Thought Experiment: If Wealthiest Person in the World spent total net worth on their funeral

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Thought Experiment: If Wealthiest Person in the World spent total net worth on their funeral

Post by stand@desk »

The topic of running out of plots for existing cemetaries came on the radio tonight..and I thought to myself, what if one just saved and invested their whole life with the intent to have as big, resilient and arrogant a funeral as possible? What if everyone started doing this? Because that is true longevity right? To really last long is great when you are alive and then you gotta last a really long time once dead. With society as crazy as it is now (getting worked up and bickering and being an $#%^@# over desserts on the food network is a great example), can this idea of "greatness" may not be far behind?

Then I thought, well what if one of the ultra billionaires decided to spend ALL their money on their funeral. What kind of bang for their buck could they get? I looked up the most expensive funerals and Kim Jong Il was at the top at $40 million. So there is plenty of room to beat this record. With projections of the first trillionaire only being decades away ... lieve.html might it not be long until one of them goes all in on their funeral? I was trying to dream up some crazy ideas about what an ultra billionaire or trillionaire could do..

-Buy up as much gold and silver and other precious metals as possible and rocket it off the earth (with their dead body in it) -Literally taking their ball and going home.

-Make a mondern day pyramid many times larger than the African pyramids. As big as remotely possible and in a place where a lot of really wealthy people have to see it on their travels.

-Have a city named after you and your tombstone up on a high tower with a huge flag of your face or something.

-Have their dead body shot up in orbit in a space tombstone with a live webcam feed shot back to earth..charge subscribers to watch the feed..

Any other ideas?

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Re: Thought Experiment: If Wealthiest Person in the World spent total net worth on their funeral

Post by C40 »

yeah, just your post title got me wondering how big of a pyramid the richest person could have built. (Assuming similar build quality of the Egyptian ones). Anyone know or have guesses?

Getting much more morbid, since slavery does still exist in many places, how many people could the richest person acquire and have entombed with them?

I was talking to an old friend and his wife recently... I asked the what they wanted done with their bodies when they die. Both of them wanted to be preserved and inside something fancy. Like a nice mausoleum. I tried to understand why. Their explanation was that they wanted their bodies - their earthly existence, to last a long time after death. I'm very self-centered, but I just don't get why it would matter after you're dead. I guess it's a different kind of self-centeredness.

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