my monthly updates, which I kept going until I stopped working over a year ago.

Our savings rate was very high, averaging right around 80% over a 7 year 2022 it was 88%! We've also had spending as low as $17k for two people for an entire yes, this shit does work :)

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Re: Semi-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

2Birds1Stone wrote:
Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:42 am
I am officially retired as of yesterday......let the games begin!
Well, it's officially been a full year of retirement......and it's been glorious all things considered.

Financially, things are as good as they can be with the current frothy equities market and seemingly "here to stay" inflation. We calculated that a 3.2% WR would be safe to use as a spending ceiling for the first year, and we've come in at 2.15% of starting portfolio value (1.85% of current value). This is both due to portfolio appreciation over the past 12 months, but more so our spending only being 65% of what we could have spent and still been within that 3.2%.

I haven't had to rebalance anything, and we continue following a rising equity glidepath. Our target asset allocation is 63/37 and we're sitting at 64/ just about 1% off.

There hasn't been a single day where I missed work or my old career. There hasn't been a single day where I regretted or questioned our decision either.

I have a few very random observations, lessons, and takeaways that will probably impact the second year quite a bit.

First of all, the good. Being completely free from work was everything that I hoped and dreamed of, and remembered from my first stint in late 2019-2020. Some people have a lot of their identity tied up in their careers, and I was definitely not one of these people. That being said, there are certainly aspects of my job that I do miss now that we're perma-traveling......though these are not work specific things, they are just needs that happened to be met through work for a period of time. That's on me to figure out moving forward, as I feel the need for some sort of ongoing mental stimulation and more regular interaction with other humans.

Not having to answer to an employer is glorious, as is being in complete control of your location and schedule. Over the past 14 months we've spent extensive time in;

Sevilla, Spain (9 days)
Valencia, Spain (13 days)
Algarve, Portugal (2 week hike)
Lisbon, Portugal (3 weeks)
Northwest, Portugal (2 week road trip)
Southeast, Poland (3 months, home town)
Zakopane, Poland (3 weeks hiking)
Lake Solina, Poland (1 week, camping/sailing)
New York, USA (1 month visiting with family/friends)
Florida, USA (2 months, snowbirding for winter)
Bangkok, Thailand (8 days)
Koh Samui, Thailand (1 week)
Koh Tao, Thailand (10 days, scuba diving)
Phuket, Thailand (1 week, scuba diving + breaking my back)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (8 days)
Da Nang, Vietnam (3 weeks, beach life)
Hoi An, Vietnam (5 days)
Ubud, Bali Indonesia (15 days)
Nusa Dua, Bali Indonesia (4 days, resort life)
Gaeta, Italy (4 days)
Rome, Italy (5 days)
Umbria, Italy (3 weeks)
Lake Como, Italy (8 days)

I looked back at our AirBnB/ info, and during these 14 months we've slept/lived in 53 different "homes" (including hotels, hostels, guesthouses etc).

While it's been amazing, and given the choice I would do it again in a comes with some downsides too. The lack of routine and constantly being on the move does wear on you. There's some decision fatigue you deal with, and while you do get better at being a nomad, it's still a lot more effort to get daily things done/figured out in each new place you go.

Our diet, exercise and other important routines/habits did suffer in some locations due to lack of options, convenient options, and at points just lack of willpower to make the right choices.

The comfort of our accommodations varied greatly. I am realizing as I get older, a good nights sleep is something that is becoming exponentially more valuable. We had the pleasure of sleeping in some really comfy beds in nice hotels, but also suffered on some rock hard mattresses or in locations with poor sound insulation where getting a good nights rest was difficult, or I woke up feeling like I got beat up with a baseball bat.

Having access to a kitchen and supermarket/grocery store is paramount in the grand scheme of things. The exception to this was in Da Nang, Vietnam where eating out was so cheap and healthy options were so abundant and tasty that it didn't matter.....but the difference in quality of life and sense of well being when we're cooking and preparing our own food vs. having to eat out or rely on premade stuff is huge. Luckily it was only in Asia where we stayed in more hotels and relied on meals out for the majority of our diet.

I was able to successfully keep up with a good weightlifting routine for ~12.5 out of the past 14 months, which is pretty good.....however, in Italy it was next to impossible to get to the gym. Not only do commercial/public gyms simply not exist in many of the small towns and villages where we stayed, but in order to join almost any public gym, even for a drop in session, you need medical clearance from an Italian doctor. So my fitness and physical well being has suffered greatly in the past 6 weeks we spent there.

It made me realize, that I want to make regular training a priority in future travel plans, and the longest I plan to go without consistent access to a a well equipped resistance training facility is ~1 week at a time. There's just too much of my mental and physical health tied to regular workouts, and bodyweight shit just doesn't cut it. Much less important but tangential is having a foam roller with me when we're Asia I made due with weekly massages and some gyms had a foam roller, here in Italy it's become blatantly obvious that myofacial release on a very regular basis is necessary for me to not feel like I'm twice my age.

The last is walkability of wherever we stay. DW and I are vastly happier when we can step outside the door wherever we are in the world and just walk somewhere. This can be rural or urban, but it's VERY important. We have stayed in several places over the past year which were not walkable (or very walkable) and it's a glaring net negative to our quality of life. Some outdoorsy and nice places, like Lake Como where we stayed at the end of our Italy leg, lacked walkability. We were in a beautiful condo, right on the lake there, but there was one very narrow road that circles the lake, we had the option of going either north or south on this road, there are many sections with no sidewalk and a very narrow or no shoulder and locals and tourists treat it like a private race track. Spending 8 days there, we went on walks mid week during times when car traffic is low, but walking the same 1-2 miles of road gets old really fast. Bangkok was also an interesting example, where it's walkable in the sense that there are sidewalks........but the pollution and daytime air temperatures made it unpleasant most of the time. Luckily there's enough air conditioned indoor space to keep you busy for a week.

So, with some of these lessons learned we have some tweaks to our plans for year two of FIRE.

Slow down on the travel, staying in each place for a longer period of time and making sure that we prioritize the amenities and services that are important to us......namely having regular gym access, a kitchen/supermarket, an immediately walkable area, etc.

And speaking of gym access........getting small and fat over the past few months has lit a fire under my ass to prioritize fitness/health/well being going into year two of FIRE.......with a separate post coming on my thoughts/plans around this. It's going to get spicy though.....
Last edited by 2Birds1Stone on Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Semi-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by delay »

2Birds1Stone wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:11 am
I haven't had to rebalance anything, and we continue following a rising equity glidepath. Our target asset allocation is 63/37 and we're sitting at 64/ just about 1% off.
Happy one year retirement anniversary! When you say 63/37, what is that balanced between? Stocks and bonds?
2Birds1Stone wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:11 am
Our diet, exercise and other important routines/habits did suffer in some locations due to lack of options, convenient options, and at points just lack of willpower to make the right choices.
Willpower is a limited resource, it's no fun spending it on diets. After suppressing whatever food habits one calls "bad" for a few monhts, one bounces back. I've done over ten diets where I lost 40 pounds or more, and always bounced back after. So far I have not met anyone who lost weight permanently using willpower, exercise or diets.

For me intermittent fasting did the trick. An eating window between 14 and 20 is now my default behavior and requires little willpower. Looking forward to learn how your diet journey goes!

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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by Seppia »

lol at “small and fat”

Thanks for the perspective: in my situation, the most interesting journals are invariably of people who are not working any more.

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Re: Semi-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

delay wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:11 am
Happy one year retirement anniversary!
Thank you!

Interesting, because I've been an active participant and spectator in the health/fitness space for over 15 years now and know countless people who have lost significant weight and kept it off. I'm not sure what your definition of a "diet" is, but restrictive eating in any form, whether it's intermittent fasting or other forms of caloric manipulation/restriction are ultimately accomplishing the same thing.

I myself had lost 125+ lbs at one point in my life and have kept ~85 of that off permanently. I do agree that changes to eating/activity need to be sustainable and more or less permanent, but there's no doubt that doing a cutting phase to kick start thing in the right direction is an easy and effective way to see results and build momentum.

Yes, the portfolio is stocks/fixed income.
Seppia wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:21 am
lol at “small and fat”

Thanks for the perspective: in my situation, the most interesting journals are invariably of people who are not working any more.
Ha, I should caveat that with "relatively" small and fat compared to where I was say, a year ago.

We arrived in Poland on the 28th and I joined the gym here the same day. Already feeling MUCH better and many of my aches and pains are miraculously going away with regular training. I give it 4-6 weeks of sticking to a mild caloric deficit, getting enough protein and lifting with purpose until muscle memory does its magic and things are much improved aesthetically.

Scott 2
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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by Scott 2 »

Thanks for the update. I appreciate seeing how people are living post-retirement. I have to imagine looking back, that travel will feel increasingly valuable. A full year of "once in a lifetime" experiences.

Ever try a lacrosse ball for soft tissue work? That might fit in your bag and take the edge off.

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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

Scott 2 wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:48 am
Ever try a lacrosse ball for soft tissue work? That might fit in your bag and take the edge off.
I actually travel with one of these, and it's been a huge help. A tiny bit larger than a lacrosse ball, but 1/3 of the weight, and the spike hurt so good. It's great for tight hamstrings or working a knot out of your upper back, but it doesn't quite do it for my lower back. The foam roller lets me crack my back and decompress my spine in a way. ... R-p-174699


Western Red Cedar
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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by Western Red Cedar »

That itinerary looks both inspiring and exhausting! Nothing like a multi-month road trip to throw some fuel on the fire :D

DW and I finally landed in our first AirBnB of our vagabonding adventures a couple days ago. We had a few nice studios in Vietnam and Bali, but now we have a separate bedroom and kitchen (that is decently equipped). Along with a nice television with a soundbar to catch up on some Netflix. Of course, the gym has seen better days, but good enough with dumbbells up to 25 kg to get some solid workouts in. We both noticed how nice it feels to have the extra space, to have leisurely tea in the morning, and to cook for ourselves again.

Do you think you'll focus on monthly or multi-month stays in the upcoming year? Plan on sticking around Asia a while longer next year?

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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

Having a proper kitchen is glorious. Even just the super basics like a small fridge, hotplate, kettle and one frying pan/pot goes a LONG way.
Western Red Cedar wrote:
Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:43 am
Do you think you'll focus on monthly or multi-month stays in the upcoming year? Plan on sticking around Asia a while longer next year?
The itinerary looks more exhausting than it was to be honest! Each segment of the trip took some planning but we prebooked a lot of accommodation and transportation so decision fatigue in that regard was minimal. For example, at the start in Spain/Portugal, once we got to the Iberian Peninsula it really was no big deal taking a short flight from one city to another.....especially since the Priority Pass Lounge at the airport in Sevilla had some of the best food we'd eaten to that point in Spain, so the $35/person flights were WELL worth it :)......similar situation flying from Valencia to Lisbon. We had apartments in all of these locations with kitchens and it was much easier navigating Spanish speaking Europe than Asia for the first time. Both Spain and Portugal have national chain gyms, like Crunch or Planet Fitness in the US which made it super easy to join for a month and get consistent workouts.

Geographically, DW and I have talked about our forward plans at length and we have a *rough* idea of where our travels will take us over the next ~18 months, through the end of 2025.....preliminary plan looks like;

June - Poland
July - Poland/NY
Sept - OR/CA (mostly CA)
Nov - FL
Dec - NY/Chiang Mai, Thailand
Jan - Koh Tao/Koh Samui, Thailand
Feb - Southern Vietnam
March - Central Vietnam
April - Northern Vietnam
May - Iberian Peninsula
June - Iberian Peninsula/Poland
July - Poland
Aug - Poland
Sept - Poland/NY
Oct - NY
Nov - FL
Dec - FL/NY

2026 - the year we dabble with Mexico, Central/South America for the winter

After that, who the fuck knows?

Western Red Cedar
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Re: Semi-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by Western Red Cedar »

I was reading the planned itinerary to DW yesterday and we were laughing because we are just figuring out where we'll be in mid-July.

Mapping it out like this makes sense though in terms of prioritizing optimal times back at the home base and with family, returning to places that hold a lot of appeal, and simply working your way through the bucket list. I'd love to get back to the Iberian peninsula, or to potentially crash the orchard in Poland next summer.
2Birds1Stone wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:11 am
And speaking of gym access........getting small and fat over the past few months has lit a fire under my ass to prioritize fitness/health/well being going into year two of FIRE
For the casual reader or lurker, small or fat would be the opposite adjectives I'd use to describe 2b1s. His commitment to lifting while nomadic was inspiring, and has kept me more focused on prioritizing that on my own travels (though I'm happy taking a month off here or there).

A small anecdote to highlight this point:

We were wandering around Hoi An (probably after a 6:00 am workout at a local gym) taking in the city and the people. After loading up on protein-heavy Bahn Mi's to lock in our gains, we stopped to watch a local artisan carving sculptures. This was someone who had worked with his hands his whole life, and had the strength and physique to show for it. The artisan looks at 2b1S's arms, puts both hands around his bicep, and says "You, very good right here" :lol:

Just one of the many small, hilarious moments that take place on the road.

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Re: Semi-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

Western Red Cedar wrote:
Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:08 am
I'd love to get back to the Iberian peninsula, or to potentially crash the orchard in Poland next summer.
You would be VERY welcome to crash the orchard next summer. Unfortunately we're not making any progress there this year. Too short of a stay and there's been a few setbacks. The electric utility company cut a bunch of tree down near the high voltage lines running through the land in mid March, they left everything they cut to sit until my mom discovered it in May. It's been a battle getting them to come and either haul it away or ideally cut to smaller pieces and leave to season so we can use it to roast some marshmallows, I mean kielbasa next summer. So it's been impossible to mow the grass which is now 3' tall. The neighbor who has been helping take care of the property for my grandfather and now my mom the past 20+ years also suffered a stroke over the winter so he's no longer able to do a lot of the mowing and arborist work he used to do......we're working on getting things sorted out this summer, and hopefully when we're there for 4 full months next year we'll have more time to figure the nitty gritty details out.

Our schedule is a pretty loose plan. The further from now the looser it is. Though the rest of this year and first few months of next are pretty baked. We already have flights and AirBnB booked for Chiang Mai, but nothing past December 4th. I do know DW really want to get her advanced PADI cert and we LOVED Koh Tao, so it seems like a no brainer to make that a ~2 week stop. I'll do some fun dives and already know where the good gym is in town.

Thanks for the Hoi An memory.....let me see if this works....


Laura Ingalls
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Re: Nomadic-ERE Year 5 - Wanderlust Prevails

Post by Laura Ingalls »

You have planned so much further out than we have. I think too much of a plan makes DH anxious. We have a plan until mid to late August and then nothing.

The decision fatigue thing is real and for us that means we are traveling too quickly usually.

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