Exercise/Fitness Log

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Alphaville »


i think if the buckle is on the tube itself, it could be made to clip on the handles, with a clip attached, like the commercial versions, where the handle has a metal ring, that way 1 pair of handles holds any possible combination of tubes (the one i bought it advertised to go up to 440lb—would be a messy octopus at that point)

the versions i bought have snap control (an inner rope core) to prevent flinging of metallic ends onto eyeballs etc.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Gilberto de Piento »

If anyone wants webbing, rope, carabiners, etc. for free for making exercise gear you may be able to get it from a climber or caver if you know one. When things get older many people replace them just to be super safe.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Alphaville »

Scott 2 wrote:
Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:49 pm
Personally, I'd rather have each hand move freely.
i watched one of the guy’s videos and he explains/shows that the bar is there because free bands will tend to yank the wrists sideways and crush the cartilage, and by stabilizing the wrists with the bar you can work with heavier loads—or so he claims.

resistance bands are different than free weights in this regard—yes, the force vector of the weight may change direction relative to the joint with both kinds of equipment, but with bands the vector magnitude also increases, sometimes a lot, especially in full extension.

i do have a damaged wrist, so i’ll have to pay close attention to form, bar or no bar...

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Scott 2 »

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Alphaville »

Scott 2 wrote:
Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:28 pm
Bands on sale now:

you’re a prince. thanks so much.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by henrik »

I like running. I know that now because I've been doing it more or less consistently for a little over 10 years. Distances 5-42 km. I know realistically that even a plateau of results after the initial getting in shape phase is sort of an achievement (because ageing), but I still feel like some more progress would be satisfying.

So a few weeks ago I got started on a training schedule. A local former professional runner puts it together for me 4 weeks at a time based on the previous 4 weeks' results and data. Data is very easy to gather and present nowadays, so I don't even need to meet the guy. So far so good, I've enjoyed the variety and intensity. Here's what I'm questioning though.. if you have any thoughts or experience, please share.

1) Can there be a "wheaton level" type gap between a consultant and a trainee? As a specific example, if someone can do 10K in under 30 minutes, are his advice and methods relevant and applicable to the newbie whose realistic goal that would make him proud of himself is 43 minutes?
2) Structured training is very easy. Follow the plan, just go do it, no need to think for yourself. Will the structure and external motivation eventually take the fun out of being active and staying in good shape?

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by theanimal »

I forgot to post an update here but I finished the 10,000 swings about 2 weeks ago. My time steadily improved throughout and for the latter half I just did 10 sets of 50 reps. I was never able to do all 10 sets without taking a break. The closest I got was 7, otherwise I'd have to stop somewhere between 30-40. My working time was about 1:25 and I just tried to get my rest periods down. At the end I was trying to do 1:50 per set (includes rest period). The limiting factor was the forearms. I used the 60 lb kb for the whole process. I'm glad I did it. I dropped nearly 10 minutes in time. I feel stronger for it and stand taller, even with having good posture prior to this challenge. If anything, it seems to have inspired other people and I know of more than a handful of people that have started the same challenge as a result, including my gf. That's cool.

One of my friends who started afterwards was wondering how long it'd take to get to 500 consecutive swings. I was tempted by the idea for a little but haven't really pursued it in the past week. I found my max was 203 reps with the 60lb. I was able to do 500 consecutive with 35 lb pretty easily but I don't have anything in between the 2 weights to try out anything else. Maybe sometime in the future.

Anyways, here are my final numbers:

Day 1:27:32
2: 28:24
3: 25:22
4: 27:05
5: 22:42
6: 21:37
7: 20:05
8: 19:49
9: 20:39
10: Moose hunting. Completed but not timed. 1 working period of 200 and 1 of 300 broken up in sets of 50.
11: 19:34
12: 19:03
13: 19:27
14: 20:37
15: 18:50
17: 18:42
18: 18:16
20: 18:50

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by jacob »

I'd suggest trying the density protocol again. If the goal is to 1x500, then the volume should be 1000 (always 2x the target). Always 1 minute per set but make them longer and fewer as you get better. If you can't complete the whole deal, use fewer reps per set until you can even it it takes an hour or more. Once you're down to ~10 sec breaks per set and completing the whole deal, you can attempt the 1x500 and expect a high probability of success.

(This is/was the recommended training method for clubbell sports. Similar to KBs (long cycle) it also has no breaks for putting the weight down allowed.)

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Flurry »

As the current Covid lockdown keeps me from going to the gym, I started some bodyweight stuff to stay sane without access to barbells.

Every day I do 5 sets of

12 Chin Ups
15 Dips
50 Rope Jumps
30 Air Squats
20 Band Pull Aparts
10 Burpees
1 minute planks

I could do more reps but the last time trying to do 100 chin ups every day lead to overtraining so I won't do that this time.

These exercises are perfectly done while working, doing planks while being in conference calls with the webcam and microphone turned off for example. :D

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Alphaville »

sssssssso there was an article in the washington post the other day. some bar bouncer is looking for a pandemic workout. tries a bunch of stuff. settles on this guy:


full article about the how and why etc: (paywall) https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyl ... story.html (but only if you’re curious)

i’ve tried some of the stuff and it’s good!

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Ego »

Does anyone use zwift? Or maybe something like it?

Since returning from the last trip more than a year ago I stopped riding with my cycling group. Too many crashes and bad injuries. The last straw was a close friend who was absolutely mangled and suffered serious long-term damage. Just last week another member of the group was killed in crash. This is the third death since I started riding with them.

But I miss competition. I push myself harder when racing. Every so often I see bike trainers at the swap meet and mull the idea of getting one, strapping on my road bike and playing with one of the video gamified programs. The less expensive trainers only allow the rider to adjust the resistance and do not measure watts. I would probably start with something like this until a better version appears in the stream of waste in which I swim.

Any experience? Advice?

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by jacob »

@Ego - I had a cadence meter on my bike that measured crank rpm along with speed being measured on the backwheel. This allowed it to compute a proxy for power in watts and because the speed measurement was on the rear, it worked on a trainer. It was maybe $60 IIRC. Not as accurate as a real power meter but 10x cheaper.

Our former hockey ref/rink manager (who was also a road cyclist in his younger days) bought a zwift and posted a lot about it on FB, so I presume he likes it :)

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Gilberto de Piento »

Ego wrote:
Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:57 pm
Does anyone use zwift? Or maybe something like it?
Strava is different than what you are describing but can provide some of the competition you want if you still like riding on the road but don't want to ride in a group. You turn on the app while you are riding and you compete on road segments that have been laid out by other users. The free version is very limited, I think you need the paid version if you are interested in competing on the segments in a serious way.

I'm sorry about your friend getting hurt and the deaths in your group. Are you riding in the mountains or an urban area? I'm trying to understand what is going on. This level of danger is way beyond anything I'm familiar with when I think of group rides.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Ego »

@jacob, that's the setup I was thinking of trying. Like the cheap setup here:

Every time I see a turbo trainer at the swap meet I ask the price. They are usually in the $25-35 range. They sell new on Amazon for $77. The speed and cadence sensors sell for about $40 on Amazon so I should be able to get the basic setup second-hand for under $50.

Zwift is $15 per month. I just learned about RGT, a Swift alternative that is free for the basic features. I may try it first


@gilbert, the serious injury was a taco'd wheel riding alone downhill in a rural location and the guy who died was dropped off the back of a group on a backcountry road that I used to ride three days a week. It seems that all of the older guys (my age and older) in the group have a story about a crash where they've been rushed to the hospital and gotten a brain scan as a result. I feel like these signals are repeatedly finding their way to my attention and I've gotten lucky so far. So I've given up road riding on a road bike. I sure do miss it. I console myself with grocery runs and maybe some future touring. It doesn't help that the Y is closed and I am no longer teaching spin.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by jacob »

@Ego - I had a Kurt Kinetic (wheel-on) fluid trainer. The primary selling point was that its speed/resistance was calibrated to the real world. This way the rpm/speed derived power remained somewhat realistic.

I ultimately sold it to @jp ... maybe she's willing to sell it on?

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Ego »

@jacob, That looks like a good one. I suspect the cross country shipping would be more than what I would pay for one locally.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by jennypenny »

Sorry, not for sale anyway ... still is use almost daily (and I only managed to fall off it and hurt myself once :) ).

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Ego »

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"

5:00am in the pitch dark parking lot of a drive-in movie theater that doubles as a swap meet on the weekends. A stake truck driven by an old guy who looks like a farmer pulls in and parks. In the back of the truck are some old gardening tools, a gas powered tiller and five bicycles pancaked one on top of the other. Three other buyers and I approach the truck but I am the only one with a bright headlamp. I scoot around the back leaving the others in the dark as they try to make out the contents using the lights from their cell phone. I immediately notice that one bike, while absolutely filthy, is the signature celeste color of a Bianchi and yell, "How much for the green one?" He says, "two hunnered" in a groggy voice. I yelled, "sold" before anyone else knew what happened. As he digs it out of the pile he explains that his brother was into cycling for about a year back in the early eighties and hung it in the shed on their parents property since then.

Everything original down to the handlebar tape. Full Campagnolo Record. Anything that could be pantographed was. Sew ups (meh) but I pumped them and they've held air for a few days now. Some light rust on the chrome that disappeared with a good rubbing of Nevr-Dull. The chain looks new once the grime is removed. 55cm so a bit small for me. But it's Italian from 1983 so....


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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Hristo Botev »

KB Thrusters
KB Swings
Push Ups
28 minutes

Followed by a brisk morning 1.7 mile walk from the car mechanic to work (26 minutes), because I'm having a pre-purchase car inspection done. I'll walk the 1.7 miles back this evening.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by davtheram12 »

Started developing some mid back tightness and random joint pain (likely from muscular imbalances). Decided it was time to do something differently in hopes of fixing some of the issues I likely created. Youtube pilates classes have been my go-to remedy for the past 4 months. After the initial shock and slight embarrassment wore off, I couldn't get enough of it. I average 3-4 sessions a week and it's been a HUGE help in creating balance throughout my body. So now my weekly workouts revolve around pilates sessions, kettlebell training, cycling, running and walking.

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