Going Vegan

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by slowtraveler »

Looks like my family got a push in this direction recently so I will be trying this again. Even dad went vegan. Aiming for 99%-no animal products consumed except a few days of the year.

We've been doing this for 1 day so far so very early to see how this will turn out.

Sincerely hoping this takes care of the last bits of a health condition I've experienced.

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by sl-owl-orris »

I'm happy for you and your family Felipe. Fingers crossed that you can transition without too much trouble. Some people find it easier than others.

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by TopHatFox »

What about pets? What are examples of healthy diets for them? Is a WFPB diet good for some pets and not others?

Oo, I found a documentary called Pet Fooled on the subject!

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by slowtraveler »


Saw the documentary. I did not realize how deep the hole went, I assumed there was productive uses for carcasses in other fields, maybe as binding elements or for making gels.

Thank you. I realized my dog's long term jerky has bha and she happens to have a tumor on her leg. Time to cut that and maybe transition her to a more biologically appropriate diet.

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by slowtraveler »

Been vegan for a while now. Family is looking like they're going to break. I'm fantasizing about making some organic animal style burgers http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food ... pe-2043000

All said, dad's blood pressure is in normal range for the first time in my adult life. My weight is more stable. I feel more stable in my gut but energy is fading somewhat. Tried upping walnuts and fats, this didn't help.

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by TopHatFox »

@Felipe: B12?

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by BRUTE »

saturated animal fats might help

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by slowtraveler »

My multi-vitamin has B12 but I also take hits of concentrated B12 at other times. It's also fortified in my nutritional yeast.
BRUTE wrote:
Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:00 pm
saturated animal fats might help
I swear that's what my body's craving. But now it's pulled, bbq'd lamb or grilled steak that I'm dreaming about. Chicken or fish haven't crossed my mind once.

Fasting has gotten progressively harder with veganism.

When I have meat again, I'll want it to be organic and home cooked or from a good local smokehouse. Family is coming from out of the country in a week or 2 so their arrival is the family's planned break date. We'll see how it goes.

I'll try to limit it to once a week. If this proves impossible, I know I have done horribly eating any volume of junk food so I'll stay to clean meat most of the time.

I may get my blood work done, try Brute's diet if I can figure out how it works, retake my bloodwork/see how I feel and go from there. This is going to be interesting to compare. The one thing I have noticed is off is that my resting heart rate is high (around 83 beats/minute) but this is not new.

Scott 2
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Re: Going Vegan

Post by Scott 2 »

Are you eating enough calories? Instead of getting hungry, when I consistently do not eat enough, I get tired. It's like my body slows down, to avoid wasting while food is scarce.

Outside of eating more food, eating more frequently, and eating a higher percentage of protein/fat, helps me.

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by BRUTE »

chicken and most fish are very lean, so maybe Felipe is really craving fats for a reason. many vitamins are fat-soluble, brute is unsure about B12.

higher resting heart rate is a typical reaction to fasting. fasting raises adrenaline and noradrenaline.

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by classical_Liberal »

Last edited by classical_Liberal on Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by BRUTE »

good point by classical_Liberal. the ketogenic diet also requires higher than normal salt intake. other common symptoms of low salt intake are dizziness when getting up (due to low blood pressure), lethargy, and muscle cramps. might be easy enough to try adding more salt for a few days and see if it helps.

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by slowtraveler »

I actually eat a lot of salt and drink a lot of water. More than anyone else I know.

Brute, if I wanted to give your diet a shot, where would I go to learn more?

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by slowtraveler »

Thanks Brute.

The diet seems intense, I didn't know fiber was restricted or raw organs + fatty cuts were the main diet. I was picturing eggs with bacon and cheddar, smoked lamb with some gouda and toasted nuts over grilled onions and garlic as a once a day meal. This was my understanding from your previous posts.

But raw animal products tend not to mix well with my stomach.

How'd you pull off acquiring safe raw brains and organs abroad and transitioning to raw animal products?

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by BRUTE »

Felipe wrote:
Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:28 pm
The diet seems intense, I didn't know fiber was restricted or raw organs + fatty cuts were the main diet. I was picturing eggs with bacon and cheddar, smoked lamb with some gouda and toasted nuts over grilled onions and garlic as a once a day meal. This was my understanding from your previous posts.

But raw animal products tend not to mix well with my stomach.

How'd you pull off acquiring safe raw brains and organs abroad and transitioning to raw animal products?
uh, brute doesn't actually eat (m)any raw animal products. where in the links is it advocated to eat raw meat?

the Ketogenic Diet isn't anti-fiber per se, whereas zero-carb kind of is. the idea is basically that mainstream science has over-promoted fiber to a huge degree. it's fine in moderation for most humans, and adds a lot of texture and variety (greens, onions). but it isn't as positive or necessary as promoted by mainstream dietitians.

eggs with bacon and cheddar is literally what brute ate yesterday. that stuff is perfectly fine. today, brute has eaten slow-cooked pork belly so far.

the high fat thing will simply be an effect of eating with severely restricted starches. only about 25-35% of daily energy can be safely consumed from protein. if carbs/starches (the other main energy source in human diet besides fat) is restricted, it follows that the majority of energy must come from fats.

most humans on this diet find that they start preferring fattier cuts pretty soon.

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by slowtraveler »

That is a relief. Raw brains was pushing it. Eating meat and eggs and cheese sounds tasty.

"However, Stefansson and his partner did not eat just muscle meat but also fat, raw brain[citation needed], raw liver (a significant source of vitamin C and others), and other varieties of offal."

Correct me if I'm wrong but:

A fatty cut of ground beef seems to have more grams of protein (21 grams) than fat(17 grams). This is about 84 protein calories to 153 fat calories so not too far from the desired ratio. But I'd imagine nuts/seeds/olives/cream/oils would need to make a significant amount of the calories to not go over since meat has so much protein. The fat is easier to consume than the meat as well.

In general-Get the fatty cuts, organic/grass fed but ideally eating animals I've personally seen, a few vegetables like garlic or onions or some salad with a lemon-olive oil dressing are okay as long as I don't binge, something like artichoke as a weekly thing, no bread/legumes/sweet fruit or vegetables no beets) (coconuts, peppers, avocados, olives, lemons okay in moderation). Whipped cream with cocoa or cheese fondu with meats/roasted broccoli are okay. Nuts and seeds are okay. Vegan food are okay as long as carbs are low (coconut oil, vegan creams). Shoot for >5%carbs (mostly fiber), ~20% protein (out of 2k kcal this is still 100 grams), and 75% fat. Don't worry about calories.

Eat once a day somehow-not sure if this part is mandatory.

Stevia is okay?

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by BRUTE »

sounds about right. brute doesn't try to overthink it too much. going for fatty cuts is usually enough, but brute likes to add cream to his coffee. mostly for flavor, but it probably adds up to quite a bit of fat over the day.

Stefansson was just one quirky guy who wrote a book about the Eskimo diet after living with them for a few years. no need to eat raw brain.


eating once per day isn't mandatory, but seems to go well with it. brute likes the fast/feast thing over grazing, but it might be a personal thing.

Stevia should be ok, but brute has learned that after a week of not eating anything sweet, he'll actually lose any sweet tooth. so using Stevia would just make it worse. brute eats dark chocolate (85%+), which becomes much sweeter after not eating other sweet things for a few days. 95% still tastes good, 99% is a bit much.

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by slowtraveler »

Officially broke my vegan streak. My psych was feeling less and less alive, had some marinated tri tip, bacon, and cheddar in a sandwich, along with some grass fed butter in my vegetable soup.

I'll be keeping my vegetable soup in my diet, upping the coconut oil and gradually decreasing carbs over the coming weeks.

My body is sick of bread and carbs for right now. I feel almost sick thinking of eating anything mildly sweet. Fasting feels difficult, I think this is due to the lower fat content in my diet.

Weight and gut feel more stable than before going vegan but energy feels off. If the low carb, high fat diet doesn't provide the energy I'm looking for then I'll likely revert to mostly vegan but with a weekly cheat day. I still like the idea of less animal products for ethical and environmental reasons but I feel weaker with 0. Maybe this is the 99% instead of 100% I didn't pay enough attention to at the start.

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Re: Going Vegan

Post by TopHatFox »

Hope you find what works for you!


On cooking, I cook a big pot of a whole grain and a legume on Sunday. I also make a giant salad or stir-fry. I'll put it all in stainless, sealed Tupperware. I'll eat these portions and snacks throughout the week. I may put one tupperware per day in my bike pannier for lunch. Most of the time I eat a huge dinner though. : )

This week it's olive oil, brown rice, and green peas. Spice liberally. Combine with Kale, avocado, and mushroom salad. Kiwis, nectarines, peaches, and more throughout. Fancy fruit courtesy of work of course. Snacks include carrots + hummus, Teddy peanut butter, homemade 100% WG bread, walnuts, chia, etc. Plenty of water throughout. Weekly B12.

Comes out to ~$150/mo for me in the 3rd most expensive county in the US. I don't buy organic yet, but I estimate that would get the cost to $250/mo.

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