YT alternative/best win screen recorder/recruitment "hacks"

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YT alternative/best win screen recorder/recruitment "hacks"

Post by Stahlmann »

I heard there is tactic where you create videos of yourself or skills you own "during"/before recruitment process (especially when you don't have so much "real world" experience). As an engineer, I find it fairly amusing. I want to use it/give try. Especially, if I want to apply abroad (Stahlmanns still dreams) and other "hacks" won't work, because I don't have access to their building/possibility to network. I'm not programmist, so GitHub doesn't work for me.

TL;DR (which is longer than the other part :lol: ) or loose thoughts:

1. I want to upload somewhere my videos. It can't be YT. I think it creates the ingenuity gap for HR, becuse even personally I found it difficult to open video outside YT (for the first time, due to "habits TM" - this is why I quit Big 2 or almost Big 3 of the Internet; jacob notion on "now thinking is rather considered as using google"; EDIT: oooops I have LinkedIn and Skype :lol: ) :lol: (I hope they have medium 3 digits IQ over there). Also there're many tutorials on YT, I'll compile. "My problem" solved on "suggeested list" wouldn't grant me a place in a company. In terms of orginality of problems I'll tackle, they'll be rather on other canals as well :lol:

Viemo offers 500MB per week. Competitors are way behind (in terms of other services). Do you think differently? I don't have my host.
How does weigh one video of good screen capture?

2. I need good, free software to record "me" (from the camera) and the desktop respectively. I run M$, due to software issues. Any ideas?
3. How do they check people in STEM (mechanical engineering)? Should I expect exercises from strenght of the materials/mechanics? I live in the East Europe, as it was said here [on forum], we (or our system in my country) put hardcore emphasis to "make everyone scientist"(*). Personally, I am rather bewildered/don't know what I want in my life with this diploma. The problem is, I haven't joined "workforce TM" (I'll do it in September).

4. Before studies I wanted to be mechanical designer (in terms of strength analysis and so on; not the art one). But the technical part of my studies (connected to this job) crushed my soul. Now I am between the devil and the deep blue sea... Because many job positions in these fields on my country aren't demanding (but boring and you start with the salary like of local Walmart equivalent after 5 year studies; OK, at least there's no student loans here, but "everyone receives trophy" anyway or even it's more common as in western Europe) (desiging simple steel constructions). On the other hand, going in this field (and hoping on some promotions) means it would be better to understanding nuances of "what happens in this machinery on thermodynamics combustion process level" (Nooooo.............!!!!!!!!).

It has been written here about being slave of being Cubicle Jockey.. I wish I could be one :lol:

(*) People, who took intership in Erasmus programme to "celestial" Germany said their courses on master's were easier in Germany (it was more about solving problems, not "reading some difficult stuff by prof and then demanding its repetition on test"(**)), than "the adventures" one during bachelor's in home country. It wasn't TU9, but still...

(**) Or maybe it's just me... I see I tend to be better at "short-sighted" problems (sitting in front of books and trying to connect the dots kills me). But in high-school they told to go to the uni... Here it's better to finish one diploma, then they sell you the "vision" of the second. ARGH! (as it's visibile from my other posts, probably I suffer from victims mentality :lol: I think it's about it's really tough to enjoy myself and the problem is I see the world as some high-school exercies. "Real world TM" for INTP is really bad place...

In my country people started treated Mensa tests as "pricey puzzles". As the result, this club observed that more and more people tend to score on very right sight of the Gaussian curve. As the result, local Mensa stopped conducting the tests :lol: . I mean I wanted to take one, because (personally) I think uni is/was not for me... I need really simple rules to follow (army doesn't pay good here, not so many programms to use as "parachute" to escape).

If design about changing some estabilished values in spreadsheet, then changing the older project - I can go there.

With my knowledge of "foreign" languages I can find work in BPO, but (for me) it's dead-end job (some day economical sitaution be more stabilised further on East...).

People who "won" the lottery (comparing who is who after 5 year-old-decision/bet :lol: and with good 5 year outlook): programmers/IT (even code monkeys), "advanced" BPO workers (economic diploma is needed), doctors who are willing to fly away from country (somehow free education), 10-20% in any studies

Who "lost":
especially rest of the "engineers" :lol: (because they were lured with high-earning)

My "solution" for "me TM":
automative industry in german-speaking country, but nothing combined with "thinking" (more jobs for you :lol: ). Do you think it is possible?

Soon I will activate my LinkedIn trial account and I will data-mine what those people big companies do :lol: (designing cars can't be so complicated :D, they show us it during studies ).

5. After studies I think I should never make choices based on "they wet-nursed me through high-school so there's time to go uni and I'll work in NASA to build rockets after my stydies" (Stahlmann, 2012. - for the second part of course :lol: ). Life can be very cruel. ARGH!

I think I am good at helping other people (but on deep level I hate them somehow; I mean I was year representative and I enjoyed taking care of somebody's busisness, maybe because I can't take care of myself :lol: ) and my question is as follow. Can I combine it someway with my diploma? I need to run away from "thinking" (in engineering sense) quite soon or I will get lost pretty soon :lol:

I don't have any hobbies I could monetize to be able to live from them (hence I'm here on ERE).

I know English (I hope you agree :lol: ) and German.

My work ethic (in terms of taking care more than my needs) is practically non-existent (I speak the real language, not the CV BS one :lol: ).

(I was cynic somewhere just becuase I really don't know what to do :( )

I sometimes I think it would be better to be stubborn lout, who just enjoys his "whatever" jobs compared to me as "amateur know-it-all", because I can't make any decisions anyway :lol:

Thanks for any reply.

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Re: YT alternative/best win screen recorder/recruitment "hacks"

Post by C40 »

dude... there's just so much here.. I don't really know...

I can speak to how technical skills are conveyed during job application/interview:

On the subject of how you show your skills to potential employers, in my experience (in the U.S. getting hired right as I graduated University), you just tell them about work you've done. So - it's HUGE benefit to already have experience doing engineering type work while you were studying at University. Otherwise, you'd just be able to talk about learning/doing things at University, plus general people skills from non-engineering work, plus maybe some personal projects done as hobbies.

Also, particularly when hiring recent graduates, recruiters will look at your GPA as a quick sign of technical skill.

AFAIK, programming jobs do often have some kind of technical skill test. Either where you talk to someone and they ask you technical questions, or you literally do some quick coding work as a test.

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Re: YT alternative/best win screen recorder/recruitment "hacks"

Post by Tyler9000 »

Stahlmann wrote:
Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:27 am
3. How do they check people in STEM (mechanical engineering)? Should I expect exercises from strenght of the materials/mechanics? I live in the East Europe, as it was said here [on forum], we (or our system in my country) put hardcore emphasis to "make everyone scientist"(*). Personally, I am rather bewildered/don't know what I want in my life with this diploma. The problem is, I haven't joined "workforce TM" (I'll do it in September).

4. Before studies I wanted to be mechanical designer (in terms of strength analysis and so on; not the art one). But the technical part of my studies (connected to this job) crushed my soul. Now I am between the devil and the deep blue sea... Because many job positions in these fields on my country aren't demanding (but boring and you start with the salary like of local Walmart equivalent after 5 year studies; OK, at least there's no student loans here, but "everyone receives trophy" anyway or even it's more common as in western Europe) (desiging simple steel constructions). On the other hand, going in this field (and hoping on some promotions) means it would be better to understanding nuances of "what happens in this machinery on thermodynamics combustion process level" (Nooooo.............!!!!!!!!).
The thing about mechanical engineering is that it's actually one of the broadest fields out there. There are so many different specializations, and it's important to find your personal niche. I remember being kinda discouraged during a school internship where the job was very technical with materials science and stress analysis, which really wasn't my thing. But then I found a job designing new consumer products that was focused primarily on 3D modeling, plastic part design, and creative problem solving and it was like an entirely different world. Matching the job role to your interests helps tremendously, and you have a lot of flexibility with a ME degree. Keep looking!

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Re: YT alternative/best win screen recorder/recruitment "hacks"

Post by Stahlmann »

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Re: YT alternative/best win screen recorder/recruitment "hacks"

Post by fiby41 »

I came here through a notification saying Anonymous replied to this thread.

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Re: YT alternative/best win screen recorder/recruitment "hacks"

Post by BRUTE »

brute isn't clear from the original post - is Stahlmann planning to work as a mechanical engineer or a programmer in the automotive industry of Germany? does Stahlmann have a degree in mechanical engineering?

brute would suggest that Stahlmann simply start applying for jobs in the automotive industry. it's probably harder as a foreigner, but companies are often willing to take bets on promising humans. even just the experience of interviewing will tell Stahlmann much about what these employers are looking for.

brute is skeptical that large automotive manufacturers are going to look up Stahlmann's videos on YouTube. becoming a quick expert on GitHub/YouTube is definitely a thing in the US software industry, but in the much more conservative car industry? unlikely. it's going to be all resumes, grades, and interviewing well.

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