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Re: Journal

Post by ertyu »

b2, given your interests in both education and intentional communities + your ability to live vlcol due to ere, it might be the best fit for you to get into teaching groups of homeschooled children or free-range "pursue their own stoke" children (unschooling). It's an idea.

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Re: Journal

Post by jacob »

berrytwo wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:48 pm
describe your intuition as an image. If anyone feels inspired, I would love to hear different images.
Like a collection of photo-litographic masks each of which map to certain structures that have been verifiably observed in objective reality. Basically, "is this abstraction like that abstraction?" (And are these all validated abstractions!) If two or more masks light up at the same time, lateral metaphors are triggered and creative solutions may obtain. (This structure is like that structure.) In the form of diagrams and maps(*) and using metaphors and idioms to the point of abusing them, never thinking in words or narratives. Consequently, turning insights into conversation or presentation requires the extra effort of dealing with an additional layer of translation. This is why "conversation" (whether partaking or listening) usually has a negative ROI for me. It's like having to think in a foreign non-fluent language. Some twenty five years ago, I began switching from the narrative blablabla construct to a visual matching construct. Thinking is much faster than way. I've had frustrating arguments with algebraic people who needed to prove solutions I could see outright. "Like, why is this not obvious to you?!" Fair enough. Different kinds of thinking, though.

(*) For example, electricity is like plumbing in the sense that water pressure ~ voltage, flow ~ current, and pipe diameter ~ resistance. This gets more powerful the more models are added. For example, there's more to flow resistance than the diameter of the pipe. This all gets added in at the same time. For example, option pricing is like the flow of a river where the flowrate is like interest and the turbulence is like the volatility. The river flows fastest near the middle (at the money); towards the shores, it gets more laminar and slower. And so on ... typically several masks or panes are involved. I can typically tell which ones. It's not just a hunch.

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Re: Journal

Post by daylen »

describe your intuition as an image. If anyone feels inspired, I would love to hear different images.
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Re: Journal

Post by berrytwo »

Such interesting images!! My brain is integrating ;)
7Wannabe5 wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 6:05 pm
Like a young creature that is half-monkey, half-terrier with a multi-tool machete, flash-light, and label-maker
ertyu wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 7:56 pm
b2, given your interests in both education and intentional communities + your ability to live vlcol due to ere, it might be the best fit for you to get into teaching groups of homeschooled children or free-range "pursue their own stoke" children (unschooling). It's an idea.
Its funny you brought that up, because that is actually something I did during the pandemic. It was a bit of a negative situation for me, but mostly given the context (I was also going to school online full time, this was my first time teaching, and there were a few students had a lot of trauma that I was not sure how to support, I was super lonely due to covid isolation) I think that I was drawn to it for the reasons that you named. There were parts that I really enjoyed including connecting learning to nature, creating my own curriculum. I could imagine doing it again, perhaps especially in 10 years or so when I have my own kid to be a part of it.

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Re: Journal

Post by ertyu »

If you're on a homestead, you could hold a summer camp of sorts, too, where small groups of children can learn the basics of growing your own food etc. You might or might not be into it liability wise, but I've seen people with rural property (granted, outside of the US) open their places to either day trip like extracurricular set-ups or for 1-2 weeks at a time as a summer camp. This ofc depends on whether you have a suitable property

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Re: Journal

Post by berrytwo »

Ooo interesting ideas! I have thought about also hosting either retreats or wwoofers at some point as well. There are a lot of steps and unknowns between where I am now and these visions, but interesting to percolate on them.

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Re: Journal

Post by berrytwo »

Travel Diaries Part One: Synchronicities vs. Serendipity and Mr. Rodgers

I have recently been deep diving into the term "synchronicity" and have been reflecting on how it relates to serendipity. A recent mantra of mine has been "be at the right place at the right time." I just found out that Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity (which in itself is a synchronicity for me!!!) Basically synchronicities are meaningful coincidences especially when they happen to resonate with someone's "inner state, emotions, or unconscious mind." I see serendipity as "happy accidents." Depending on what color of the spiral and/ or your woo-woo level, there are so many ways to look at it. Below is what chat GPT created when I typed in "synchronicities and serendipity in relation to spiral dynamics."

Purple: Might see them as signs from ancestors or spirits.
Red: May view serendipity and synchronicity as expressions of personal power or destiny, interpreting positive outcomes as rewards for their strength or dominance.
Blue: Likely to see such occurrences as divine interventions or manifestations of cosmic justice, aligning with their belief in a predetermined moral order.
Orange: Approach serendipity and synchronicity from a rational and pragmatic perspective, seeing them as coincidences or chance events resulting from natural processes.
Green: Appreciate the emotional and interpersonal aspects, interpreting them as opportunities for personal growth, connection, or empathy with others.
Yellow: Take a holistic approach, seeing them as reflections of deeper patterns operating in the universe, emphasizing complexity, emergence, and adaptability.
Turquoise: Perceive serendipity and synchronicity from a transcendent perspective, viewing them as expressions of higher consciousness or universal intelligence, guiding individuals towards unity and integration.

Anyway..... being on the road has been a fruitful place for both and it has brought me a lot of meaning and joy to explore. There have been a lot of moments with a felt sense that I am at the right place at the exact right time I am supposed to be. One of the most notable is the progression of events that happened after I walked past a little free library the day before I left on my adventure, and found a book about Mr. Rodgers. My mom told me that when I was fourish I came up to her with tears in my eyes and told her that "Mr. Rodgers loves me." Reading the book in the first days of my huge life transition felt like the exact words and messages I needed to hear. There is a reason he has been called "Mother Teresa in a cardigan." Later, I am wandering through my old university campus (on my journey South) with the book in hand, thinking about him and and an old teaching professor who was the embodiment of him. When I see a sign for international teaching conference happening in that exact moment (which was based off of many of the practices of Mr. Rodgers.) I poke my head in and the exact professor is right at the doorway. I show him the book and we start having a beautiful conversation and next thing I know I am sitting in the conference. There have been so many other moments where it seems like things have just fallen into place and the universe winks at with me, telling me that I'm going in right direction.

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Re: Journal

Post by grundomatic »

Happy things are synchronous for you!

From the previous assignment:

My intuition is a possibility vending machine. There are various input mechanisms and you can give it as little or as much as you want. The machine prefers to have seen something before, but is also happy to compare whatever you asked about to something else completely. Outputs are either something pithy, spit out on a fortune cookie paper, or some long, winding short story that eventually gets to the point, and is printed out slowly on a dot matrix printer. It runs 24/7, thinking about previous queries, inputs, and what could be.

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Re: Journal

Post by berrytwo »

grundomatic wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 7:13 pm
Happy things are synchronous for you!

From the previous assignment:

My intuition is a possibility vending machine. There are various input mechanisms and you can give it as little or as much as you want. The machine prefers to have seen something before, but is also happy to compare whatever you asked about to something else completely. Outputs are either something pithy, spit out on a fortune cookie paper, or some long, winding short story that eventually gets to the point, and is printed out slowly on a dot matrix printer. It runs 24/7, thinking about previous queries, inputs, and what could be.
Thank you! Appreciate the image too. I think that's a pretty good metaphor, I might use that one when talking about Ne to people. I like that there is an element of fastness described that us Ni users usually don't have. Ni needs much more computing time to respond (even if you are extraverted like me.) At B7 and I's goodbye party for out house, the group was talking about chatGPT and how it can make raps and I commented about how our infp friend could do just as good of job. Next second he is spitting bars with the theme of B7 and I's adventure and it goes on for multiple minutes. It is in those moments that I know for sure I am not an Ne user :lol:.

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Re: Journal

Post by grundomatic »

Sometimes the vending machine needs more time, but more time doesn't guarantee better output.

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Re: Journal

Post by berrytwo »

Journal Update:

It is wild to see the intentions and effort we brought to make this adventure possible, come to fruition.

Deeply enjoyed staying at AH before embarking on my solo portion of my trip. We had some great chats with him + his parents, felt many moments of grounding in the desert, and experienced a rush of inspiration.

May 1st we started on our separate ventures, and I made my way North. I have had more concentrated alone time in the last two weeks than I think I may have ever had, which has been beautiful, lonely, cathartic, maddening, and empowering all at the same time. I feel a longing to be more in my first function, it feels a bit exhausting to be in Ni, Ti, Se, and Fi for 90% of my days, but I know that it is good for me too. There are some moments of really interesting Fe during group meetings, including a lot of unique facilitation styles/ frameworks that I have been getting to observe. The owner of the property is an entp and we get along really well.

I have been moving through a bit of shame around a youtube hole I have caught myself in. For a few months I have been just about youtube free. I think being out of my Fe zone and moving through some really big feelings by myself, I just fell back on an addiction that has “served me” in the past. I can name that it’s happening and make plans to change it, but it feels hard to slide backwards a bit.

I have been spending a lot of time in the redwoods and by the beach with my journal and The Journey of Soul Initiation. Also getting to play my uke a lot. During my work time I wheelbarrow bark chips, weed, work on various vermiculture projects, and am working on a massive deepclean project for their workshop. I also have been able to do a few gigs for money including driving someone to the airport, helping someone go through old boxes of stuff, and I may get paid to do someone’s chores while they are away. It has been fun to test out the organizer role, as this has been something I have been interested in doing as a small side-gig for a long time. I get a big rush from organizing and making spaces look usable and aesthetic. It feels nice to be a support person in the process too. The waste part is hard for me though.

Nomading has a wild ride of ups and downs, my intention is just trying to be present for all of it, as it is.

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