Zalo's Vanabode Log

Simple living, extreme early retirement, becoming and being wealthy, wisdom, praxis, personal growth,...
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Re: Zalo's Vanabode Log

Post by rfgh »

And a class on how to safely (for you and bystanders) use it. Or just large men's boots left by the door, a bat, and some bear spray (don't spray it into the wind!). Don't underestimate how difficult it is to grow enough of all the nutrients you need, though.

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Re: Zalo's Vanabode Log

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

@James_0011: Naaah, I'm pretty much the person most likely to have a gun ripped out of her hands before she could pull the trigger. However, I could take the shield off of my battery-powered line trimmer.

@rfgh: I would choose to advertise my presence, so I could avoid interacting with random semi-harmless vandals, but then I would worry about getting busted for some kind of zoning violation. It is legal for me to park my camper on my lot because I have a valid plate on it, and I am grandfathered in under a local clause that was meant to apply to ice cream trucks, but taking up residence might be pushing it. I started building an arbor that would have offered some cover, but the building inspector thought it looked too much like a fence, so he posted a notice to stop construction.

I'm not going to try to grow all the nutrients I need, just a kilocalorie equivalent with which I shall also barter. I might buy another lot just over the city line so that I can keep some goats. Then I could also have my camper towed back and forth occasionally in semi-evasive manuever. I usually stay or travel with my BF about half the time, so maybe that will randomize it enough. I am also going to try to get organized enough next gardening season that I can kind of do a sort of extended family/friends co-operative CSA sort of thing.

Posts: 43
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Re: Zalo's Vanabode Log

Post by rfgh »

You may consider getting the soil tested for harmful chemicals. Good luck.

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Re: Zalo's Vanabode Log

Post by bryan »

ooooo, pretty:

He seems to have slightly prioritized coffee for some of his space. Something I was also thinking of doing (I could have a small cash, hobby business of selling/roasting/making coffee on the most profitable of occasions). Generally you only have enough room to devote to one or two hobbies, so it's a good idea to have those hobbies fitting into some larger system (is there a word like, synergy, used in systems theory or permaculture to express this?)

I like the wind energy idea (great for a lot of the western US; not as stealth though). I've been leaning toward doing wind energy over solar (as it's utilization would be slightly more in-phase with my energy usage (which reduces energy storage requirements), plus it's more modular and easy to move about). Also I expect PVC prices to continue to drop over time so wind-first seems the marginally better investment. If you are stealth camping the turbine may take up some precious space versus solar? This resource has been handy for DIY wind and solar.

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