Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Where are you and where are you going?
Laura Ingalls
Posts: 684
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Howdy everyone

May was pretty exciting month dominated by travel. I went to HI with elder offspring. The first five days were pretty much a solo undertaking. I spent two in a hostel and three camping. Camping on the North Shore of Oahu was pretty breathtaking. Then I met up with DS and his girlfriend, her mom and her mom’s friend for Udon and camped for five more nights and changed campgrounds.

DS and I got along great and the trip was really healing to this relationship. It felt so great to do fun stuff with him. We talked about the challenges of his senior year of high school and how we had both grown. We also did a ton of hiking, swimming, and snorkeling. DS surfed once while being my travel partner while I went to the art museum. We are not a fan of the others driving and pretty much all of the harsh words between the two of us revolved around this topic.

He has stopped vaping, stretches daily, eats better, meditates, and generally had a much healthier lifestyle. His girlfriend had sent him a pre-surfing strength plan which he did.

The rest of my crew had fun in my absence. They were sure affectionate. I missed that too as older offspring isn’t as cuddly of a creature as my other two guys.

We ended up with flight problems and a two day stay in Seattle complements of the airlines. Also some new duds as our gear continued on without us. I am going to make a final reckoning of total dollars and Chase points spent but still have some pending items.

I know travel is not everyone’s jam but I like how it pushes me out of my comfort zone. Solo travel makes me talk more to others and not just DH too.

Enjoying the mini-mansion though especially my comfy couch. And enjoying that my paid employment gig seems back to normal pre-Covid times. Busier and more purposeful. Life is good.

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »


I reread this. Boy have we both grown up a lot.

Laura Ingalls
Posts: 684
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

It’s hot here in the Midwest.

Been busy with paid employment tasks and a committee tangential related to work. Also another short trip. DH has set for himself as a goal to visit a new state or national park monthly as well as a new brewery. I like it. Sort of like my new year’s resolution a few years back to attend one live music performance per month.

This trip involved a day of hiking and meandering. Two nights one of DH ‘s siblings. We visited a new brewery in her city and hiked around the enormous county park on her neck of the woods ( on new unfamiliar trails). We know the hikes out her door already. :mrgreen: We went to a graduation party and younger offspring went home with his grandparents. We spent two more days as a couple exploring.

Need to get back in a better cooking and eating routine. The heat doesn’t help. Need to up my salad game although lettuces DH planted bolted almost immediately :x

The airline paid clothes for older offspring and myself related too our baggage problems during the Hawaii trip. DS opportunistically ended up with a $100 pair of Kuhl pants. I was a bit worried that they wouldn’t pay for them.

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Summer festivals are back. I sure appreciatedwandering around looking at the art and listen to music last weekend.

Life is finally starting to seem post-COVID here. We only had two cases countywide last week. Younger son got his passport renewal paperwork done today.

DH and I had our planned mid year financial meeting. He was cheerful and it prompted some good discussion. Much to my surprise we had more dollars inflow (work, unemployment, stimulus, dividends in taxable/interest, and capital gain) than outflow. I think the unemployment and stimulus flow is over and outflow will exceed inflow for the remainder of the year.

We have lots of winners in our taxable brokerage but don’t really want too much more income as we are attempting to pull off a year where we have both the Earned Income Tax Credit and a low enough income that we qualify for the simplified needs test in the FAFSA. This years income is what will be used for younger offsprings first year of post secondary education (whatever that may be)? Too many capital gains could jack both of those up.

I am sort of curious as to what we will do with our house after the nest empties out? In the past we thought that we would sell it and use the proceeds to live off of until we had unfettered access to retirement funds. The bull market and continuing to have a trickle of w-2 income has kept taxable account robust enough that no longer seems to be required. We would like a time of more intensive travel. A house offers both some hassles and some true advantages. I would love to hear others thoughts.

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

DH, younger son and I just returned from two and a half week car trip to the Pacific Northwest. The longest trip we have taken since 2009.

It was mostly a success and a good time. We had contemplated a vehicle upgrade or rental car prior to the trip. Ultimately, we opted not too and decided to wait until some of this chip shortage/high used car prices thing works itself out. The old car did fine and worked for three adults sized humans. A fourth would have pushed it into a hardship zone.

I like to plan more than DH. We had the first three days booked long before the trip as it was at the family reunion location. We had stayed there before many years ago. It was nicer then and I felt it was kinda of a crappy value and full of loud drunks the Saturday night we stayed. We ended up the remaining nights of 6 camping, 6 hotels, and 2 nights of being a house guest.

We packed about right. But I would have liked to have had a bit more of a kitchen set up without adding a bunch of weight/bulk. We didn’t cook beyond making coffee in the morning.

We had some days of Goldilocks weather (Portland, Corvallis, Eugene, and the drive across Nebraska). The Washington and Oregon coast was gorgeous but a bit chilly.
Western OR and WA plus Idaho we’re too hot.

I didn’t really miss home at all. I have now tent camped 15 days this year and I declare myself not too old yet. I would like slower travel in general. I would have been just fine with a week of Airbnb on the Olympic peninsula a few nights of camping, another week in Corvallis, and a two day visit to our Portland friend.

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

My last month has been good. What I didn’t mention in my last post was my frustration when I got back from our West Coast trip and stepped on the scale for the first time on three weeks.

I decided to try a round of whole30. As someone that has avoided formal “diets” my whole life it was definitely a departure from my usual MO. It ended up being pretty successful. I feel good. I have lost weight. Currently at my lowest weight in about two years.

Now I am supposed to start reintroduced the foods I haven’t been eating. Actually a bit apprehensive about it. In part because I am not sure if there is something I had been eating that doesn’t agree with me or if my plant heavy eating style has enough fiber.

DH and I have been thinking more about how we want to live once the nest empties. We have been trying to visit places we would like to move to or visit more extensively. I question how many people have true nomadic tendencies and who just gets bored easily. DH teases me that my favorite part of the day well traveling is settling in for the evening (setting up camp, checking into our hotel). We also have agreed that it might take more than one attempt to get it right.

This chip shortage has increased the value of our 10 year old pickup to about what we paid for it seven years ago. Which is just weird to me. Part of me would like to get rid of it, especially since I loath driving it. OTOH if we get rid of it and decided to full time in a fifth wheel we will wish we had kept it. Our current camper has new tires but the rest of it is shot and not the sort of thing you would want for long journey. I wish we could just leave it on the family land in South Dakota so that we had a place to stay when visiting my IL’s. I suspect DH will help with harvest soon for a second Covid era season. It’s nice to have your own space.

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Thing going on in my life include

Dealing with a bum ankle. In PT at the moment. Have not kept a paleo diet going since finishing whole 30. Have kept my weight loss off.

Visiting in laws at Thanksgiving. Participated in the cattle drive and eating turkey. At least two new babies since we last attended. Older son went along so we saw him more than we had in awhile. He seems to be doing well both from a mental health and academic perspective.

My IL’s have this business they can’t seem to retire from. We were talking about finances and possibly doing a 47T. My MIL is convinced that that money is for old age. I am still convinced that the odds of her running out of money are far higher than ours. Sorta wished DH had kept his mouth shut.

DH is processing the deer he shot last weekend. Right before we were supposed to go out of town? The meat grinder is humming in the background right now.

We still haven’t had any snow which makes me happy. More rando ramblings later.

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Goals for 2021
Use my reusable bags at the store
Record my travel lodging monthly in the journal by accommodated type
Yoga practice 10x per month

I would like to work on fitness and a bit of weight loss ~12lbs. Not exactly sure how to accomplish or make this SMART goal. Would also like to become a better swimmer. Anyone have any resources for helping marginal swimmers become average :lol: ? I can swim about 25 yards.

DH and I did the Maui trip earlier this month. The flying part went really well and somehow we avoided all the delays and cancellations the exception was DS’s drive to the airport and the drive home on icy road.

The weather was fantastic. Mostly we hung out on the beach, ate poke, and drank beer. We also hiked. My ankle has improved a lot and I seem to do fine with elevation changes up hill, but I am more tentative down hill. Glad I brought my trekking poles.

The hostel was fine except for the total frat party atmosphere from 9-10 pm which is when old people running on central time are spent. It was a good value 1/10th of the cost of a resort on the beach and a 1/5th of the Courtyard by the airport. If I go again I think I would move a bit. Try to get a cabin in the state park by Hana, splurge on a fancy resort a night or two, and stay at the hostel at the beginning or end.

Vagabonding totals for 2022
January: 8 hostel nights

Gilberto de Piento
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Gilberto de Piento »

This method, though the materials are dated, is very popular among people who need to swim long distances like triathletes and open water swimmers: There is a strong emphasis on efficiency and technique. I've watched the videos and they did seem to help but I think most people probably need to take at least a few lessons from a coach to get it. I have not done that and remain a bad swimmer. :lol:

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Thanks for the resources Gilberto. There is something in the link about swimming requires no more fitness then walking the same distance and that we are merely skill deficient. Clearly I am doing it in a less than optimal way.

Also on a more positive note that only a third of American adults can swim 25 meters. I am already at the 66%tile :lol:.

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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by theanimal »

I was on swim team as a kid (anyone could join), but they never taught me how to swim properly. I really struggled up until a few years ago when I began swimming with a friend who swam competitively. The biggest difference for me was in breathing. Before I was only breathing on one side and having trouble as I was trying to basically hold my breath longer than necessary. I soon after got to the point of continuously swimming long distances (2000m plus) no problem.

All that to say, it really helps to have someone who can help with your form. At most pools, there is an adult class (often called Masters) early in the morning. If you can swim at least 25m already, you likely just need some fine tuning and someone to observe and offer some suggestions. I think a few sessions of those would at least help you identify where to start and what you can work on. Otherwise there is always youtube, like the following: Best of luck!

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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Just reading through and enjoying your journal for the first time. The frat party atmosphere in the hostel on Maui made me smile. :) Sounds like an awesome trip!
I’ve been a life long swimmer - just always loved being in the water.
If you can find a good local adult swim instructor, that could be a big help…if that interests you.
Finding a great pair of goggles that are comfortable and don’t leak also makes the experience much more enjoyable!

Oh, also I just like your forum name. I remember being fascinated by Little House in the Big Woods, when our first grade teacher read it to us.

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Aw thanks married2

My first encounter with the Little House series was when my late father read me a chapter nightly for about a month when I was four. It has also been somewhat of a life long fascination and feeds both my wanderer and my homesteader traits.

We have lived in four of the same states and I have visited several of the historic sites. I picked the name when I lived in an 1870’s house on homesteaded land. We have since moved on to a mid century brick house we refer to as the “mini mansion.”

Laura Ingalls
Posts: 684
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Quick check in.

Met my yoga goal for January and on target for February. I have done okay on the reusable bags front. Haven’t done any swimming other than a very brief jump in a very cold hotel pool. Did read some of the great resources shares with me. Holding on weight.

Vagabond total
January: 8 hostel nights
February: 2 nights of sleeping on my sleeping pad on the floor at dead relative’s house broken up by 1 night of swanky(ish) hotel paid for with points.

DH total is different as he had spent 2 nights at his parent’s and will have a total of 13 at the little yellow house as we christened it. DH loves the area (coastal SoCal very walkable area.) 110% over hearing his mom reminisce about the deceased.

Again discovered that DH and I can have solo adventures for a week easy. About day 10 we both are done. We are snuggly and affectionate upon reunification. That’s fun :D

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Self improvement goals. Yoga practice has been crap. Walking/steps fine. Weight slightly backsliding but on another round of whole30 atm. They drained the lake at my closest state park. Bummer for paddle boarding and swimming.

Vagabond journal:
March: 2 nights in Bed and Breakfast wandering around unfamiliar college town while DH watched wrestling. We both had fun and caught up with extended family the first night too.
April and May: No overnights anywhere. Younger offspring and I drove across the state for college visit.
June: Spent a couple nights at the IL’s. DH and son have 5 nights paid hotel, 2 point nights, 2 camping nights, 1 night flying and 2 TBD.

We are in the era of our friends’ parents are dying off as are our parents’ friends. We had a funeral. It was still very cathartic to trade stories of loss and the challenges and joys of adult/near adult offspring.

DH and younger offspring are in Alaska. I opted not to go mostly because it is fun to travel with just one kid sometimes. Sort of jealous right now. Used up many of my nobody else like X so I will do it, eat it watch it activities.

Older offspring finishes is technical degree in a couple weeks. Currently working ~8 hours a day in the shop (at school) and job hunting. He has made a lot of progress as a human in the last two years.

Weird job hunting environment. Lots of interesting jobs out there but employer have missed the memo that you can make $17 an hour at Panera so even newbie machinist expect more than $22 an hour. The best paying jobs seem to be for military subcontractors which offends the hippie in him. Any thoughts on good areas in the field relating to pay, working on interesting projects, not making nuclear warheads or undergoing ongoing random drug tests for THC.

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Things are rolling along pretty good. We have been trying to enjoy summer outside as much as the heat allows.

July has involved staying closer too home other than a family reunion 400 miles away. After discussing not going, tent camping, and staying in a hotel we opted for taking the truck and camper. It was about 400 miles to our destination which is a long way for a camper as old and crappy as ours. Nothing fell off. :lol: It was a good time.

Older offspring started a new job. It seems to be going well. He hung out at his boss’ place and swam in their pool. I wish my boss had a pool.

Younger offspring is kinda driving me crazy. Unlike his brother who was watching Netflix and smoking weed in some friend’s basement. He is always home. He needs more structure and physical activity. Job, volunteering, or something. I keep suggesting work and that is 18, 19, 20 self might need money too. He also should be also figuring out some sort of post secondary plan.

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Update on a couple of things mentioned in this journal. We did just replace the 12v battery in our Prius. It has improved my personal confidence in its overall reliability.

I haven’t actively worked on the swimming thing but a real life high school friend that does triathlons also recommended total immersion.

Vagabond journal.
July family reunion and a college visit with an overnight stay.

August hotel stay in Kansas City and the DS2 and I spent a week in NYC. We went to the Colbert show taping , several museums, Central Park, and rode the ferry to Station Island. We stayed in the tiniest hotel room ever (think jail— cell if jails had cool wallpaper and wainscoting.) We both had fun and got pretty confident with the subway. DH and I camped a couple nights at a state park ~90 minutes away.

September we stayed home and enjoyed the nice weather all year.
In October DH did his walleye fishing junket with “the boys/high school buddies”. DS’s and I went to MN to celebrate a cousin’s/nephew’s birthday.

Older son found a job he likes. Younger offspring was in a play and found a job at the supermarket. I wish I could get him more proactive about figuring out college?

November was the grand not very ERE style Europe trip. We did a river cruise. Pretty sure we are not river cruise people. We enjoyed the food and the locations. Not as big of fan being herded around with an earpiece. We were the about the youngest people people there that paid for own trip (there were some multigenerational groups where the eldest generation paid.) Boomers sure identify themselves by what do or did for money. Kind of depressing.

The second week was an Airbnb in Budapest. It was more Ego style with more meat and wine. It definitely was less talking. Hungarian is a language that overwhelms. I can read a few words now and say czia. What people are saying is a mystery to me. I found myself listening for German just because it was more familiar (my German is very limited.) The food, art, hot water, mass transit were all fantastic. I went to the Hungarian National Opera for $4.50. The people that lived there seemed very tired of tourists, stressed, and kind of grumpy. We learned that Airbnb life is alright. DH maxes out on dealing with learning a new culture fast than me which is consistent with our personality/Meyers-Briggs.

Laura Ingalls
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Sort of feel like we are in a transitional phase of life and ready to try some different things.

Younger offspring really has been growing up. He has three of his five classes are for college credit and he has applied and been accepted to two colleges in our current state.

DH is off on a grand Amtrak adventure. He bought a 30 day pass and basically is using it try travel with just train and feet. He has had fun and I have enjoyed my text updates. He has used 2 of his 10 allotted legs. I am working on the details of a valentines week meets up somewhere.

Ready for spring and we had a spring like day but I am sure more of that winter stuff will be forthcoming.

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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by ertyu »


Laura Ingalls
Posts: 684
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Re: Laura Ingalls starts a journal

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Well in the last month

Younger offspring
turned 18
Bought a motorcycle
Got his motorcycle license
Signed up for his University classes
Got his CDL permit so he can drive the F-650 they have at his new job

Personally I have been lazier
My focus has been enjoying the nice weather
Planning a graduation party
Decluttering and spiffing up the house for selling

DH has been much the same
He vests in his pension in July of this year and is eligible to start collecting it in September. We are going to attempt being earned income free.

We are planning on going more nomadic ala 2birds1stone. The plan is Mexico for the winter. It has been a time in my marriage with lots of discussions and things up in the air but less conflict. I think some of my family are a little stressed for us. I suspect my mom feels a bit abandoned. My MIL is stressed about what are we going to do with our stuff. She thinks we need a fancy utility trailer to put it in. The kids are cool with it. Older offspring has an expired passport. I told him to fix that so if we want to buy a plane tickets for Christmas he can go.

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