Comptia Security+ Certification

Anything to do with the traditional world of get a degree, get a job as well as its alternatives
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Comptia Security+ Certification

Post by Star*Bucks »

Hello, I have a job offer with higher pay over what I earn now waiting for me and all I need to do is get the Security+ certification. I have several questions here for anyone who is in the this field.

First was the Security+ Cert difficult to pass? How long did you study before taking the exam and what study material did you go with? I am currently not in tech and I am excited and scared at the same time at the idea. The job I do now is easy reliable and I could do it 20 more years without blinking an eye, but this new job will get me a immediate pay boost of 30-40% which means I will actually earn about the same amount of money as I make now annually but will do so only working a 40 hour workweek instead of the 60 hours on average I do now.

What is the day to day like for someone who has a security+ cert? This question may be too broad and I’m sure will depend on several factors. The guy that offered me the job said I’ll probably be wobbly for the first 2 months before I get comfortable. This was great to hear because that means they expect for me to take some time to learn and find out what is expected of me. Any other input you may have would greatly be appreciated! This first step may be an opening to get deeper into the tech field and get that remote job I always wanted.

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Re: Comptia Security+ Certification

Post by IlliniDave »

Certain jobs adjacent to mine before I retired required it in order to have admin privileges on some networks. My coworkers who had it for their assignments tended to roll their eyes at it as it was just a credential they had to get that didn't have any bearing on their actual jobs. They were just hands on managers of networks who needed root privileges to do their job, which was generally things like installing software, creating accounts, and performing maintenance.

The consensus was that it was by far the easiest and most expedient to take a course in it and pay attention because the course essentially is a how to take the test and geared towards whatever iteration of the test they took at the end of the course. It may be of some technical value to someone whose job deals directly with protecting networks (was not the case among my former colleagues, they just kept them running). I actually downloaded a study guide from my former employer's eLibrary and studied a good chunk of it. Somewhat interesting and just tangential enough to my job I was able to use it to fill in some mandatory work-from-home time during the pandemic.

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