NewBlood's journal

Where are you and where are you going?
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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

delay wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:30 pm
Thanks for your journal!
That sounds like fun. 350 euro's is a good deal for a week, including travel too! Where do you live? Anyway, looking forward to reading how the trip went.
Thanks delay!
I'm a 3 hour drive from some of the European mountains ;) sorry, I don't feel comfortable being more specific in public posts.

Yeah, 350 euros is a good deal. Those clubs are run by volunteers, and subsidized (I think), they get preferential rates on lodging, and carpooling is organized for the trip to and back from the mountain, with cost split between participants. So that keeps costs quite low for what it is. I'll do a recap of the trip afterwards, I'm a bit nervous since I have no idea who else is going beside one of the guides. It might be just me and a bunch of older retirees. We'll see.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

loutfard wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:06 pm
Your comments on hip pain remind me that mine has mostly disappeared with my excess weight.
That's awesome, you're reaping multiple benefits there!
I'm blessed with good metabolism so excess weight is not an issue thankfully. My hip pain is definitely at least in part linked to excessive time lying down. For reading, netflix, taking forever to fall asleep, cat coercion, cozy time under the blanket away from the chilliness, etc...
loutfard wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:06 pm
P.S. I'm rather curious about your native eurozone country with somewhat of a food and cycling culture, relatively modest wages, climbing opportunities and expensive-unless-prebooked train tickets. I didn't know such a country existed. Please do not spill the beans if you don't want to though!
Hum.... modest wages by US standards? I'm relatively close to you.
Speaking of which, I hope your wife okays EuRE-FEST! it would be really cool to meet some EuER-ers, and I'd be happy to help in any way I can.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

2024 update 4/52

No news from former employer about the next steps, which is kind of annoying. Gonna ask again today…

This week, I did most of Week 6 of the Couch to 5k program. Doing session 3 today. I also did the 30 min walk/run with the group on Saturday. I really like the group, but until I’m done with Couch to 5k, it messes up my schedule a bit. 4 running sessions in a week seems excessive for where I’m at. I also did some body weights twice, a 3h hike, and tons of walking yesterday.

I went to the city yesterday to meet up with a friend of a friend who is into hiking. That was nice, we might try to do a hiking trip together in April.

I was supposed to spend the whole weekend in the city and stay at my friends’, but the kids had stomach flu, so I switched to a day trip. I ended up having dinner with them last night anyway now that everybody seemed better and after discussing it with them, I might try to spend all of April there. I have secured the place I’m staying until end of March, but it doesn’t seem like I will have regular pay checks by then, so spending a month in the city for free sounds nice (I offered to pay rent which was vetoed categorically). Lots of friend time, lots of walking around and reacquainting myself with the neighborhoods, maybe some climbing since there are some nice gyms there.

Not much else to report this week. The days aren’t very busy but feel full enough.
Last edited by NewBlood on Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by Henry »

NewBlood wrote:
Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:43 am
2024 update 4/52

The days aren’t very busy but feel full enough.
Nice place to be.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

It really is, can't complain.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

2024 update 5/52

Well, now I have something to complain about. Finally heard back from former employer and they realized that they can’t transfer the existing funds I was using for my salary to my business. Best case scenario is to put in a proposal for 2024, with new funds kicking in July. Which is still a long shot, for various reasons. We’ve been talking about all this for about a year now, and the admin people only decided to check on this now. Now that I’ve resigned and can’t do anything about it. So I’m pretty pissed and frustrated. I’m talking to my old boss tonight, no idea if this will be a good or bad conversation….

When the news hit, I reverted quite quickly into my escapism habits (netflix, junk food, poor sleep, less exercising). I really need to get better at handling stress. This is causing me a lot of anxiety, which on the one hand, is silly, since I have about 9 years of living expenses in my high-yield savings account. On the other hand, that money was put aside to buy land and a house, not to ride out yet another period of uncertainty because incompetent admin staff have been giving me bad incomplete information on this whole process. In the meantime, my work projects are on hold, my colleagues are picking up the slack, I can’t move forward on any of my plans and I’m tired of feeling stuck in an unstable situation.

Obviously it could be much worse, thanks to ERE and Jacob, I have more than enough money to be able to handle this setback without any hardship. It’s just frustrating.
Deadline to put in the proposal is March 1st, so I guess I’ll know soon enough if the whole thing is completely shot or not. If it is, I’ll have to find another job. Or other clients for my business.

I’ve also been reconsidering this location this week. After spending more time exploring the surroundings and doing more hikes, I’m starting to realize that there really aren’t a lot of easily accessible wooded areas. Pretty much all (small to tiny) woods here seem to be private. The only wooded areas I’ve gone through on hikes are super narrow corridors between cultivated fields, or along streams. Which makes hikes not very satisfying. The suburb where my parents live has more woods than this very rural area…. This absence of trees really bothers me. I’ve also been reading more local news, and exploring government dashboards, and the water situation seems pretty iffy.

I’m now looking into another town, about the same size, same cost of living. About 140km due north of here, 1h30 train ride away from where my parents live. Quite a bit further from the other city where my friends live. The water situation isn’t fantastic (which I guess is true of all of western Europe anyway), but it’s marginally better, and the town isn’t downstream of a major city (and nuclear plant), which would probably get priority in case of rationing. It’s in a very pretty, somewhat touristy region, with lots of woods and forests around. My grandparents used to live in a smaller village, 40km away, so I know the area a bit. It’s 2 hours further away from the mountains and it’s not as well connected to major cities or employment opportunities. No idea how my social life would compare. It does have a climbing gym though (bouldering only). I’m going to keep looking into it and might try to spend a month there in May to get a taste.

Right now I’m looking at staying put here (town 1) through March, spending April (rent-free) in City 2 where my friends live, maybe May in town 2 described above, June (rent-free) in City 1 where my parents live to dog-sit while they go on a couple of trips. I don’t like being nomadic, (especially with a cat in tow, poor thing) but I need to make peace with this year being dedicated to exploring possibilities and figuring out my job situation before finally settling in somewhere. I yearn for stability and my own little piece of land (0.5 acres is the goal), a small house (tiny or not, depending on financing options), and working on planting trees and a veggie garden. I just need to be patient, and not rush the steps, making sure I pick the right area to buy land.

I have been reading Gaia’s garden (Hemenway), which is great. I spend maybe 4-5 hours per chapter because I keep going into tangents, researching stuff, trying to find data layers for my country, reading about tree varieties that would be suitable for my region, etc… It’s making the whole waiting even more frustrating, but might as well use this time to study.

I finished week 6 of Couch to 5k, started week 7, did 1.5 bodyweight sessions, and a 3h hike.
I skipped the running group this week, I really wasn’t feeling the 20min bike ride in the cold and the fog to get there on a Sunday morning. I’m slowly building my endurance so I can eventually join the 45-min runs.

I’m finally starting my skillathon, February will be dedicated to getting back into knitting. Nothing super intense, but my goal is to make a beany for my mom’s birthday. If that goes fast, I might try figuring out socks. I’ve found a free pattern I like on ravelry, checked that I have all the appropriate needles, watched a couple of youtube videos to refresh some concepts. I will go get some yarn today or tomorrow, and will get started. Ideally this will be coupled to netflix watching. (Yes I’m a tv addict, but I’m making something useful at the same time!).

Last update of the week: I have mastered making quiche without an oven! That’s another drawback of being nomadic, most cheap furnished places don’t have an oven. So I’m using a big sauté pan. It works well, only thing is that there’s no heat coming from above obviously, so the top of the quiche doesn’t get that nice golden color. Doesn’t affect the taste too much though.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by delay »

NewBlood wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:48 am
We’ve been talking about all this for about a year now, and the admin people only decided to check on this now.
Thanks for your journal. This sounds familiar, I've seen this happen often. Instead of your boss approving your salary there is now vendor management in between.

The admin people have rules and targets for how to pay for hours. They often can't pay money to a one person company even if they would like to. You're not on the preferred vendor list, and there may be rules against hiring former employees. These rules are broken all the time so that may yet work out. One way that worked for a few people I know is to switch to an existing preferred vendor. These can hire you out in return for a perentage of the take.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy your free time!

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by mooretrees »

Can you go more into the oven less quiche?! We don’t have an oven and I’ve always loved a good quiche/frittata. We have a wood stove I could try for “baking” so I’m really curious!

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

delay wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:48 am
Thanks for your journal. This sounds familiar, I've seen this happen often. Instead of your boss approving your salary there is now vendor management in between.

The admin people have rules and targets for how to pay for hours. They often can't pay money to a one person company even if they would like to. You're not on the preferred vendor list, and there may be rules against hiring former employees. These rules are broken all the time so that may yet work out. One way that worked for a few people I know is to switch to an existing preferred vendor. These can hire you out in return for a perentage of the take.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy your free time!
Actually in my case, my former employer (a university) is the middle man between me and the funding agency. The only change is that I'm moving from being an employee to becoming a subrecipient. They just didn't bother to check things with the rep of the funding agency for the whole year we've been talking about this change... They have many subrecipients, and grants from various funding agencies, each with their own rules, so you'd think they would be used to the process and would know to check rules with each agency, but they didnt...

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

mooretrees wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:06 am
Can you go more into the oven less quiche?! We don’t have an oven and I’ve always loved a good quiche/frittata. We have a wood stove I could try for “baking” so I’m really curious!
Sure! the main thing is to cook it covered with a lid on low/mid-low heat. The first time I tried following instructions I found online, it said to cook on medium heat and the bottom of the pie crust got pretty burnt. I'm using pre-made pie crusts for now, which come with baking paper (which also goes in the pan, it makes getting the quiche out of the deep sauté pan super easy). If you have a good non-stick pan, you might not need the baking paper, not sure. My electric plate goes from 0 to 9, and I started with a cold pan and cooked it on 3. I didn't time it, will depend on how thick your quiche is anyway. But at least 30 mins in my case. Check the bottom of the pie crust regularly once the filling is cooked enough that you can lift the quiche.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by delay »

NewBlood wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:28 am
They have many subrecipients, and grants from various funding agencies, each with their own rules, so you'd think they would be used to the process and would know to check rules with each agency, but they didnt...
Ah, the world of university grants, might be different. Yet it sounds familiar. If you're an employee, it's the admins job to make sure you get paid. If you're a subcontractor, it's your job to get the admin people to pay you. Few employees have "get people to pay you" skills, so this is an unwelcome addition to their workload.

Looking forward to read how it works out!

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

delay wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2024 7:12 am
Ah, the world of university grants, might be different. Yet it sounds familiar. If you're an employee, it's the admins job to make sure you get paid. If you're a subcontractor, it's your job to get the admin people to pay you. Few employees have "get people to pay you" skills, so this is an unwelcome addition to their workload.

Looking forward to read how it works out!
Thanks delay! Yeah, I'm constantly wrestling with how much to email them. I don't want to harass them and want to keep them on my good side, but at the same time, I need things to happen. Lots to figure out still, ugh. It's definitely easier to be an employee, amazing how just wanting to do the exact same job but from a different country can get insanely complicated.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

2024 update 6/52

I had a good talk with my former boss, and finally got connected with someone at former employer who is competent and knows what they’re talking about, so I spent a good chunk of the week working on all the paperwork to become a grant subrecipient. It feels good to finally have clear instructions and someone who answers questions thoroughly. I hope I won’t jinx myself, but I am cautiously optimistic that I should be able to resume work in July. I’m working on my proposal and also learned how to build and deploy a website in Now I need to work on the content and formatting so my business looks a bit more legit.

I’ve studied 4 more chapters of Gaia’s garden (and associated rabbit holes), found more climate and weather dashboards to compare pros and cons of various locations, talked to a friend about his water cistern. I’m trying to find an airbnb in town 2 so I can go explore in May. I thought I had found the perfect one, but they won’t accept cats… first time that happens here, usually offering to give a bigger security deposit is enough to waive any objections.

I finished week 7 of Couch to 5k, started week 8, did 2 bodyweights sessions, one 2h hike, 2 long walks, one bike ride.

I bought yarn and started working on the beanie but realized I don’t actually have the right size circular needles. All the cables I have are too long for this project, so had to order a shorter cable and am waiting for it. I watched more videos to make sure I understand all the steps. Should be a relatively easy project I think.

After my friends from City 2 offering to host me for April, another friend told me (unprompted) I was welcome to come stay over “for a weekend, a week or several weeks.” That felt really nice. These conversations happened before I told anybody I won’t get any funding until July, so I don’t think I’m sending weird “help me” vibes. I guess my friends like my company enough to want to host me for a few weeks at a time, which is pretty awesome. I feel very fortunate. Social capital etc…

That said, I need to find the right balance between traveling around to go visit people and staying put. I feel very unsettled when I have trips planned all the time. This month I’m going on the snow shoe trip for a week, so am also spending 2-3 days before and after at my parents’ to drop off and pick up my cat (and you know, hang out with them). Next month I will go visit my grandma for a week, with same drill for the cat. All together, I’m maybe spending two full weeks a month at home at most. I feel like I need a full uninterrupted month of staying put somewhere, by myself, with no obligations. Maybe in May. I thrive on routine, and get uneasy whenever my routine gets disrupted, even if it’s for fun activities or to go visit people I want to see. I guess I aspire to be a hermit?

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by delay »

Thanks for your update, sounds like good news on the work front!
NewBlood wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:10 am
All together, I’m maybe spending two full weeks a month at home at most. I feel like I need a full uninterrupted month of staying put somewhere, by myself, with no obligations. Maybe in May. I thrive on routine, and get uneasy whenever my routine gets disrupted, even if it’s for fun activities or to go visit people I want to see. I guess I aspire to be a hermit?
That sounds recognizable! I've done two months without work and social interaction and really enjoyed it. It took me two weeks to fully get out of the social mindset. From discussing it with others I think it's pretty unusual to enjoy hermit time.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by AxelHeyst »

NewBlood wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:10 am
I thrive on routine, and get uneasy whenever my routine gets disrupted, even if it’s for fun activities or to go visit people I want to see. I guess I aspire to be a hermit?
It's all about the dynamic equilibrium, and bending not breaking! I find that having a light at the end of the tunnel (a date where I know I'm getting back to base and will have myself to myself again) eases the unsettledness a lot, and allows me to be more grounded and with the present moment of the visiting and traveling.

For me part of the stress is the feeling that my ability to digest new experience is lagging behind the rate of incoming new experience. So journaling (or equivalent) of experiences without the expectation that I'm going to 'figure them out' now helps -- the act of recording them helps me feel that I'm not going to lose it, and I'll be able to digest later when I can get back to my routines. Plus the eustress of uprootedness makes me appreciate my routines even more when I get back to them haha.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

delay wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:29 am
Thanks for your update, sounds like good news on the work front!
I hope so! Nothing is set in stone yet, but it's somewhat encouraging.
delay wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:29 am
From discussing it with others I think it's pretty unusual to enjoy hermit time.
Yeah most people in my life certainly seem to thrive on a lot more social busyness than me. Sometimes I get exhausted just hearing about my friends' schedules.
Last edited by NewBlood on Mon Feb 12, 2024 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

AxelHeyst wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:49 am
It's all about the dynamic equilibrium, and bending not breaking! I find that having a light at the end of the tunnel (a date where I know I'm getting back to base and will have myself to myself again) eases the unsettledness a lot, and allows me to be more grounded and with the present moment of the visiting and traveling.
Yes, this is definitely key. But I think my "back to base" time needs to be longer. I need to change the ratio of visiting to staying put. Maybe keep every other month for me? TBD. I think there are too many degrees of unsettledness in my life at the moment (job, nomadic living situation, reconnecting with a bunch of people). Once the job is settled, and I have decided on where to settle and buy land, I might be able to handle more visiting and traveling. But right now, something has to give.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

2024 update 7/52

Just a quick update to not break the streak.
I'm on the snow shoe trip this week. So far no snow shoeing since there's no snow except very high. Really nice hikes and nice people. I am indeed the youngest, by at least 10 years I think.

Before leaving on the trip on Saturday, I spent a good chunk of the week at my parents', dropped off the cat.

Ran twice, did bodyweights once, read two more chapters of Gaia's garden.

Longer update and some pics next week.

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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by NewBlood »

2024 update 8/52

I got back from the mountain trip on Friday. No snow shoes were worn. Only cleats, for about half an hour on an icy portion of the trail. We did finally get a powdering of snow on the last day for our last hike, which made it beautiful. All in all, it was a great trip.

Before this trip, I had never hiked for more than two days in a row, so I was a bit worried about how my muscles and joints would handle it. Once again, I shouldn’t have worried, I felt myself getting stronger and more self-assured over the course of the week, which was a great feeling.

I was a bit annoyed at the beginning when I realized everybody was quite a bit older than me, since it would be nice to meet more people around my age. Hiking is a retiree game here apparently. Group hiking anyway. But it actually ended up being a great experience for me, showing me examples of people slightly younger or around my parents’ age (and one 83-year-old!) who are very fit physically and mentally sharp. Eager to learn and teach, passionate about the mountains and wanting to share their passion with as many people as possible. These are people who used to do a lot of mountaineering and ski mountaineering (some of them still do) and are now starting to slow down and “only” hike.

I went back to my parents’ for the weekend to pick up my cat, and that was quite the contrast. I went from a group of 18 high-functioning older adults able to navigate a whole week of hiking and living together without ANY conflict or negativity to two retired semi functional adults who are constantly finding something negative in everything and everyone and are always too tired for even the most basic tasks of life.

In complete opposition to one of my previous posts, I now think I might need less routine and more of this stuff in my life, I need to push myself to do what seems hard from the outside so I can realize I’m capable of it and gain confidence and competence. I feel more energized after the trip whereas I expected to be exhausted and to want to hunker down for a couple of weeks. Now my new hiking buddies have convinced me to sign up for the more difficult hikes and for a 30 mi in a day walk around the surrounding villages (with food and buses every 5mi or so, for those who want to bail early, let's not get crazy).

I had very few physical experiences of pushing past my level of comfort when I was younger, always assuming it wasn’t for me since I wasn’t “good at sports” in school. I did learn to surf, but always shied away from the bigger waves. I think I’m ready to break away from my immediate family’s indifference for physical pursuits. I wish I had been more encouraged in that way earlier on, but better late than never. The 83 yr-old I mentioned above only started mountain stuff in his 40s after all. I’d be very happy if I was still capable of doing what he does at his age.

Total cost for the trip, Saturday to Friday, with transport to and back from the mountains, breakfasts and dinners, 6 nights in basic group lodging, and all gear (which we mostly didn't use): 330 euros.

Another positive of the trip was that for the first time in years I had no trouble falling and staying asleep. That was also a whole week of no netflix (and no reading). Who knew all I needed was hiking 7-8 hours/day (with an average of 1000m elevation gain every day) to solve my sleeping issues. If only that were compatible with work and all the other things in my life.

Speaking of work, I submitted my proposal and more stuff they had failed to request earlier, but still waiting to hear if they’ll approve me as a subrecipient...




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Re: NewBlood's journal

Post by delay »

Thanks for the pictures, wonderful! Good to read you enjoyed the trip.

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