grundomatic's journal

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Re: grundomatic's journal

Post by guitarplayer »

Yeh another take is to just marvel at the construction. I had been watching an interview with Frans de Waal the other day where he argued that life in captivity can be a perfectly fine life with all necessary and sufficient conditions for a good life. Also the good old debate on determinism.
Last edited by guitarplayer on Wed May 08, 2024 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: grundomatic's journal

Post by grundomatic »

Conversation moved from here.
7Wannabe5 wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 2:35 pm
Interesting. Very much like IllinDave (INFJ)s path. You were likely very much in your masculine energy in the moment, because ending things with a spendy ex requires cold "killer" functioning. Actually, according to Deida, anybody has to be in their masculine killer energy to end a significant relationship, because the feminine is like a clam or a blossom that just opens and closes in the presence/lack of love, but never ends things.
I’m not 100% up to speed on your gender/maturity quadrant model, but I didn’t end it. Sparing the details, I played the supportive spouse right up to the end, despite being able to read the writing on the walls. I made her say she wanted to end it, then made her do the work involved. I’m sure it says something about me that the two things I wanted to do once released were get a girlfriend and save my money.
7Wannabe5 wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 2:35 pm
For example, in basic example Budget format, this might look like the rule of thumb of 2 days work for money, 2 days community service, 2 days work for art/actualization, 1 day sleep on the beach.
This reminds me of Barabara Sher’s work–the school day model, the doctor’s week, the double agent, etc. I need to revisit Refuse to Choose and implement some of the things now that I’m actually (mostly) free. Of course now that I want to reference it, I can’t find either copy I own. I’m sure they are loaned out. Anyhow, in my career I’ve played the serial specialist, and in my hobbies I've been more of a sybil. Without the structure of work, I might need to impose a little more structure on myself. I could just keep doing the serial specialist thing…I know it works for me. Of course, maybe that’s exactly why I should try something else. How’s that for scanner thinking?
7Wannabe5 wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 2:35 pm
Oh, it seems to me like you have a lot more than "fun uncle" going on (not that there's anything wrong with "fun uncle." I often fulfill the "fun Mom" role myself. ) For one thing, you are creating a great model of an alternate path to ERE.
Are you sure? From my viewpoint the journey seems like standard FIRE, just done on a median income instead of a very high income, and I guess quitting before hitting my number. Moved to a smaller place, biked to work, cooked at home…nothing special here, really.

As far as post-employment goes, so far I’m playing video games and going on pet-sitting vacations. I think any contribution to the ERE sphere is yet to come.

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