How will you evaluate this job offer

Anything to do with the traditional world of get a degree, get a job as well as its alternatives
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Re: How will you evaluate this job offer

Post by Seppia »

You can say
“Sorry I need confirmation of pay/hours or I’m not applying”

Regarding the “I may have to fire an employee” the solution is simple. Tell them if they want to fire someone they can do it now, if it has to be your decision you need to evaluate him/her for one year.

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Re: How will you evaluate this job offer

Post by LiberateMind »


The company is more like a family thing (with groups there) than a corporate even though they are MNC. It would be like I am offering you a role with all the things you need ( they did create a role based on my interests to lure me in but whether it will pan out in the long term is something which I am left to wonder) and still you are asking for more. Things are complicated and too flexible over there. Imagine your project responsibilities getting changed or you being replaced because someone higher up got offended Or not being invited to an important meeting because you are not part of the gang. Or decisions made in the upper which might affect you, but you are not included or worst informed. I have tried to navigate all the things with marginal success for close to 4 years and one of my reasons to give up even though the pay is good.

If I want the job, I have to assume whatever is not written might not happen. And getting that in the writing is like you don't trust us. After working there for a while, I am happy to be a cog in a machine where the process is established. They didn't say I have to fire someone outright, just something along this line. You can reshape the team by recruiting new blood and then bleeding some . Whatever they want it will not be a direct communication more of an indirect nudge.

Direct/ Clear communications are not encouraged. Flexibility and loyalty to your team are paramount. Sometimes I wonder is this how things would be when we go higher up where relationships are paramount and stakeholder alignment is important. I am really wondering whether this offer is a boon or a curse. For the last two weeks mulling over it without taking a clear decision and my other goals are getting slipped away.

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Re: How will you evaluate this job offer

Post by LiberateMind »


The pay will not disappear of that I am sure. Other things I know there will be hoops to jump if I decide in.

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Re: How will you evaluate this job offer

Post by IlliniDave »

Another take from a veteran salaryman perspective: I don't see the downside in taking the job and trying it on to see if it fits. Even at 160% of your prior pay it's a pretty significant bump. Worst-case is it turns out to be a bad fit and you resign again. That said, you seem to have reservations.

You have mentioned politics more than once. There is always a certain amount of politics, sometimes benign, sometimes toxic. Often the same politics can be viewed as benign by person A and toxic by person B in the same office. I navigate politics by always making an effort to view situations from the perspective of my colleagues and search for win-win paths forward versus digging in and trying to triumph over them; and by trying to avoid thinking that not getting my way 100% means I lose. When a true bad actor is encountered (rare in my experience) I just endure it while remembering that the fundamental trade is my time/effort for money, not my time/effort for idyllic personal interactions. Bad actors typically don't last long. Since you sort of know the politics/culture you can decide if the pay is worth whatever dislike you have for the environment.

A title or role like "lead" often comes without precise empowerment and job duties. It often means getting involved in any facet of a task necessary to get it accomplished without really running the show. It's a proving ground. If you like to have your duties neatly defined and limited in scope (e.g., often find yourself irritated and thinking, "that's not my job"), it might be a reason to reconsider. If you enjoy breadth in job duties and dynamic work days it might be a good fit as you gain experience and grow into it.

Also, since you already left a job with this employer, you have to decide if you are ready to go back. It's unlikely that they have changed very much. A different position might "deconflict" some of the prior issues a little bit. But you also have to decide if you've changed enough in your time away to, at minimum, tolerate what drove you to leave.

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Re: How will you evaluate this job offer

Post by LiberateMind »

You have mentioned politics more than once. There is always a certain amount of politics, sometimes benign, sometimes toxic. Often the same politics can be viewed as benign by person A and toxic by person B in the same office. I navigate politics by always making an effort to view situations from the perspective of my colleagues and search for win-win paths forward versus digging in and trying to triumph over them; and by trying to avoid thinking that not getting my way 100% means I lose. When a true bad actor is encountered (rare in my experience) I just endure it while remembering that the fundamental trade is my time/effort for money, not my time/effort for idyllic personal interactions. Bad actors typically don't last long. Since you sort of know the politics/culture you can decide if the pay is worth whatever dislike you have for the environment.
@ IlliniDave,

Thank you for the terrific advice. I know politics would be there in any org, but till what level I was not sure as in my previous roles I was not exposed to that. Might have missed noticing the environment I was operating in as well, only concentrating on the deliverable. So it is on me right now to understand the culture that I work with and determine whether it is for me or not. Being an introvert and working from home haven't helped me much in understanding the actors as well.

Decided to give it a try for a year, as it looks like a good opportunity with respect to pay. Send the resume to them formally over the weekend, no reply yet.

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Re: How will you evaluate this job offer

Post by LiberateMind »


Got a call from HR and the manager for the final discussion. Refreshing the team again took place in the talk. I will cross the bridge when it comes. Pay is almost confirmed. The final decision is in the hands of HR now. Most likely will get the update tomorrow.

Thank you all.

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Re: How will you evaluate this job offer

Post by LiberateMind »

So having another sleepless night , the manager introduced another level ( after I confirmed will join, the benefits discussed for my job would be the same ) so that the team will be reporting under me would be reduced one level down ( kind of demoting and I will be on the same level as before) and most likely would be fired after 1.5 years. These people are my friends and well wishers and most likely this decision would be a surprise to them.. I am not even sure at what level this is normal..

Another hint I got was the person I have recruited with the previous manager is not performing well and there are hints he might have to be laid off.. that means I will be working on that job too with no support (evidenced by discussion today already getting blamed on hey you recruited) and higher stress.. and anything that goes wrong would be blamed on me most likely..

Now I know why I left, anything you ask for directly would be provided everything else would be undermined, gossiped and setting up people to fail if you don't support higher ups..

Sorry for the rant.. But I have to get it out..

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Re: How will you evaluate this job offer

Post by LiberateMind »

I cannot bring myself to sign the offer knowing full well that it might cause two people to lose their job .. :oops: Told them sorry and withdrawn the application.. atleast am feeling relieved.. Made a mess of things though.. Should not have bitten in first place..

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Re: How will you evaluate this job offer

Post by ertyu »

I strongly suspect these people would end up losing their jobs anyways. It's not you who causes people to be fired. It's the corporation. If they don't replace them with you, they'll replace them with someone else. There's no room for humanity when it comes to corporate structures.

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Re: How will you evaluate this job offer

Post by rube »

I agree with Ertyu, that however does not mean that you would have to be the person to be involved.
You will need to be able to sleep well etc. Too bad for the time, energy and stress it took you, but your withdrawal sounds like it was the best decision.

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