Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by AxelHeyst »

Episode 19: comparative advantage and skill acquisition. It's looking like I'm going to be doing a whole series on the theme of skill acquisition, chasing down all the different nuggets that are related to it.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by Ego »

That was incredible. Great questions and answers. What a wonderful conversation. Interesting life... so far.

I have been dragging my feet on something important lately. You both lit a fire under me. So good. Thank you both.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by theanimal »

+1. Outstanding conversation! I'll be listening to it again.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by mountainFrugal »

I am really glad you two liked it. It was really fun to record with @AxelHeyst and I think that comes through in our conversation. @AH really drilled into some things with his questions and we altered between heavier and lighter topics. I have a strange sense of humor that also makes an occasional appearance. Keeping life playful. lol.

tl;dl (listen) "Break your goals down into 20 minute chunks and then just fucking get after it. Life is short..."

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by AnalyticalEngine »

Great conversation. I really enjoyed this one. Seeing how to engineer a full lifestyle and enjoy living it was great. After all, the end goal here should be to live a fulfilling and interesting life, so the practical example was great to see.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

Loved this episode and hope there's more content in the future between you two.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by mountainFrugal »

Thanks @AE and @2B1S. We have discussed some ideas, but nothing formal yet. @AH has his "legs of oak" goal to attend to this summer. :). Maybe when he is settled down again.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by AxelHeyst »

Yes there are secret projects in the works... 8-)

Last bit of content from me till I get back probably, an episode I finished editing and qued up the day before I left: a chat with JnG! I've been wanting to record with him for a long time and we finally made it happen. ... aptain-ere

I got video for this one, check out the yt if you're into that.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by mountainFrugal »

PirateCaptainERE - Loved this. My partner and I were laughing at JnG's blunt ways of expressing ideas. Really fun and I look forward to stenciling some suits with JnG some day.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by jennypenny »

@AH -- I'm really enjoying your podcast. You've definitely found your groove.

@J&G -- I liked the point you made about how when you start optimizing something it's a sign that you're no longer at the f*ing around stage. That really hit home with me. I tend to pursue interests a little too long, always thinking there's more to learn (which of course there is, so a pointless metric). From now on, I'm going to use the urge to start optimizing as a sign that it's time to tuck whatever I'm working on into my tool belt and move on.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by AxelHeyst »

@jp many thanks! That means a lot.


Episode 23 is up, a quick monologue on being anti-defeatist.

I had thought I would make episodes while on my bike trip, but :lol:

My experience is that on my trip my thoughts were doing a lot of divergence, which was very valuable, and I'm only now getting my thoughts focused and converging on creative stuff.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by AxelHeyst »

Episode 24, a quick intro for skillathon.

Administrative note: I'm starting a new yt channel for my ERE/podcast/offgrid stuff. Most of my subs on the old channel were from my 3d engineering modeling tutorials which I'm going to be posting some more of... also one of my takeaways from the workshop on youtubing given at fest was that by shifting topics on my channel I basically asked the algorithm to ghost me. I think I'm going to unlist all the ERE/etc videos on the old channel so people browsing that channel won't find them, but none of the links I've posted here and there will break.

I'm undecided if I should repost e.g. all previous podcast episodes to the new channel... I'm inclined to leave them and just go forward with new stuff.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by AxelHeyst »

ep25, about using ultralearning principles to design skillathon.

I'm interested in opinions on two questions:

1. I'm planning on making a new video/post/episode once a week for the duration of skillathon, in addition to other videos/posts/episodes occasionally so some weeks will be 2-3 posts. Does anyone rely on this thread to stay up to date? Is it poor form/come off as self-promoting to bump this every single time I post a new thing, or good form because I'm not asking people to subscribe off-forum? Maybe I'll start just posting with links to new stuff once a month?

2. The podcast has become somewhat backseated and I'm more focused on videos now. For this post and the previous one (episodes 24 and 25) I just scraped the audio from my video and posted that to the podcast hosting platform. I recognize that that's not ideal - the best podcast content is recorded and mixed *as a podcast*, the best video is shot and mixed *as a video*, etc. So the question is, is the scraped-audio-podcast format acceptable? Or offensive because it's second-string? Should I just backburner even posting content to my podcast unless it's 'real' podcast content like conversations with interesting people, which for this year is not a priority but I'll do it when the opportunity presents itself?

### Plan A:
.Post to this thread once a month instead of every upload.
.Keep scraping audio to the podcast platform unless the video is totally unworkable as audio.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by sodatrain »

1) I don't rely on the thread. I also don't feel like the thread is in poor form! Your podcast is super helpful and one of my favorites.

2) I prefer the older episodes over the newer ones. They earlier episodes felt like a learning path/journey for me. More recently they feel like updates on the skillathon and other misc stuff, so interesting but they land differently for me. Less compelling. If that makes any sense. I'll still watch/listen to em because they are great. Maybe I'm in a different place too. Not sure I'm tracking the primary question tho! All shared in the spirit of love, yo!

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by AxelHeyst »

Thanks for the feedback!

I get what you mean, I feel the same way. To be honest, all of my 'writing' energy and creativity (the sort that was required to make the earlier style of my episodes) is being absorbed by the book project. So the podcast is suffering... but in a matter of months (probably) there will be a book length chunk of content (plus audiobook format). And then I'm likely to get back to making new episodes in the same style as the early ones.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by jacob »

I learned my lessons 15 years ago, but presuming that they still hold, the general rule for "turning people on"/"not turning people off" when it comes to the interwebs is to be "informative, regular, and visible". 3 out of 3 is great. 2 out of 3 is okay. 0 or 1 out of 3 is "meh going towards annoying".

So to answer your questions:
1) Once a week/month/anytimeperiod is regular. The frequency matters less than the rhythm. If you post it here, it's visible. If you don't it probably isn't/only visible to subscribers and organic traffic(?) Whether it's bad form depends on whether the post is informative. There's a big difference between "Here's a link to my newest article, check it out. See you next time I happen to drive by" (<- poor form) and "I wrote an article discussing X, Y, Z .. that's relevant to this thread for the following reasons ... " (helpful and good form). Posting a summary but once a month means getting ignored by those who don't check the forum every week and happen to "catch it before it goes 'below the fold'" and you losing out on interactions. Not everybody is a subscriber.
2) Hmmm... I'd say that's overthinking it. As far as I'm concerned production quality is a hygienic aspect. It just has to be good enough. Very few people listen/watch stuff for the production value alone. OTOH, I'm deliberately and almost in-your-face about function over form, so... possibly wrong.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by AxelHeyst »

jacob wrote:
Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:20 pm
My take from (your take) is that updating this thread with 'new stuff!' at any kind of regularity isn't actually valuable or good form. Instead, I could post to stuff when it's actually relevant/informative to something going on in the forum.

My assumption is that if someone isn't a subscriber, they don't want to follow my stuff regularly, and so updating this thread is sort of like forcing an unsolicited subscription.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by jacob »

@AH - Rather than answering in the general, let me answer with an albeit semi-abstract example. When I post somewhere [else or here], like presently venturing out into Green vMeme internet space, I first consider whether my posting adds value (funny, informative, connective) to the thread and/or the people partaking in it. I'll add a link to my own stuff if and only if it's highly relevant to that thread, that is, anyone clicking through better not be disappointed about what they find if they click outside the thread. Second, for a given site/group/demographics, I try to engage regularly in order to create a personal/community connection and establish a good reputation for quality input. Reinforcement acts as a leverage point!

So yeah, in terms of drawing attention it's better to engage in topics mentioning that "we talked about this for 2 hours in my podcast if you're interested" than "here's my weekly update" which again is better than drive-by-spamming of the "hey I'm back, look at my link, now I'm gone again" or "that's it people, I'm on an internet diet, so see you again in 2025".

Obviously, I'm suggesting a sniper/quality approach over a shotgun approach or mines/poison approach. I think, though, that if the goal is to trying to find your tribe and make the world better, the schwerpunkt should be adding quality value overall while driving people back to you(r stuff) when advantageous (e.g. by only referring to your best stuff) as a side-effect.

Okay, that ended up pretty general after all.

In conclusion: Post whenever and wherever you add quality knowledge. As often as you can. Regularly if you can't. Link back to that quality knowledge if you have it available, otherwise don't. Basically follow the original [Yellow] spirit of the internet.

Add: Not really a ruling as what to do here as much as best strategy for the internet [as it could be] at large.

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Re: Advanced Retroadaptics Podcast

Post by NewBlood »

Not trying to muddle things here but I don't subscribe to youtube content or podcasts, so I subscribed to this thread specifically to know when there's a new video, because it's the thread about the podcast.

Also, thank you for your content, I like all of it but I especially loved the interviews with other ERE-ers.

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