Trump - Clown Genius

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by C40 »

Wow, what the heck is going on here? ... index.html

The article says that the Federal prosecutors or the DOJ is trying to force a website provider to give them all information related to a website that was used to organize an anti-Trump protest. (including every single IP address that viewed the website, 1.2 million of them)

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by C40 »

jennypenny wrote:
Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:26 pm

That's enough for now. I'm not sure how many of you are even interested in this stuff.
Jenny - I'm extremely interested in your updates. They are so so clear and succinct and without any extra commentary. I like them a lot and if you'd continue, and write more of them, I'd probably make you my only or primary source for this type of political news.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by BRUTE »

haha jennypenny is already brute's primary news source ;)

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Ego »

Haidt on the Presidental sacrilege. ... ge/537519/

The president of the United States said that there were “very fine people” on both sides.

In that moment, Trump committed the gravest act of sacrilege of his presidency. In that moment, the president rendered himself untouchable by all who share the belief that Nazis and the KKK are not just bad—they are taboo.

Taboo violations are contagious. They render the transgressor “polluted,” in the language of anthropology, and the moral stain rubs off on those who physically touch the transgressor, as well as on those who fail to distance themselves from the transgressor. When people march with Nazis and Klansmen, even if they keep their mouths closed when others are chanting, and even if they don’t personally carry swastika or Klan flags, they acquire the full moral stain of Nazis and Klansmen. By saying that some of these men were “very fine people,” the president has taken that stain upon himself.


Pollution travels most rapidly by physical touch, so be on the lookout for numerous awkward moments in the coming months when people refuse to shake the president’s hand or stand next to him.


But Republicans should know that people’s political orientations are shaped for life by events that happen when they are young, particularly between the ages of 14 and 24. The young generation—iGen, as Jean Twenge calls them—is extraordinarily progressive and passionate about matters of race and prejudice. If Republicans stand by their tainted president rather than renouncing him, an entire generation of voters may come to see the GOP as eternally untouchable.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by ThisDinosaur »

Counterpoint to Ego/Haidt;

Remember Peter Thiel (and others) saying they take Trump "seriously but not literally?" I think a lot of his supporters don't actually care what he says. Remember the article about the difference between Truth, Lies, and Bullshit?

Furthermore, Haidt is assuming most americans are anti racial-tribalism. In contrast, there is a sense that Trumpism and the increased visibility of these groups is evidence that closet racism has been more widespread that we realized. If they weren't, how could confederate monuments have persisted all over the south until now? Obviously not enough people were offended by them.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Ego »

ThisDinosaur wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:48 am
Furthermore, Haidt is assuming most americans are anti racial-tribalism. In contrast, there is a sense that Trumpism and the increased visibility of these groups is evidence that closet racism has been more widespread that we realized. If they weren't, how could confederate monuments have persisted all over the south until now? Obviously not enough people were offended by them.
Good point. I saw that Hannity just proclaimed that 99 percent of the Charlottesville protestors were not KKK/supremacists/Nazis. Perhaps this smokescreen will appeal to the motivated reasoning of some.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by jennypenny »

I haven't been able to confirm this with a second source yet (was watching the Liverpool game) but I'm told a transition team has been formed in what republicans are still saying is the unlikely event that Trump steps down. The (rumored) leading candidate for VP is Nikki Haley. Part of the process will be preparing for a P/H 2020 run should Trump make it that far.

Word is Trump will make a move on amnesty/dreamers as a conciliatory gesture to smooth things over after Charlottesville. He can't be counted on to stick to the script, but that is what is being recommended to him to stop the republican defections.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Ego »

I have trouble imagining a world where 1) Trump steps down or 2) Trump is incapable of undermining a challenge from within his administration or 3) Trump decides not to run in 2020 regardless of his approval rating.

Edit: But then again, I could never have imagined that I'd be saying President Trump.... so who knows.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by GandK »

Oh, gosh, I could easily see him stepping down, either because he decides he just doesn't like it anymore, or because someone's got something on him and they force a resignation out of him.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by TheWanderingScholar »

And we are still the first year into his administration.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by BRUTE »

YoungAndWise wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:51 pm
And we are still the first year into his administration.
that's rounding up 50%

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by TheWanderingScholar »

BRUTE wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:58 pm
YoungAndWise wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:51 pm
And we are still the first year into his administration.
that's rounding up 50%
Eh, that kind of makes it worse.

Seriously, half a year in and we are talking about the President of the U.S. resigning already, without sounding crazy.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by BRUTE »

humans have talked about him resigning for months now

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by fiby41 »

jennypenny wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:22 pm
. The (rumored) leading candidate for VP is Nikki Haley. Part of the process will be preparing for a P/H 2020 run should Trump make it that far.
Nimrata for POTUS 2020 <3

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Chad »

jennypenny wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:22 pm
I haven't been able to confirm this with a second source yet (was watching the Liverpool game) but I'm told a transition team has been formed in what republicans are still saying is the unlikely event that Trump steps down. The (rumored) leading candidate for VP is Nikki Haley. Part of the process will be preparing for a P/H 2020 run should Trump make it that far.
If this happens can we just make Haley president?

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by ThisDinosaur » ... 21ca48905b

56% of Republicans would support POTUS and congress *postponing* the 2020 election if voter fraud was considered likely.
The president has been calling our democracy "rigged" since before the election.
After winning the election but losing the popular vote, he made up a story about 5 million illegal immigrants voting in California.
Voter ID laws and gerrymandering are established parts of the republican playbook to keep control of who gets to vote.
The Russian attempt to undermine confidence in our democracy is ongoing, if its true that the Clinton/Ukraine narrative was in fact sourced from the Russians.

Putin's statecraft is working. We may be not so different from Venezuela rather soon.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Ego »

jennypenny wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:22 pm
Word is Trump will make a move on amnesty/dreamers as a conciliatory gesture to smooth things over after Charlottesville.
Trump made a move, alright. "I moved on her like a bitch".

Arpaio pardoned. Trump is incapable of conciliation.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Dragline »

At least George Wallace apologized.

Well, we've confirmed what "Make America Great Again" means. Really old white dudes wishing for the pre "Martin Luther Coon" America of their childhood. Yes sir ree bob!

But no surprises there, eh?

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Ego »

The pardon signals to the Mueller targets that Trump is willing to use his powers indiscriminately. Don't make a deal and you will be pardoned.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Chad »

Actions like the pardon, transgender ban, speeches supporting racists, etc. are going to make it impossible for democrats and for many republicans to work with him on actual important issues like passing a budget. Then his idiot supporters will complain the fault lies with these reps and senators who couldn't possibly work with this self destructive president.

The rest of the world is laughing at us, as they should be.
