Living with parents

All the different ways of solving the shelter problem. To be static or mobile? Roots, legs, or wheels?
Kevin M
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Post by Kevin M »

The closest I could come is a duplex with the parents in the adjoining unit. I like my own space and am willing to pay for it.

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Post by Q »

The cultural difference is how many people in those cultures save money. When you have 3 generations living together and pooling earnings, it works.
Nothing wrong with it at all. Sometimes it can be hard, and although I moved out early on, moving back in is much more of a chewable idea nowadays.

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Post by Matthew »

That sounds nice...but are they past 30 yet? Did you help them launch (of course you did...even if it wasn't with hands on cash). Wouldn't it be nice to know they are with you at any age? I think this is a status quo response. Until your kids give you back more than you provided, there is nothing wrong with a little assistance after you are 80! Especially with my assumption, that the average kid today leaches much more than they ever repay. Myself included! but I am doing my best to never be a burden.

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Post by Concojones »

In my previous post I mentioned the benefits to one's personality, but for me personally, there's more. Living on my own brings me the satisfaction that I'm building something all by myself and wasn't just gifted it.
The reason I didn't mention it is that I realize not everyone may feel that way.

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Post by Bytta »

We do have names for adult children living with their parents:

KIPPERS: Kids In Parent's Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings.
And some parents revenge with style creating a new subculture:

SKI: Spending Kids' Inheritance.
I don't think living with parents is as simple as 'if I pay you money/rent, then we'll all be ok'. With mine, personality difference is a big issue and I know they have high expectations when it comes to their children (or everything else, really). So, no, thank you. I love them, but living with parents will drive me nuts. My sanity is worth a lot more than the savings made (or any amount of money really).

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Post by InterfaceLeader »

It really boils down to your relationship with your parents. If it's all fine, then why not? If there are unresolved issues, and being there makes you feel dependent, or makes them feel exploited then better move out. There are other options. I'd rather rent a room from a long-term friend I think (they charged me less anyway!)

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Post by Emanuel »

I'm going to live with my parents in ER, its a small multi-family house. The aim from the beginning was to avoid debt, so there is no guilt in using it.

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