brute journal

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Re: brute journal

Post by halfmoon »


What an opportunity to do something good and add to your income! Why not have a pet-walking or visiting service?

Sorry for the detour, Brute. I'm trying to think of some self-justifying way that this relates to nihilism. :roll:

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Re: brute journal

Post by Ego »

@halfmoon, actually, this is nihilism 101. The animals would not exist if not for people perpetuating the belief that they somehow inject an attenuated semblance of meaning into the lives of yearning young professionals who find themselves suddenly facing their first existential crisis of, "Is this all there is to life?" Better to face it than drug it. I could not make a profession of enabling.

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Re: brute journal

Post by BRUTE »

that's exactly why brute doesn't have a dog.

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Re: brute journal

Post by halfmoon »

Ego wrote:The animals would not exist if not for people perpetuating the belief that they somehow inject an attenuated semblance of meaning into the lives of yearning young professionals who find themselves suddenly facing their first existential crisis of, "Is this all there is to life?" Better to face it than drug it.
That's exactly how I feel about having children. To each his own drug.

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Re: brute journal

Post by Ego »

halfmoon wrote:To each his own drug.
This morning I rode in a beautifully efficient, synchronized rotating paceline with two friends. The three of us had been dropped off the back of a faster group so we worked together in a silent harmony that later induced in me several lingering hours of the feeling this man describes so well.

Certainly a drug. A harm-free drug. Is there meaning in it? Perhaps the meaning is in the absence of harm to self and other. Who knows?

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Re: brute journal

Post by Kriegsspiel »

Ego wrote:@Kriegsspiel, have you done live tissue training? From what they said, the emotional connection and the squealing of the injured animal is as close to a real world scenarios as possible. Of course, there are a few issues.... ... e-training

As I walk through my apartment building and hear the animals of these young professions squealing for attention and scratching at the doors, I wonder how far apart the two are.
No, just real world experience. I think that kind of training would have been useful. Not in a fun sense (though for the instructors gallows humor may be inevitable), but in preparing soldiers for war.

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Re: brute journal

Post by fiby41 »

Life does not have to have any meaning to it. It just has to be lived.
BRUTE wrote:
Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:09 pm
fiby41 wrote:Life [..] has to be lived.
citation needed
Play along and you might get good at it

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Re: brute journal

Post by BRUTE »

that's more or less what brute is doing. he's sure improving at some things, just not sure they're the right things.

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Re: brute journal

Post by George the original one »

BRUTE wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:40 pm
that's more or less what brute is doing. he's sure improving at some things, just not sure they're the right things.
That implies you feel there is a test coming to see how well you did, how much you measure up to an arbitrary standard. I thought brute was past that?

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Re: brute journal

Post by BRUTE »

brute isn't certain that there is a test coming up, but he also isn't sure there isn't one coming up. presumably, different life situations will be the different tests, so success in overall life-fitness cannot be evaluated until life ends.

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Re: brute journal

Post by BlueNote »

Is Brute familiar with this site?: An interesting take on nihilism there.

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Re: brute journal

Post by BRUTE »

brute will check that out.

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Re: brute journal

Post by BRUTE »

3 years of expenses
savings rate: 1.15

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Re: brute journal

Post by Stahlmann »

BRUTE wrote:

What is your primer on long-term health in non-WHO recommended diets? (book, society, special MD who is making money on disagreeing current model etc.)
Especially in terms of ,,Four Riders of Apocalypse of modern health" (hypertension, obesity, diabetes, ,,pump system" problems).
I ask you, because you tend to be the biggest proponent of high meat or high fats diets over there.
Although anybody who is capable of answer is welcome to do so.

Why do you prefer high meat diets? Praxeological answer ,,I do like them" is not enough!
What kind of high fat dietes have you tried?

I head towards following question.

What kind of frameworks/protocols/recommendations/authors do you use in your diet of high fat or high meat?
I want to have more specific answer than keto. It is pretty obvious :D.

Plz no short reply, brute-san.

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Re: brute journal

Post by BRUTE »

hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and heart problems are mostly caused by metabolic syndrome. lifestyle management, including diet, can usually prevent, and often fix them. sometimes, in late stages, structural damage has been done. still, even then, what's considered "terminal" (beta cell burnout in the pancreas in late stage type 2 diabetics) by conventional medicine can be reversed within a week or two by extreme dietary measures.

exercise can also have strong effects. brute has seen complete reversal of type 2 diabetes through both diet and exercise.

list of dietary convictions brute holds, some with sources:

some humans cannot tolerate even small/moderate amounts of carbohydrate. tolerance gets worse and eventually disappears under chronic exposure. (Taubes, Teichholz)

despite that, "macros" (dividing foods into fat/carbs/protein) are almost useless, or at least not enough. not all carbs are created equal. rice seems very harmless. fructose is practically a poison. wheat is the devil. (Wheat Belly, Paleo)

paleo is generally a good measure, not because of the romanticizing of hunter gatherers, but because most industrial modifications to food (or really since the agricultural revolution) have had negative impact.

cooking is a useful skill, and really the only way to learn about and strictly control diet.

most conventionally held, popular beliefs about diet are bullshit, and are actually not based on any science. most "diet science" is bullshit.

fat is not inherently unhealthy to humans. industrial fats (vegetable/grain oils/hydrogenated oils) are very unhealthy, just like sugar.

fat in combination with a high-carbohydrate diet is a terrible combination. this is where low-fat diets can actually work - eating paleo-vegan is certainly better in the short term, if done right, than overeating the SAD.

fat is actually a necessary intake for the human body, especially saturated animal fats. most cells are made from it, especially in the brain. saturated fats are important for hormone production and regulation, and even mineral and vitamin absorption.

protein is vital, but usually overrated. most humans just think protein is healthy because both carbs and fat have been vilified. eating too much protein actually causes intestinal disturbances, constipation. especially if saturated fats are lacking. most indigenous/hunter gatherer cultures that rely heavily on animal products mostly eat the fatty parts of animals. lean is given to the dogs. (Zero Carb, Fat of the Land)

water is vital as well, but also overrated. the 8 glasses a day story is bullshit - following the chain of evidence, the equivalent of 8 glasses a day is the requirement of the body for total water. this includes recycled water from bodily fluids, from food (most food is 80% water), and drink. thirst is a great indicator of water needs. no need to "hydrate" or overhydrate, like many humans do.

fruits are just candy on a tree.

vegetables are also overrated. yes, they have some vitamins and minerals. but so do animal products. brute does eat a small amount of vegetables with most meals, both for flavor and to get those vitamins/minerals.

brute strives for a 100% animal product diet, but those last 10% remove a lot of great flavors, and he's had bad experiences going for more than 2 weeks completely without any vegetables. simply adding a few leaves of spinach per day seems completely enough, though. it's feasible that eating more liver or bone would provide those minerals, but some spinach also works and is less effort.

dairy tolerance varies extremely between individuals - brute has always consumed copious amounts of dairy throughout his life, and would rather give up electricity than dairy. he knows humans that can barely tolerate a glass a day.

fiber is healthy in the same way that filter cigarettes are healthy. actually, probably worse. fiber bloats, causes indigestion, rots in the intestine, causes colon cancer, and is constipating. the original "science" behind "fiber is good" is such bullshit it's not even funny. there is literally no scientific foundation for the entire thing. it's simply made up. (The Fiber Menace)

hence, brute tries to minimize fiber consumption.

meal frequency and timing has an impact, sometimes a big one. there is no need to eat more than 1x per day. 2x per day for athletes.

fasting is a great practice. intermittent fasting (Warrior Diet, Eat Stop Eat, 5:2, Leangains) is great. prolonged fasting is great (Jason Fung, though he's a quack). brute has fasted for ~1 week multiple times, and while a little uncomfortable, it's not a problem. brute did not lose any noticeable amount of muscle. hunger is not a problem.

low enough carbohydrate and protein consumption (through ketogenic diet or fasting) causes serum ketone levels to rise ("ketosis"). ketones have interesting effects in the body - some just because they correlate with the absence of glucose (insulin, blood glucose) and proteins (IGF-1, MTOR). other effects are present even when ketones are consumed from exogenous sources while serum glucose is still normal/high. these include protective effects on certain brain cells. for example, ketones protect against seizures to a 2-4x effect, preventing oxygen seizure in divers, and certain types of epilepsy.

brute likes to think of eating/fasting as stressors that need to be balanced. hormesis.

brute has eaten a pretty strict ketogenic diet with fasting for about 1.5 years now. it is not that expensive. beans and rice cheap? no. but much tastier, too.

in a way, the "brute likes animal products" part is important - like humans often say, the only diet that will work is one that humans can stick to, and brute really likes the taste of his diet. it is pretty dairy heavy compared to more typical Zero Carb diets ("Meat + Water").

socially it is not a problem, because brute is anti-social as fuck. when humans try to argue diet with him, 99.5% of the time, they have no clue what the fuck they're talking about and brute can not only predict their arguments, but also explain them away in a manner of his choosing - playfully, "huh, interesting", brutish, nasty, short. or he can explain, if humans are interested. this is a consequence of having researched human diets, and experimented with them, for 15 years or so.

brute has done vegetarian, vegan, fruitarian, SAD, Atkins, Zone, Paleo.. pretty much everything. there are now no "new diets" to brute, only variations of old diets. brute's own diet is extremely tailored to him.

interest in brute's diet correlates very strongly with how good brute looks at the time. humans want to copy what they like, not what has scientific basis.

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Re: brute journal

Post by Campitor »

@ brute

Can you provide what a typical daily meal may consist of for your diet? I don't wan to pick it apart. I only what to see what is the food choice that you consider optimal and conforming to your dietary philosophy.

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Re: brute journal

Post by James_0011 »

@ brute

I think that you haven't tried eating according to the biologist ray peat's advice. This is probably a 'new diet' to you.

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Re: brute journal

Post by ThisDinosaur »

most conventionally held, popular beliefs about diet are bullshit, and are actually not based on any science. most "diet science" is bullshit.
fat is actually a necessary intake for the human body, especially saturated animal fats. most cells are made from it, especially in the brain. saturated fats are important for hormone production
Saturated fats are easily made by the body from carbohydrates. Essential Fatty Acids are specific fat moieties that are "essential" because humans can't make them and need them in the diet. Cholesterol is needed for steroid hormone production, but the body can make that too.
most indigenous/hunter gatherer cultures that rely heavily on animal products mostly eat the fatty parts of animals. lean is given to the dogs.
That's probably because that's where all the easy calories are. Fat is 9 calories per gram, protein and carbs are 4 calories per gram. Plus, fat is delicious.
fruits are just candy on a tree.
Most animals can make their own ascorbic acid/vitamin C. Its only a "vital amine" for us because our tree-dwelling ancestors ate so much fruit that we abandoned the ability to make it to save energy on making the necessary enzymes.

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Re: brute journal

Post by Stahlmann »

BRUTE wrote:
hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and heart problems are mostly caused by metabolic syndrome. lifestyle management, including diet, can usually prevent, and often fix them. sometimes, in late stages, structural damage has been done. still, even then, what's considered "terminal" (beta cell burnout in the pancreas in late stage type 2 diabetics) by conventional medicine can be reversed within a week or two by extreme dietary measures.
This quite hardcore statement. Can you elaborate? Or give direction in which should I read/go?
I am especially intertested in hypertension prevention/early intervention.

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Re: brute journal

Post by BRUTE »

Campitor wrote:
Sat May 27, 2017 1:56 am
Can you provide what a typical daily meal may consist of for your diet? I don't wan to pick it apart. I only what to see what is the food choice that you consider optimal and conforming to your dietary philosophy.
typical meal would be:
1 ribeye steak

1lbs of ground beef/pork, about 2oz of frozen spinach mixed in, with some salt & pepper, and a dash of cream to bind the fat. sometimes additional cheese on top.

5 strips of bacon, then 5 eggs fried in the bacon grease. salt + pepper. often, brute adds some onion, garlic, or spinach, for flavor and texture.

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