FI or bust; FBeyer.

Where are you and where are you going?
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Re: FI or bust; FBeyer.

Post by FBeyer »

Right now it's primarily life coaching, but I've done business coaching as well.
I've coached cold calling, confidence, romantic relationships, resolving conflicts, family matters, self-loathing, getting started on hobbies, decluttering, sales pitches, jealousy etc.

Really it all boils down to mindset. Every time.

I initially intended to open my business officially on Thursday, after my last exam, but I think I'm going to take a few weeks off (it turns out that I'm not wired to celebrate so my GF had to suggest I took a few days off to recuperate). After the vacation I'm starting the consultant program I mentioned above, and one of the very first things is to find out exactly what niche I want to work in. So... Good question; I don't have a good answer yet.

I've had 5 days off total since Feb 16th, and not once did it occur to me to take a breather. So a vacation, new dancing shoes (so I don't tear my knees off on the social floors) and then back to biz! I'll definitely let you all know what niche I'll be working in once I dial it it.

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Re: FI or bust; FBeyer.

Post by theanimal »

Man, I'm enjoying reading about you developing your coaching biz. You certainly are embracing uncertainty with the business and dancing. And your not killing yourself doing it. It's great to see. Based off your pomodros, you're putting ~25 hrs/week into the coaching? Does this include research or just trying to get/meeting clients? Do you schedule anything outside of work pomodoro style?

Looking forward to the next dancing video, ol' sport. ;)

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Re: FI or bust; FBeyer.

Post by FBeyer »

theanimal wrote:
Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:43 am
Man, I'm enjoying reading about you developing your coaching biz. You certainly are embracing uncertainty with the business and dancing. And your not killing yourself doing it. It's great to see. Based off your pomodros, you're putting ~25 hrs/week into the coaching? Does this include research or just trying to get/meeting clients? Do you schedule anything outside of work pomodoro style?

Looking forward to the next dancing video, ol' sport. ;)
About 25 hours of 100% concentrated, no-phones, no-mail, no-bathroom, no-talking, no-nothin' work. Yes.
Work includes mental prep for myself (I've spend the better part of the last 14 days rewiring my personality and my attitude to become someone for whom success is inevitable, rather than someone for whom success is likely :D )

Right now I'm researching niches and bookkeeping, although niches is probably the MOST important thing right now, so I'm doing that ONLY, and then let everything slide while I'm 100% focused on finding pain points that already exist out in the world, and then find a way to solve those. That way I know I'm working on a bizz that already has customers waiting to buy, rather than tell myself my great idea just needs marketing to catch on.[1]

It never occured to me that I'm embracing uncertainty. How do you figure?

I don't do much face-to-face coaching these days. I have a handful of paying clients from around the world (and a business meeting coming up with a sales leader in 14 days), but mostly I'm working on my own attitude, and then the actual direction of the company.

[1] Hint: It won't. It's the most common failure point of startups; thinking your idea has traction before you've proven it has traction.

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Re: FI or bust; FBeyer.

Post by FBeyer »

theanimal wrote:
Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:43 am
Looking forward to the next dancing video, ol' sport. ;)
Should be one coming up in about 3 weeks...

4 maybe...[1]

8 given given my current list of priorities. :lol:

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Re: FI or bust; FBeyer.

Post by theanimal »

FBeyer wrote:
Thu Aug 15, 2019 1:43 am
It never occured to me that I'm embracing uncertainty. How do you figure?
Your whole life seems to be enamored with it at the moment. For example, you are in the midst of starting a new business and learning a new skill (dancing). Both require putting yourself out there without the knowledge of the end result. But both are choices that'll leave you better off regardless of the monetary outcome. That's the part of Semi-ERE and ERE in general that many people can't seem to get behind. FI for Jacob was a byproduct of a well designed life. It wasn't the initial goal. But the certainty of a paycheck and a "guaranteed" income for 25+ years keeps people trapped under their steady paychecks, chasing FI not ERE. You are bringing the web of goals mentality into it. And that is what I find interesting!

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Re: FI or bust; FBeyer.

Post by FBeyer »

Jeez. You're right. I didn't even think about that!
I've got a two hour practice session today, incidentally, with the same Follow you saw in my earlier dancing video.

With a bit of luck you'll get to watch another dance vid soon, this one with aerials :D

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Re: FI or bust; FBeyer.

Post by FBeyer »

Sloppy Aerials. Also: Swedish music. ... _Ak3XO7rFk

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Re: FI or bust; FBeyer.

Post by FBeyer »

Contacted more than 200 CEO and founders. Connected with almost 400 new people in my target niche.
Got 15+ hours of phone interviews.

I Found two pain points among startups and I'm addressing one of them now to gauge market interest. If that one flops, I'll try my hand at the other one and see where that product will take me.

My webpage is set up. Sales funnel is WIP, complete lead generation strategy is outlined, content marketing is planned, copywriting skills brushed off, rapport building is back on the list of things to get better at, phone selling is now in vogue, market-demand driven product development mindset firmly in place, Design Thinking at large.

Tech stack almost built (still needs automated invoices-to-book-keeper automation) 'cause Monsieur Beyer is not going to fuck around with bookkeeping, ERE or no....

The warmachine is almost done being built, and come January I'll be marketing like an absolute beast to get as many hesitant customers on the phone as possible, so I can learn what they REALLY want when they have to pay, rather than when they're just being interviewed.

High ticket sales. First estimate says 4K$ revenue per sale. Initial price will be 2.7K per sale just to get warmed up on the whole lead conversion pipeline.

I have NO fuckin' clue how this is going to go down, but fuck me I'm looking forward to learning this!

I'm building shit. And it's all for the better of humanity.

Daily meditation. Dancing twice per week. Kettleball exercise (Hello Jacob) 6 days per week. All electronics turned off by 8 PM every day. I quit midday caffeine and I've been sleeping like a baby since. Highly recommend the whole getting-enough-sleep-thing.

With a bit of work, I'll be able to update this journal regularly, after New Year's and with less clipped prose than today. The plan is to design a 3.5 hours of Deep Work when it comes to promoting the business so I can keep the promotion up indefinitely, while still servicing clients.

This way I can use the ERE forums as accountability partner, and maybe get back in the habit of not writing like I'm throwing up all over a typewriter. (The rest of the world REALLY communicates at a completely different level than this forum. It's insane!!!)

Also: Today my daughter sat down for the first time, and read her very first book!!!! [1]

[1] Totally too masculine to admit that put a tear in my eye.

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Re: FI or bust; FBeyer. Starting a Business...

Post by FBeyer »

Starting a business requires a dedicated effort I have to say.

I'll be back with a one-liner again next year :lol:

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Re: FI or bust; FBeyer.

Post by 1Vikinggirl »

Looking forward to the progress reporting,
ha det gott.

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Re: FI or bust; FBeyer.

Post by theanimal »

Over a year without a new one liner. We the people of ERE demand another line! How's the business? Life? Still dancing?

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