Danish Money Tango

Where are you and where are you going?
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Re: Danish Money Tango

Post by jacob »

IOW ... at this point, you got a permanent spot as long as you don't move the car, ever? 8-)

Posts: 29
Joined: Mon May 02, 2016 8:56 am

Re: Danish Money Tango

Post by knap82 »

@Eureka - Thanks, and oh no. Stupid money.
Didn't know it a mximum of 3 tickets - but great knowledge to keep in mind - should I ever need it.

@Jacob - a permant spot, not bad. But I'll have the car sold next week so the third ticket is the farewell salute to having a car (loan) in the centre of Copenhagen.

Posts: 29
Joined: Mon May 02, 2016 8:56 am

Re: Danish Money Tango

Post by knap82 »

Long time no tango

It has been a while since my latest Update on my FI journey. Things are going quite well in a special year with extra expenses and lower income due to the fact of being a providing father covering more expenses at home plus my girlfriends pension while she is on parental leave. I my self will be on leave and will cut my pay down a lot. This will of cause be reflected in my financials but hopefully also in the family and my relationship to my baby boy.

Actually I am writing this from the Philippines where we are taking 6 weeks of family leave together. Going to be relaxing and extremely fun to be around the little guy while he gets all speedy and will move constantly around. He just started crawling so no more pacified baby on a blanket!

So what else. I keep adding to my portfolio buying passive and diversified danish funds - I read and learn on picking high dividend stocks and buying a bit in this overpriced market.

New job(s)
Our little family is in for a busy time. Both me and the misses will be starting new jobs first of June which suddenly will change our family income drastically.

I will start in a new position after 5 years in a great spot but where I ended up quite alone doing communication and press relation for several countries all by myself. Now I will have a boss who cares, be part of a team and will be working in old Danish company very close to the top management who is really moving the company. I am excited, scared and ready for new adventures and an extremely exciting journey starting of with the company being listed in Denmark

My overall package is quite good and I have all in all gotten a 18% raise counting pay, bonus and pension.

Looking back I have now more than doubled my salary package since my first job in 2011. Quite crazy to think about.

Next step
The next step of my journey is to enjoy life traveling with the family and taking time to get my girlfriend fully onboard the FI project. She is very interested and are more than willing to take on anti-consumerism and work to get more freedom earlier than normal Danes. We are going to have some great talks while we are looking at the quite waves of the Philippines.

A rough calculation is that we as a family are 20% of the way with our current setup and budget. Here around 1 mio. $ is the target for a 4% withdrawal rate. Things will change because the future will hold a move for us to a more expensive setup (we can't do it any cheaper than now). More about that later.

I will comeback later with some more details and numbers - I am quite steady on both spending and a savings rate averaging around 40%. This will hopefully improve very soon when the new pay check is coming in.

Over and out - take care

Posts: 340
Joined: Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:03 am

Re: Danish Money Tango

Post by Eureka »

What a wonderful update! Both the traveling part and the new jobs. Looking forward to hearing more.

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