Interesting Blog

All the different ways of solving the shelter problem. To be static or mobile? Roots, legs, or wheels?
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Interesting Blog

Post by EdithKeeler »

Found this interesting blog when I was looking for DIY van conversions. Couple converted a Sprinter van and traveled all over South America and California for about 4 years, then had a kid and upgraded to an RV. Still traveling, apparently.

Original blog is Sprinter Life,

and current blog is Nomadly in Love.

Haven't explored them thoroughly, but enough to know they look really interesting.

Also been looking at Cheap RV Living, with tips from a guy who's lived in his van for years.

Yeah, I'm having a bad case of wanderlust just now.

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Joined: Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:10 am

Re: Interesting Blog

Post by Freedom_2018 »

Thanks. Looks like they have an interesting life.

I also remember buying Ego's book a couple of years ago about their 3 yrs in a van around the world...that was pretty cool too. I used to be such a travel blog reader in my cubicle days.

For me travel is much more fulfilling with a partner with a similar interest. Also really helps being able to be together 24x7 without too much acrimony. I probably would still travel/ live a nomadic life if I were single but would subconsciously be looking for someone to share it with.

This is our third year of being nomadic and I am very grateful to this blog for saving me from 30 years of indentured servitude in Corporate America. I am now living in a manner that is much more congruent with who I am. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming.

I have formal degrees from prestigious institutions and considered myself a reasonably intelligent person but after encountering the ERE blog some years ago, I had a huge DUH! moment, in that I couldn't believe how simple and obvious the math behind ERE was and how come it had never occurred to me.

However I then realized that even if it had, I likely would never have the courage of my convictions to follow through. Knowing that the author was walking his talk is what finally decided it for me - what one man can do another can do. Especially when I was earning much more than him and had always been a saver (not so much out of intention but because the things I enjoyed needed lots of free time and not so much money).

I did go to a couple of meetups to make sure he was for real and not just an internet character - trust but verify :)

We did have a blog of our travels and experiences but stopped posting after a few months when I realized it was just making some friends and colleagues envious and resentful. Also it was too much of a time sink...I'd rather revel in the experience than try to share it with the world. On the other hand, I have benefitted a lot from other peoples blogs. Maybe someday I will blog again if I have something meaningful to say.

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